Written by: David ''Doc'' Byron

Synopsis: A young man returns to his home town after a long absense to find something evil lurks there now.

After music and opening credits roll:

Scene 1#

Scene fades in on: Ext. Day.

We see a young man with blond hair dressed in blue jeans and a flannel shirt walking down a residential street lined with nice homes, picturesque yards with flowers and trees. We see children playing and a dog barking playfully. As we watch the young man walk along, smiling at his surroundings, we hear a voiceover. It is the young man. His name is Jimmy.


I hadnt planned to walk down by the old Towbridge house that day back in 79,'' but morbid curiosity had gotten the best of me. I had never been one to believe in ghosts, goblins, ghouls, demons. Junk like that. I had never been one to believe in old wifes tales, either, let alone small town gossip. I had to admit that the old house down at the end of Teaberry Lane did warrant strange reactions from the townsfolk, though. It was just the general atmosphere, and the outward appearance of the place, I guess. But, looks can be decieving.

Voiceover ends.

Camera cuts to: tight shot. Jimmy's face.

As he walks along, we see his pleasant expression change; a look of apprehension spreads across his face now, and he stops walking.

Camera cuts to: A wide view of what Jimmy is looking at. Its an old house, surrounded by a black, wrought iron fence, and tall weeds. The house looks old and deteriorated, weatherbeaten. The paint had blistered and peeled, the roof is falling in. Most of the visible windows are boarded up. Graffitti covers most of the front side, in spray paint, or black marker.

Camera cuts back to: Close up of Jimmy's face. WE hear a voiceover again.


As far as I had always been concerned, the tales of terror and macabre mayhem I had heard way back when were just that; classic, vintage, small town gossip born in bars, barber shops, supermarket checkout lanes, and the local garden club. Of course, kids loved to spread scary stories, too. Its in their nature. And it doesnt have to be Halloween for them to do it or enjoy it, either.

We see Jimmy walking towards the house now, slowly, reluctantly.

Believe me, you never wanted to go up to the old Towbridge house with your buddies; You would most likely leave in a hurry, with a wet spot on the front of your pants.

I had never gone into that house by myself until 1979, and afterwards, wished I hadnt at all.

Voiceover ends.

We see Jimmy walking through the old iron gates now, looking up at the house.

The camera cuts to: What Jimmy sees. Ciggarette butts, used condoms, beer cans, and other discarded trash litters the weeds and front walk, porch.

Camera cuts back to: Jimmy.


{shaking head}

Damn kids.

Voiceover starts again.


I shouldnt have felt that way, I had been young once, full of shit and vinegar. But, I was in a bad mood anyway. The day hadnt started off well to begin with. I had come back here to visit my family, and that morning all three of them, my little sister included, had already made plans. I should have announced my plans ahead of time, but I wanted to surprise them. Some surprise.

We see Jimmy walking up the front walk now.

So, being left alone for the next few hours with nothing to do, I decided to take a little stroll down memory lane. I was on my way down to the corner store, owned by Mr. Jenkins, an old family friend, to get a bottle of Mr. Pibb, when the temptation to walk by the old Towbridge house had gotten the best of me. The way the place looked now, even creepier than it had way back when, I expected to see Norman Bates storm out the front door any second clad in a dress and swinging a big knife.

Voiceover ends.

Camera cuts to: A view of the old barren trees limbs above Jimmy's head. they are dark in color, almost black, skeletal. A large crow perched on one of the limbs caws at Jimmy, then takes off in flight.

Smash cut back to: Jimmy's face. He looks startled by the crow.


Damn birds.

We see Jimmy walk up to the front door now, he reaches the front stoop, then stops abrubtly.

Voiceover kicks in:


I had come this far, just to prove I wasnt afraid of all the old gossip about the old house, then, I had stopped cold. Frozen as stiff as a dimestore mannequin. I felt dumb after a few seconds had gone by, and went ahead in.

Voiceover ends.

We see Jimmy reach for the knob, then:

Camera cuts to: Int. The Towbridge house.

We see Jimmy walk in, close the door behind him. He walks slowly across the front room to the fireplace, which is covered with dust and soot. Cobwebs are strung from the mantel to the chandilier above him. As he walks, the floor creaks like the hinges on a rusty door. The room is nothing but a mass of old furniture covered with water stained sheets, cobwebs, and discarded trash. We see a picture of a marijuana leaf spray painted on the wall above the fireplace.

As Jimmy glances around the room, we suddenly hear the sound of a phone ringing.

Smash cut to: Jimmy's face. He's startled, and scared.

Smash cut to: Old Dial phone sitting on small table by fireplace. It rings loudly, almost deafening.

Smash cut back to: Jimmy's face.

{this process repeats itself two more times.}

The last cut lands on Jimmy's face. He looks apprehensive.

He walks slowly over to the table, looks down at the phone ringing, and slowly picks it up with a shaking hand, and raises the reciever to his ear.



We hear nothing but silence at first, then,

{ Awoman's voice on other end of line}

Harry?! Is that you? Harryyyyy???!!!

Voiceover begins.


Suddenly, it hit me. Harry had been old Mrs. Towbridge's husband's name. Jesus, I thought. He's...dead. I dont know why, but I spoke into the reciever again.

Voiceover ends.


No...this is...Jimmy. Jimmy Phillips. Who is this?

We hear the voice on the other end. It has changed now, low, gravely, froglike.


This Hannah Towbridge!! What in the hell are you doing in my house?! Get out of my house before I KILL YOU!!

We see a look of stark terror on Jimmy's face now, as he slams the phone down and runs out the front door.

Camera cuts to: A view of Jimmy running down the front walk, out of the gate, and down the street. We hear a voiceover again.


As I said earlier, I had never been one to believe in ghosts, goblins, etc., but I dropped that phone and ran down to Jenkin's store as fast as my legs would take me. I mean, think about it. Who would have known I was inside that house? And called on the phone? I knew that there must have been a logical explanation, but I didnt wait around to find out what it was.

Camera cuts to: Int. Inside Jenkin's store.

WE see Mr. Jenkins sweeping the floor in front of the cash register. We see Jimmy run in the front door fast and hard, and up to the counter, almost knocking Jenkins down. He drops his broom, and it falls against a counter holding a big jar of jelly beans, and they spill into the floor. Jenkins glares at Jimmy, and starts yelling.


Whats your problem, pal?! THose gumballs are only five cents a piece, but I'd say that owe me about five bucks by the looks of that mess!!


Mr. Jenkins...dont you recognize me?! Jimmy Phillips? Bill and Cora's son?!!


{slipping on his glasses}

Well Ill be...damn boy, whats wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Voiceover starts here, as we see Jimmy talking to Jenkins and the old man looking at Jimmy as if hes nuts.


Over the next few minutes, I told him my story, but he just stood there shaking his head like I was crazy.

Voiceover ends.


Whats wrong?! Dont you believe me?!!


Sonny boy, I know that you yong folks around this town have always enjoyed trying to scare us older folks with scary tales and such, but, your choice of haunted houses is least to be desired.


What do you mean by that?!


Sonny, that house was torn down almost five years ago. Its nothin' but a vacant lot, now. But, good try, though. You almost had me goin'.

We see a puzzled look on Jimmy's face, as he turns and runs back out of the store.

Camera cuts to: Jimmy running down the street. He reaches the corner where the Towbridge house should be, to see nothing but a vacant lot with a real estate sign out front.

Smash cut to: Jimmy's face.

He has a wild look in his eyes. Hes sweating bullets.

Scene dissolves to: Int. A small room with dull gray walls.

We see Jimmy sitting at a small table wearing a pair of orange coveralls and paper slippers. He is writing something down on a small notepad.

We hear a voiceover:


That was two years ago now, and Im still telling my story. The doctors here at Lakeview Sanitarium wher Im living now still dont believe me, and have me under sedation most of the time. They know I know whats going on around this town, and they want to keep me quiet. Im allowed to read the local paper, though, which I think they let me do just to torture me. All the time Im reading more and more ads about more houses being torn down, and parking lots going up in their place. My own parents house was torn down last year, and I havent heard from them or my sister since.

I think the parking lots are mass graveyards, and all the folks walking around are zombies; I shit you not. SOMETHING funny is going on though, and im starting to fell like Im the only one who knows about it that isnt a zombie yet. Ive been allowed a pencil and paper to doodle on, but Im using it to write all of this down, so the next poor soul who passes through here will know whats going on. Not that it will do them any good to know, though, by the time they're in here.

And take some friendly advice; if you're ever driving through Lakeview, and decide to stop for gas or a snack, dont. Just keep on driving.

My room phone is ringing now...Im afraid to answer it....last time I answered a phone in this town I ended up here.....

Camera makes a smash cut to: Jimmy's face.

He is pale skinned, bleary eyed. He has a wild look about him, a crazy look.


God....I wish the phone would quit ringing....please ...somebody...help me!!!!

We hear the phone ringing loudly as the scene fades to black.

Music and credits roll.
