Minutes of 14thNutrition Sub-Cluster Meeting

Date: 01st February 2012

Venue: DG Office, Hyderabad

Co-Chair: DoH

Co-Chair: UNICEF

Meeting started with the recitation of Holy Quran which was followed up by introduction of the participants

In the Opening remarks Dr. Salma (Nutrition Manager Sindh) welcomed the partners and members and apologised that we were not able to conduct the cluster meeting last month due to her busy schedule after joining the Nutrition cell.

Dr Muhammad Najeeb (Cluster Coordinator):Presented the updates and progress of the cluster and also highlighted the importance of following;

  • All the partners should use this forum to highlight the issues faced by IP’s in the field cluster will help them in all regards to find solution by coordination
  • All the partners should put their serious efforts for the understanding CMAM objectives i.e. to reduce the mortality rate.
  • IP’s should focus on the counselling of the community and focus more on IYCF session.
  • Also highlighted that Number of Children screened is quite high but children enrolled in program are very low which reflect we all need to analyse the screening process
  • In gap Analysi, Tharparker and Jamshoroarestill vacant and invited the cluster members to study the areas and submit the proposals.
  • All the IP’s should arrange the refresher trainings for their workers.

Dr. Salma Kusar (Nutrition Manager): Emphasised that Local NGO’s must be taken on board for CMAM activities and also proposed that CMAM activities should be started certain areas of Karachi and also asked the WHO for the establishment of stabilization centre in Karachi. She highlighted following points in her presentation.

  • For the sustainability of program we all need to develop the capacity DoH staff.
  • Academia should take part in Monitoring and evaluation of CMAM activities.
  • She also informed the cluster that minister has developed the team for monitoring and evaluation of the activities.
  • To overcome the malnutrition in Sindh we need to adopt the multi sectoral approach.
  • All the EDO’s are directed to help the IP’s to resolve the issue of PPHI health facilities.
  • If any NGO is intrusted in running of Stabilization Centre they are supposed to provide the complete HR support.

Partner’s updates

Sub-Cluster Partner / Update
Merlin /
  • Areas of operation and interventions: Implementing nutrition interventions (CMAM & IYCF) in Badin district.
  • Highlighted that still PCA & LFA is pending with UNICEF & WFP
  • Challenges: In need of supplies for MAM

Save the Children /
  • Areas of operation and interventions: 6 CMAM sites are active in Badin district and UC are planned in Sanghar district
  • In Sanghar they will establish the CMAM sites in RHC’s and Dispensaries.

  • Areas of operation and interventions: TM Khan district
  • SALBWS has completed the activities and their SSFA has been expired and waiting for PCA status to be cleared by UNICEF.

  • Updated the partners all the pending LFA’s will be cleared before 15th of February.
  • Also supplies issues will be sorted out as soon as possible.
  • WFP is organizing the warehousing training for all the IP’s

Community Research & Development Organization (CRDO) /
  • Areas of operation and interventions: Implementing nutrition interventions (CMAM & IYCF) indistrict SukkurShikarpur
  • Challenges: WFP supplies are near to expire and waiting for LFA to be signed.
  • Other activities include nutrition education through LHVs

  • Areas of operation and interventions: Nutrition interventions have been implemented in Thatta and Dadu districts since.
  • For agreement of SC with EDO ACF will share the MOU with cluster and Nutrition cell.

  • Areas of operation and interventions: Umerkot, Mattiari, TandoAllahaYar.
  • They have hired the staff and conducted the orientation sessions for staff.

  • All the partners expedite the process of enrollment in OTP.
  • PCA which are in pipeline soon will be cleared

Islamic Relief /
  • Areas of operation and interventions: District Badin
  • They have hired the staff and conducted the orientation sessions for staff.
  • Challenges: Duplication of UCs with Save the children

Shifa /
  • Areas of operation and interventions: District Badin
  • They have hired the staff and conducted the orientation sessions for staf

  • Areas of operation and interventions: Stabilization Centre in Jamshoro and Hyderabad
  • Shared the output indicators of Stabilization Centers.
  • Challenges: Need to develop the play places for children
  • For sustainability of CMAM cooking demonstration for mothers should be improved and ask for assistance from DoH and UNICEF

  • Areas of operation and interventions: District Badin and S.Benazeerabad
  • They have hired the staff and conducted the orientation sessions for staff.

  • Areas of operation and interventions: District Sanghar
  • They have hired the staff and conducted the orientation sessions for staff.
  • Also trained the 13 Staff members of 8 facilities.

Other issues discussed

  • The numbers of children and women in need of nutrition services are still enormous (e.g. Jamshoro and Tharparker still uncovered).
  • Various useful tools on CMAM, IYCF, Micronutrients will be shared with all partners
  • The national CMAM protocol will be recirculateto all partners

Action points from the 14th-Cluster Meeting

Action Point / Who / When
UNICEF will provide the standardize population list to all IP’s / UNICEF / ASAP
Cluster will share the list of OTPs with all IP’s / Cluster / ASAP
Sharing of Stabilization Center list with all IP’s / WHO / Friday COB
Sharing of CMAM and IYCF training package and Guide lines with all the IP’s / Cluster / ASAP
Confirmation of intervention in Tharparker / Save the Children / ASAP
Sharing of official Logos with cluster / ALL IP’s / ASAP