Umpire Application for the 2018 Season

General Information

I DID NOT umpire last season / I DID umpirelast season
Where?: / Age Group You are Applying For: / Date of Application
Last Name / First Name / Middle Initial
City / State / Zip / Home Phone
( )
Occupation / Employer
e-Mail Address / Daytime Phone
( ) / Cell Phone
( )
Required Disclosure Statement (Read Safe Kids Commitment on back of this sheet )
All Questions MUST Be Answered. Use additional paper if needed to answer questions completely.
Drivers License Number / State / Expiration Date
Social Security Number / Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Background in Youth Sports: (Positions and Dates)
Previous Residence(s) for the Last five years:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? ______If yes, please explain:
Umpires Signature

As an umpire, I am responsible for being familiar with the rules, regulations and policies of the job for which I am applying. By signing this application, I hereby verify that the information provided is true and correct. I further certify that I understand that the intent of Wayne Baseball Association is to deny a position to anyone convicted of a crime of violence or a crime against another person. I understand and agree that Wayne Baseball Association and its Board may, in their sole discretion, decline to accept my application for volunteer/staff services with or without cause. I have read and agree to observe the Umpire’s Code of Conduct.


Umpire SignatureUmpire Printed Name Date

Umpire Application for the 2018Season

Safe Kids Commitment

The following is the policy of Wayne Baseball Association.

The Wayne Baseball Association is committed to provide a safe environment and to prevent child abuse and sexual misconduct.

The Wayne Baseball Association will make every reasonable effort to ensure that every person involved in umpiring a baseball game will abide by the Safe Kids guidelines.

The Wayne Baseball Association will make every reasonable effort to exclude any adult with a legally documented history of child abuse/molestation or any record that would bring unnecessary risk to the health and safety of the participants of this Association.

The Wayne Baseball Association will take appropriate action on all allegations of child abuse and or sexual misconduct. All allegations will be reported immediately to the authorities for investigation and Wayne Baseball Association will cooperate fully with any such investigation.

The following is a list of preventative measures which should be taken:

Physical, mental, and verbal abuses are forbidden.

Inappropriate touching is forbidden

Umpires shall not ride solo with a child.

Parents are encouraged to attend sponsored activities.

If a child needs special attention (one-on-one), do it with the assistance of another adult.

Umpire's Code of Conduct

Wayne Baseball Association wants to ensure that it provides its players, coaches, umpires and parents with a positive, safe and rewarding baseball experience. The coaches and umpireshave an affirmative obligation to create a constructive, enjoyable and non-hostile environment in which the game is played. As the Wayne Baseball Association strives towards the most positive experience possible, we are committed to the following standards for our umpires.

  • I will make the safety and welfare of each participant my number one priority.
  • I will treat everyone with respect regardless of race, sex, creed and ability.
  • I will never use any physical means against spectators, players or coaches.
  • I will know the rules applicable to the league and enforce these rules.
  • I will refrain from using profanity.
  • I will not consume alcoholic beverages and/or appear under the influence of same when dealing with youngsters.
  • I will not utilize or allow players to utilize tobacco products, including smokeless or chewing tobacco, during games.

Violations of this Code of Ethics will be considered a serious matter by the Board and could subject the violator to appropriate action, including separation from the Association. When a parent/coach/spectator/umpire feels that there has been a violation of the Code of Conduct, an investigation by the board will be done. Reports of or disputes relating to possible violations will be brought to the attention of Wayne Baseball Association board for investigation and resolution.

Umpire Signature: ______Date: ______