407 N Richmond Street

Fleetwood, Pennsylvania 19522

(610) 944-7634

Christopher Redding Richard Kaskey

Principal Assistant Principal


The final arrangements are being made for the 8th grade field trip to Gettysburg on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. We will be traveling on five large motor coach buses that will prove to be very comfortable during our journey. The cost of the trip is $37 (checks only). Please make checks payable to Fleetwood Area Middle School. The payment and permission slips are due to your child’s Social Studies teacher by April 15th.

The following is a detailed schedule of our activities.

·  6:30 am: Arrive at Cafeteria A (bus students must provide their own transportation to school)

·  6:45 am: Depart from the Fleetwood Middle School (we can not hold buses for late students)

·  9:30 am: Gettysburg National Park Visitor’s Center - Film, Cyclorama and Tour of the Civil War Museum

·  11:30 am: Picnic lunch

·  12:15 pm: Guided tour of the Battlefields

·  2:40 pm: Depart from Gettysburg

·  4:45 pm: Approximate time of return to Fleetwood Middle School

Parents/Guardians will need to provide transportation to and from school should their child need it.

School buses will not be available for students upon our return from Gettysburg.

Each student should bring a bagged lunch to eat in the picnic area. Students may bring cameras and will be responsible for their care throughout the day. A detailed list of class trip guidelines is attached, as is the field trip permission slip. Please review the rules with your child, sign the permission slip and complete the medication information if applicable. Please return the permission slip with a $37 check payable to Fleetwood Area Middle School to your child’s Social Studies teacher by Friday, April 15th An extra copy of the trip guidelines is also included on the reverse of this letter for you to keep at home.

We’re sure that our schedule will prove to be educational as well as enjoyable for all of our students. The eighth grade team of teachers has planned for many different Civil War activities in our classrooms during the days prior to the field trip. Included in our Civil War Week will be the showing of the movie Gettysburg and some fascinating presentations from a Civil War Reenactor. These should serve as excellent motivators as we prepare for our journey. On the bus, students will enjoy the PG movies Remember the Titans which makes the connection between the Battle of Gettysburg and the ongoing struggle of integration and National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, which delves into a mystery surrounding Abraham Lincoln’s death. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at the middle school.


The 8th Grade Team


The following guidelines have been established to insure that this year’s 8th grade class trip to Gettysburg on May 24, 2011 is exciting and enjoyable for everyone in attendance. Students and parents are required to review these guidelines.


1.  Students must arrive at school on time (6:30 am). Buses depart at approximately 6:45.

2.  All school rules apply throughout the day of the trip. Normal school bus rules apply. Chaperone groups and partners for students to sit with during the trip will be assigned. Students are not permitted to change from their assigned groups or seats unless directed to do so by the chaperone. We can not accommodate requests for preferred groups or seating.

3.  What to bring: bring a bagged lunch, Gettysburg folder, a pencil or pen and a watch for in the museum. Backpacks and small bags are allowed on the bus, but are not permitted in the visitor’s center.

4.  On the bus: Singing, making loud noises and flash photography are not permitted, as they pose safety hazards for the driver and other vehicles.

5.  Electronics: Students may bring an iPod or mp3 player to be used on the ride to and from Gettysburg. You must use headphones. You may not use these while we are touring the battlefield. Cameras are permitted. Cell phones are permitted but may not be used before 4:00 pm. This includes camera phones. The school and/or chaperones are not responsible for damaged or lost items.

6.  In the Visitor’s Center Gum, food, drinks and bags are specifically not allowed in the Visitor’s Center. You are required to remain with your chaperone throughout your time in the Visitor’s Center. Speak quietly in the museum and do not talk during the film and Cyclorama presentation.

7.  Lunch: Students must have a packed lunch. Glass bottles or cans are not permitted, disposable plastic drink bottles with screw caps are preferred. You may want to pack an extra drink for the ride home.

8.  Battlefield Tour: It is expected that everyone will be courteous to our National Park Service tour guides by listening and responding to their questions. The quality of the tour can often depend on student behavior and participation.

9.  DEVIL’S DEN CAN BE DANGEROUS! In this area, you may not run, push, or climb on the rocks. Do not walk near the edges. Stay with your tour guide and chaperone while in the area. Not all tour guides will take their group to Devil’s Den.

10.  Any student who chooses not to attend the trip or fails to return a parent permission slip must report to school on the date of the trip. A graded assignment will be required.


Parents of students who normally ride the bus will need to arrange for transportation. Students must report to school at 6:30 am and must be picked up at school by 4:45 pm.

“Take only memories, leave only footprints”

Please keep this copy at home


407 North Richmond Street

Fleetwood, PA 19522

610.944.7634 Fax: 610.944.5372 or 610.944.5307


I grant permission for my child ______in grade 8 to accompany his/her class on the educational trip to Gettysburg National Park on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, under the supervision of faculty and administration. I understand that transportation is by chartered bus.

To facilitate medical treatment, please list all health conditions of which chaperones and/or the nurse should be aware in case of emergency. Also please list medications which your child currently takes/carries.

Medical/Health condition(s) ______


_____ My child is taking/carrying medication(s) at this time. Please list:


_____Yes _____No My child will need to take the above medication on the field trip.

_____ My child is not taking and/or carrying medication at this time.

Please check those medications which the school nurse and/or chaperones have permission to administer to your child.

____Tylenol ____Ibuprofen ____ Benadryl ____Maalox ____Emetrol

____Midol ____Robitussin ____Sudafed ____Imodium ____Dramamine

* I have reviewed the trip guidelines printed on the back of this page with my child.


Parent /Guardian Signature Date Alternate contact


phone #/home phone #/home


phone #/work phone #/work


cell phone cell phone

NOTE: Students will not be permitted to participate in field trips without written consent of a parent/guardian. Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times, in sight or out of sight of their chaperones. School rules and consequences will apply.

Please return to your child’s Social Studies teacher with a

$37.00 check made payable to Fleetwood Area Middle School by Friday, April 15th.


The following guidelines have been established to insure that this year’s 8th grade class trip to Gettysburg on May 24, 2011 is exciting and enjoyable for everyone in attendance. Students and parents are required to review these guidelines.


1.  Students must arrive at school on time (6:30 am). Buses depart at approximately 6:45.

2.  All school rules apply throughout the day of the trip. Normal school bus rules apply. Chaperone groups and partners for students to sit with during the trip will be assigned. Students are not permitted to change from their assigned groups or seats unless directed to do so by the chaperone. We can not accommodate requests for preferred groups or seating.

3.  What to bring: bring a bagged lunch, Gettysburg folder, a pencil or pen and a watch for in the museum. Backpacks and small bags are allowed on the bus, but are not permitted in the visitor’s center.

4.  On the bus: Singing, making loud noises and flash photography are not permitted, as they pose safety hazards for the driver and other vehicles.

5.  Electronics: Students may bring an iPod or mp3 player to be used on the ride to and from Gettysburg. You must use headphones. You may not use these while we are touring the battlefield. Cameras are permitted. Cell phones are permitted but may not be used before 4:00 pm. This includes camera phones. The school and/or chaperones are not responsible for damaged or lost items.

6.  In the Visitor’s Center Gum, food, drinks and bags are specifically not allowed in the Visitor’s Center. You are required to remain with your chaperone throughout your time in the Visitor’s Center. Speak quietly in the museum and do not talk during the film and Cyclorama presentation.

7.  Lunch: Students must have a packed lunch. Glass bottles or cans are not permitted, disposable plastic drink bottles with screw caps are preferred. You may want to pack an extra drink for the ride home.

8.  Battlefield Tour: It is expected that everyone will be courteous to our National Park Service tour guides by listening and responding to their questions. The quality of the tour can often depend on student behavior and participation.

9.  DEVIL’S DEN CAN BE DANGEROUS! In this area, you may not run, push, or climb on the rocks. Do not walk near the edges. Stay with your tour guide and chaperone while in the area. Not all tour guides will take their group to Devil’s Den.

10.  Any student who chooses not to attend the trip or fails to return a parent permission slip must report to school on the date of the trip. A graded assignment will be required.

Parents of students who normally ride the bus will need to arrange for transportation. Students must report to school at 6:30 am and must be picked up at school by 4:45 pm.

I have reviewed the guidelines for the Gettysburg field trip.

Student Signature ______