Oakland Volunteer



Standard Operating Guidelines

Mission statement

The Oakland Fire and Rescue Department is organized to save lives, suppress and control fires, and provide other services such as rescue, public fire education and other activities as deemed in the best interest of the Fire and Rescue department or the citizens of our community.

Dates 10-01-02

Updated 11-01-16


The Oakland Fire and Rescue Department is located in the County of Burt and was organized as a City and Raul Fire and Rescue Department.

The Oakland Fire and Rescue Department is organized to save lives, suppress and control fires, and provide other services such as rescue, public education and other activities as deemed in the best interest of the department or the citizens of our community.

Membership in the Fire and Rescue department shall be comprised of Volunteer, retired, and honorary with the total active membership to average2members. Active membership is further divided into Firefighter levels. Including Cadets, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and EMT’s

It is the responsibility of each member to cooperate, participate, and comply with the provisions of this safety and health program, and to perform their assigned duties in a safe manner that does not present a hazard to themselves or others.

It is the commitment of this department to provide to the best of our ability, safe operations; prevent accidents, illnesses and fatalities; comply with all applicable laws and regulations; establish safe work habits; and establish guidelines to help meet these objectives.

Guidelines for dealing with specific hazardous situations, will be developed, implemented and used by the members of this department.

A safety committee shall be comprised of all departmental officers. The Safety Officer will direct and oversee the safety committee. The committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to conduct research and develop recommendations regarding safety and health issues for the review of the Safety Officer. This committee shall meet at least two (2) times a year.

Safety Officer shall be elected by members of the department and shall continue in that position until the next election. The Safety Officer shall be trained in emergency scene safety. On the emergency scene an Incident Safety Officer (I.S.O.) will be appointed by the active chief. The I.S.O. may be the Safety Officer or any other qualified member. The I.S.O. must be well trained in many areas especially in the operations being conducted on scene (NFPA 1521, 3-3). The Safety Officer may take over I.S.O. if deemed necessary. Emergency Scene I.S.O. will give a brief safety report once the emergency is complete and back at the station. This is done to so that the Safety Officer can monitor all safety aspects of Oakland Fire and Rescue Department (per NFPA 1500, 4.7).

The chief of department or their designee shall establish a record collection system for such records as injuries, illnesses, deaths, exposure to toxic products and infectious diseases, membership training, maintenance/inspection of equipment, apparatus, facilities, and other areas as deemed appropriate.


Chapter 1Safety and Health Page 5

Safety OfficerPage 5

Incident Scene Safety OfficerPage 8

Safety CommitteePage 9

Wearing of Protective EquipmentPage 10

Riding ApparatusPage 10

Health and Safety Standard for Hair and BeardsPage 11

AccountabilityPage 12

Facility Safety Page 13

MedicalPage 13

Infection Control GuidelinesPage 14

Member AssistancePage 14

Accident InvestigationsPage 15

Emergency Incident RehabilitationPage 15

Chapter 2Training and Education Page 19

EMT, none Firefighter(BLUE TAG)Page 19


LEVEL 1 Department Member (RED TAG)Page 20

LEVEL II Firefighter (YELLOW TAG)Page 20

LEVEL III Firefighter (GREEN TAG)Page21

Chapter 3Command Page 22

Incident Command Standard Operation ProceduresPage 22

Chain of CommandPage 22

Establishing CommandPage 23

Command OptionsPage 24

Passing CommandPage 24

Transfer of CommandPage 25

Command Function Page 26

Command Post OrganizationPage 27

Chapter 4Equipment Page 28

Protective Clothing and EquipmentPage 28

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Page 32

SCBA Inspection ProcedurePage 34

Personal Alert Safety System Page 35

Vehicles & EquipmentPage 36

Standard Signals for Backing ApparatusPage 36

Hose Testing Procedure Page 38

Oxygen EquipmentPage 39

Fire Prevention EquipmentPage 39

Chapter 5 Response and Operation to EmergencyPage 40

Response to Calls Page 40

Response to Confidential IncidentsPage 42

Response to MVA'S (10-45) and Other Rescue Incidents Page 42

Emergency OperationsPage 43

Structure Fire ResponsePage 44

Fire Attack Page45

Large Volume FlowsPage 45

Response to Brush FiresPage 45

Pumping into Sprinklered PropertiesPage 46

Lost FirefightersPage 46

Rescue of Lost or Trapped Firefighters Page 47

Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT) Page 49

Hazardous Materials Tactical PlanPage 50

Tactical Plans for Flammable Liquid IncidentsPage 54

Natural and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Leaks Page 55

Confined Space Operations Page 57

Additional Resource ManagementPage 58

Fire Investigation ProceduresPage 59

Chapter 1 Safety and Health Program

It is the intent of the Oakland Fire and Rescue Department, and the goal of this program, to place the safety of our officers andmembers as a priority and provide, to our utmost ability, for the safety of our personnel. This will be done by developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating a safety and health program.

Safety Officer


The purpose of this standard operatingGuidelines is to specify the duties and responsibilities for a Fire and Rescue Department Safety Officer.


The Fire and Rescue department during elections will ballot vote for their Safety Officer.

The Chief shall have the ultimate responsibility for the Fire and Rescue department safety and health program. The Safety Officer shall assist the chief in this responsibility. The Safety Officer shall report directly to the Chief.

In the absence of the Safety Officer, the Chief shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the position that require immediate attention.


The safety officer shall have and maintain knowledge of current federal, state, and local laws regulating occupational safety and health applicable to the Fire and Rescue service work environment.

The safety officer shall have and maintain knowledge of current potential safety and health hazards involved in Firefighting / Ems related activities.

The safety officer shall have and maintain knowledge of the current principles and techniques of management of a safety and health program.

The safety officer shall have and maintain knowledge of the current health and physical fitness factors that affect theFirefighting / Emsservice work environment.


The safety officer shall have the responsibility to identify and cause correction of health and safety hazards.

The safety officer shall have the authority to cause immediate correction of situations that create an imminent hazard to personnel.

At an emergency incident, when activities are judged by the safety officer to be unsafe and to involve an imminent hazard, the safety officer shall have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities. The safety officer shall immediately inform the incident commander of any actions taken to correct imminent hazards at an emergency scene. (NFPA 1521, 2-5)

When non-imminent hazards are identified, the safety officer shall develop actions to correct the situation within the administrative process of the fire department. The safety officer shall have the authority to bring notice of such hazards to whomeverin theFire and Rescuedepartment has the ability to cause correction.


The Fire and Rescue department shall maintain records of all accidents, occupational deaths, injuries, illnesses, and exposures.

The Safety Officer shall identify and analyze health and safety hazards and shall develop corrective actions to deal with these hazards.

The safety officer shall maintain records of all recommendations made and action taken to implement or correct safety and health hazards or unsafe practices.

The safety officer shall maintain records of all measures taken to implement safety and health procedures and accident prevention methods.

The safety officer shall meet with the chief, at least annually, on department accidents, occupational injuries, illnesses, deaths, and exposures.


The Safety Officer shall be head of the Fire and Rescue department safety and health committee.

The Safety Officer shall report and submit the recommendations of the Fire and Rescue department safety and health committee to the chief.

The Safety Officer shall provide information and assistance to officers anddepartment membersin surveying the district to identify and report safety and health hazards that could have adverse effects on department operations.

The Safety Officer shall maintain a liaison with other officers regarding recommended changes in equipment, procedures, and recommended methods to eliminate unsafe practices and reduce existing hazardous conditions.

The Safety Officer shall maintain a liaison with equipment manufacturers, standards-making organizations, regulatory agencies, and safety specialists outside the department regarding recommended changes in equipment and procedures, and recommend methods to eliminate unsafe practices and reduce existing hazardous conditions.


The Safety Officer shall develop, review, and revise rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines pertaining to the department safety and health program for implementation by the chief.

The safety officer shall periodically report to the chief on the adequacy and effectiveness of and compliance with the safety-related rules, regulations, and standard operating guidelines.

The chief shall enforce the rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.


The safety officer shall develop and manage an accident prevention program that addresses the items specified in this section. The participation of the safety officer in this program may include direct participation, review, or supervision.

The accident prevention program shall provide instruction in safe work methods to department members.

The accident prevention program shall address the training and testing of apparatus driver/operators.

The accident prevention program shall provide for the periodic inspection and service testing of all safety equipment.


The safety officer shall review specifications for new apparatus, equipment, protective clothing, and protective equipment for compliance with the applicable safety standards.

The safety officer shall assist and make recommendations regarding the testing of new equipment and its acceptance or approval by the department.

The safety officer shall assist and make recommendations regarding the service testing of apparatus and equipment to determine its suitability for continued service.

The safety officer shall develop, implement, and maintain a protective clothing and protective equipment program that will meet the requirements of the department safety and health program and provide criteria for periodic inspection and evaluation of all protective clothing and equipment to determine its suitability for continued service.

The safety officer shall periodically survey operations, procedures, equipment, and facilities with regard to maintaining safe working practices and procedures and report recommendations to the chief.


The safety officer shall investigate, or cause to be investigated, all occupational injuries, illness, exposures, and fatalities involving department members and all accidents involving department apparatus, equipment, or facilities.

The safety officer shall develop and submit corrective recommendations resulting from these investigations to the chief.

The safety officer shall develop accident reporting and investigation procedures and shall periodically review and revise these procedures.

Incident Scene Safety Officer

The Incident Safety Officer may be adepartment memberother than the Safety Officer, which is appointed by the Incident Commander. However, if the Safety office deems it necessary he/she may take over the Incident Safety Officer position. (Example trapped firefighters) Incident safety officer shall provide a verbal or written report to the safety officer after the emergency. This is so the Safety officer can oversee departmental safety.

The safety officer shall respond to emergency incidents that involve a high risk to personnel. The chief shall define criteria for the response of the safety officer.

At the scene of high-risk incidents, the Incident Safety Officer shall identify and mitigate safety hazards in accordance with the provisions of the department safety and health program.

The functions of the Incident Safety Officer at high-risk incidents shall be integrated with the command structure, and the Incident Safety Officer shall report to the incident commander.

The Incident Safety Officer shall routinely observe operations at the scene of emergency incidents to ensure that safety regulations are being followed. When necessary, the Incident Safety Officer shall recommend corrective actions to the chief.

The Incident Safety Officer shall be involved in the process of post incident critiques in order to review the safety factors involved in emergency incidents.


The safety officer shall ensure that training in safety procedures relating to all department operations and functions is provided to department members.

The safety officer shall cause safety supervision to be provided for training activities, including all live burn exercises.

Safety Committee

I. Purpose

A. It is the intent to establish a committee that will focus on the safety and health issues of being a member on the department. The committee will research various safety issues such as equipment, apparatus, station safety, response and returning, emergency scene operations and other subjects as needed and make recommendations concerning safety to the chief of the department. If the committee notifies the chief of a safety concern, they should also develop alternative methods of rectifying the problem.

II. Committee Membership

A. The committee shall be made up of the presently elected officers.

B. Safety Officer shall head the Safety Committee.

III. Responsibilities

A. Meet as frequently as necessary to review the safety of all aspects of the Fire and Rescue department, with a minimum of Two (2) meetings per year (NFPA 1500, 4.5).

1. Station safety - review safety and recommend methods of improving any safety issues that may cause an injury or accident.

2. Response and returning - review policies and procedures along with the equipment for safety concerns.

3. Emergency operations - review policies and procedures including the accountability system.

4. Investigate all accidents, injuries and safety violations referred to it by the chief and make recommendations based on same.

5. Any other activity that themembers shall be involved with in an official capacity - review policies and procedures.

IV. Summary

A. It is not the intent of this committee to find fault with the Fire and Rescue department operations or any individual, but only to improve the safety and health risks of ourmembers.

B. This committee shall not have the authority to implement any programs, policies or changes. It shall develop its recommendations and submit them to the chief for review and implementation.

Wearing of Protective Equipment

Allmembers at the scene of a fire or incident, when in close proximity to the structure or vehicle, shall wear full Personal protective gear, including at minimum: turnout coat; bunker boots and pants; helmet; and gloves. The intent of this is not to require that protective gear be worn at the scene of an incident where no immediate hazard exists.
All firefighters shall don respiratory protective equipment (SCBA) for all interior structural fires; fires in other confined spaces, areas where an oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere may exit, and at other incidents that require respiratory protection (NFPA 1500, 7.0). Masks may be removed after the fire has been knocked down and the building and/or area have been thoroughly ventilated.
Members raising ladders, operating lines outside a fire building, performing exterior ventilation (roofs, etc.) or other external activities shall wear an SCBA if they are operating in an oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere.
When masks are removed, they shall not be dropped or left in a building or other area where they may be subject to damage.
To reduce the possibility of injury, members responding to alarms shall not don respiratory protective equipment while in route.
1910.156 (f) (1) (ii) Approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full face piece, or with approved helmet or hood configuration, shall be provided to and worn by Department members while working inside buildings or confined spaces where toxic products of combustion or an oxygen deficiency may be present. Such apparatus shall also be worn during emergency situations involving toxic substances.

Riding Apparatus

Toprotectmembers from falling off of moving vehicles or from being injured in the event of a collision.

1. No one shall ride outside of any piece of apparatus.

2. While vehicle is responding to alarms, allmembers shall be seated.

3. It is required that seat belts be worn where available.

Health and Safety Standard for Hair and Beards

Firefighting takes place in highly heated, toxic, poorly illuminated, abnormal, and unsanitary conditions. With the mask face piece designs currently in use, it has reliably been proved by NASA, the National Bureau of Standards, various breathing apparatus manufacturers, and others that it is impossible to obtain a satisfactory seal on a bearded man (NFPA 1500 A7.11.8 and OSHA 1910.134).

They shall apply to all Oakland firefighters who perform interior structural firefighting or any other operation that requires the use of self-contained breathing apparatus.

A. Facial Hair

a. Moustaches are permitted but shall conform to the following:

1. They must be closely trimmed.

2. They must not extend more than 1" below the corners of the mouth and not below any portion of the upper lip.