Prioritization Proposal
Brief Description
(one or two sentences) / Create Lead faculty positions within each division/department.
Years on Priority List
(5 points) / New on priority list
What will be achieved?
(10 Points) / Increased faculty involvement in AB 1725 10 + 1 “rely primarily upon” areas.
Increased faculty understanding of and involvement in collegial issues.
Coordination of Outcomes assessment at the division level.
Improved Program Review with annual update to the planning process.
Reduction in the need for coordinator positions by moving these responsibilities to the division/department level.
Coordination of curriculum development to improve college-wide involvement in basic skills and student success.
Justification: Why should this be done?
(20 points) / 1. This year the Board approved a collegial consultation process that “relies primarily upon faculty” in 9 of the 10 areas of institutional effectiveness. Faculty must have the time and training to implement these policies.
2. Accreditation emphasizes the need for a collegial planning process that is tied to program review. To implement this process, faculty need faculty leadership and coordination in developing and updating program reviews.
3. Accreditation requires sustainable outcomes assessment and emphasizes that this must be a faculty driven process. Assessment at the course and program level should be coordinated at the division level.
4. Faculty knowledge of classroom enrollment and retention can improve scheduling to ensure that classes are offered to best meet the needs of students.
College Goals and/or Objective(s) & Student Learning.
(30 points) / Student Success: better enrollment management will ensure that the student’s earliest experiences with COD are positive.
Student Success: creative collegial curriculum using techniques such as contextual learning can increase success rates of students.
Organizational & Professional Development: creating lead faculty positions will develop, support, and empower faculty and will enhance facult effectiveness as facilitators of teaching and learning.
Institutional Growth: faculty involvement in enrollment management will assure an equitable delivery of quality programs at all campus/centers and help achieve growth.
Institutional Growth: increased coordination of program review and outcomes assessment will assess the community’s needs and assess the degree to which the college is meeting those needs.
Institutional Effectiveness: lead faculty will assist with full implementation of the strategic planning process and integration with program review.
Institutional Effectiveness: lead faculty will enhance and improve collegial consultation, improve dialog on educational philosophy, increase faculty understanding of the institutional effectiveness process.
Does this proposal fulfill a mandate? / It meets the Board policy on collegial consultation
Does this proposal address a safety issue? / No
Will this proposal benefit other areas of the college? / It will benefit all instructional areas of the college by improving collegial consultation and enhancing student success.
Will this proposal impact or require accommodations from other areas? / It will reduce the need for some proposed college wide coordinators by moving responsibilities to the division/department level.
How will your proposal be achieved? Action plan summary: include primary steps, timeline for implementation, and who is responsible. / What
  • Define Lead Faculty Job Description, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
  • Determine number of lead faculty positions to be created.
  • Determine appropriate compensation.
  • Determine the selection process and length of service for Lead faculty
  • Implement training
/ When
Academic Senate, faculty union, and administration have started discussion on job description.
Union is looking at compensation issues. / Who
Academic Senate, faculty union, leadership will all need to be involved.
Assessment process: How will you determine that your proposal has been successful? / Outcomes assessment for at least 50% of courses and programs will be completed and documented within first year.
Program Review annual update will be in place and tied to the planning process within one year.
Enrollment efficiency ( students per class) will increase and number of cancelled classes decrease.
Resources Required: facilities, equipment, software, staff, etc. (include cost estimate) / Ideal compensation would be 20% release time per lead faculty with at least one lead faculty per division but given expected budget restraints a stipend is more likely.
Replacement/stipend estimate assumes one lead faculty per division. / $20,000 per semester
Costs after 1st year: / Ongoing release time and/or stipend.
Comments of Dean or supervisor
Suggested Prioritization
(from division)

Contact Person: Zerryl Becker, Curriculum Chair

Dean: ______