January 27, 2012

Board Members Present Board Members Absent

Marena Works, President Nicola Neilon, Treasurer

Romaine Gilliland, Vice President Louise Helton

Larry Matheis, Secretary Trudy Larson

Marla McDade Williams

Rob Gaedtke

Joseph Iser

John Packham

Lawrence Sands

NPHF Staff Present

Rota Rosaschi, Executive Director

Emily Brown, Performance Improvement

Item #1 - Welcome and Roll Call

President Marena Works called the meeting to order at 8:26 am. A quorum was present.

Item #2 - Approval of October 12, 2011 minutes

The Board members reviewed the minutes from the October 12, 2011 meeting. There were no additions. Minutes were approved as written.

Item #3 - Treasurer’s report

Rota presented the report in Ms. Neilon’s absence. Total assets are a little higher than last year and liabilities were looking pretty good. Ms. Neilon was comfortable with the balance, there was some net income, and when she reviewed all expenses she felt these were being booked accordingly. The financial Report by Class spreadsheet was reviewed showing income and expenses per category.

Accounting Solutions, NPHF’s booking group, has a little more work to do to close the 2011 books, and then NPHF will call for the audit. Federal dollars for 2011 were just short of $400,000, so the Foundation doesn’t have to do the Single Audit act and will follow a regular audit. The Board felt the suggestion by Ms. Neilson to have an exit interview with the auditor would be a good idea. The Board would like Ms. Neilon to update them on any important elements. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

Item #4 - Status of funding opportunities

AB 242 requires a report of income to the Director’s Office. Those reports were completed and sent to Mary Liverrati, Deputy Director for the Department of Health and Human Services, by the due date. The Health Division requested they get a copy of the report specific to Health Division related programs, so Kim Fahey, Deborah Harris and Richard Whitely were sent a copy of their section of the report. Posting Board information online is also a requirement of AB-242, and the NPHF will soon be in compliance with this requirement as well.

·  Rota will work with Rob to create and post an annual report on the website, along with updated Board of Directors information (including terms).

Linda had prepared a master contract update and Rota presented information to Board. Master Contract projects are reviewed as they come to make sure they fit in the scope of the contract & NPHF mission. Rota didn't know if funding would be increased, but projected that it will stay about the same.

For other funding opportunities, NPHF is working on a CDC HIV application and has been in contact with various AIDS/HIV for the match. Along with CCHHS, an application was put in for NACCHO performance improvement funding, but neither request was funded. NNPHI is offering $5,000 QI grants. The local health departments have applied for the first round, and the Foundation will look to apply in the second round. There is also an APHA policy development grant (just for health departments).

The report was approved as presented.

Item #5 - Review, discussion and approval of 2012 budget

The budget is projected at $404,700. Most charges are driven by program (i.e. supplies for materials). Nicki approved spreading Rota’s salary out over multiple categories, employees include three 1.0 FTEs and one 0.5+ FTE (Linda), and there are several pass-through positions that are employed by NPHF without health benefits. Historically the Board has given blanket approval for Rota and Linda to adjust the budget (specifically regarding Rota’s salary) for any changes in funding.

·  Rota will edit budget to carry over PIM benefits of $1,800 through on column.

The Board wants reserves to be close to funding for 90 days (approximately $100,000-125,000), and the current amount is about three times this amount (approximately a year’s worth of reserves). A suggestion was made for having two reserve accounts where only one is as liquid. Discussion was tabled for later in the retreat.

The budget was approved with adjustments as a base for later modifications to be made during the retreat.

Item #6- Status of Board Action and Direction

a)  Review of Board members and need to recruit (Board self-assessment)

Lawrence Sands talked to Linda Lang (from Carson City/Douglas area) at the Chronic Disease Coalition and thought she would be a good fit for the board as she works with the rural and seemed to have very complimentary services to the Foundation.

·  Rota will contact Linda Lang about joining the Board

·  Larry will invite Frankie Sue Del Papa to join the board

Recruitment goals were discussed have a plan for recruitment and to broaden Board membership. A matrix of current and needed membership and expertise should be put together. More on identifying board talents will be discussed during the strategic plan agenda item. Romaine Gilliland will be resigning from his State Position and has received mixed emotions from the Welfare Division about whether the new position should be involved in an ex-officio capacity. Since he can’t transition from an ex-officio position to a voting member, he will have to step down as vice chair. A motion was moved and approved to have Romaine be a regular board member as of Feb 25th.

·  Rota will talk with Division of Welfare to get a new member on board.

·  Change Romaine’s position to be a regular board member.

b)  Board member “giving” policy Discussion

Draft written policy was reviewed. The Board discussed having 100% giving to show support for the NPHF and to be in a better position to receive funding from private donors. There were some conflicts regarding this policy for state/government members. Also, it was decided that funds should not be designated for a specific purpose.

·  Rota will ask the NNPHI what their other Institutes do regarding board giving.

·  Rota will edit the policy:

o  Use “unrestricted” instead of “administrative”.

o  Use “100% giving by non ex-officio board members”; and “ex-officio members may contribute”

Policy was approved with revisions.

Break from 9:38 am to 10:00 am.

c)  Board review of proposed initiatives for 2012

A subcommittee of John Packham, Larry Matheis, and Rota Rosaschi worked to create a strategic plan based off NNPHI goals. John and Larry presented the “Strategic Map” and Rota presented the “Strategic Plan” and “Performance Measures”. Goals are broad, generic, and would change over time, objectives are based off Foundation activities, and activities would support these objectives.

“Strategic Map” was approved with addition of version and date at bottom.

·  Rota will spell check and add version and date to bottom of all documents.

·  Rota will post finalized “Strategic Map” on website.

·  Emily will report to the NPHA Government Relations Committee that the NPHF will be supporting their goals.

It was suggested to change the name of the “Strategic Map” to “2012 Annual Operational Plan” (AOP). At end of year, there will be a report on the AOP. This report will be posted online rather than posting just the plan at beginning of year. Include “Performance Measures for 2012” in the annual report and only measure what is within our control.

·  Change name to “2012 Annual Operational Plan”.

·  Report on performance measures quarterly

·  Create an annual end-of-the-year report which will be posted online.

Legislative actions were discussed. The NPHF should have active participation in the legislative process. It is important that the NPHF and the NPHA are on the same page since legislators will most likely never know the difference between the two groups. Recommendations for legislative activity included: having a “Public Health Day” (or a couple hour reception) at the legislation jointly held by NPHA & NPHF; know when the “Legislative Committee on Healthcare” is meeting and monitor activity; have an education session or reception for the Committee rather than having a day during the session; get on the Committee agenda and give a 15-minute presentation on public health in Nevada (10 essential services; general accreditation discussion as a vehicle to discuss issues; issues in timely & relevant context); get media involved; have a one-on-one in-person meeting with April; partner with legislators; monitor other committee’s agendas to see if there are other areas testimony could be provided; watch what is coming out of the legislative branch as Governor identifies “core areas of government”. Clear goals for what to focus on and specific areas of support should start to be developed. For this activity, there needs to be a very clear role and communication between Board members and Rota, and Rota should be very candid in quarterly reports if she is not receiving support from the Board. John Packham, Marena Works, and Larry Matheis will be the sub-committee to provide legislative support. Marla McDade Williams is happy to answer questions & give advice.

·  Add an additional performance measure: “monitor core functions of government and budget development as it relates to Health and Human Services”.

·  Marena, along with help from Rota, will call April to set up an individual meeting with the goal of getting on the health committee agenda.

Rota’s leadership training was discussed. Rota should bring opportunities for training to the Board earlier rather than later so the Board can approve these, but it was also suggested that the Board give Rota latitude to move a set amount of money in the budget for training.

·  Rota will investigate public health institute conference/training.

The website and communication goals were discussed. KPS3 services are 100% donated, and they are okay with this relationship since public health is identified as one of their core value. Staff would do regular updates, but discussion was held about biannual review of and comments on the website by Board members. There was a suggestion to have NPHF’s website link to CDC’s ‘vital signs’.

·  Rota will work with Rob to set up a date to train NPHF staff on updating the website.

o  This needs to be added as an activity.

Board member bio’s, positions, and recruitment goals were discussed.

·  Rota will work with Rob to update all bio’s on website and will contact members whose bio’s are still missing.

·  Louise’s term as a Board member has passed, so according to the bylaws she should be removed as a member.

·  Rota will try to find the strengths and community representation matrix from the Bartley Ranch face-to-face retreat to incorporate into

·  Rota will get in touch with Scott Emerson at Red Cross to look at their board recruitment list.

·  All board members will send Rota their talents, strengths, etc. that they can contribute to the Foundation.

·  Rota will incorporate all information into a strengths & community representation matrix.

The “2012 Annual Operational Plan” was approved as amended.

Executive Session

Staff were excused for a 15-minute executive session.

Board broke for lunch and reconvened at 12:45.

Item #7 - Discussion of Program Improvement Manager (PIM) position

The State has no guarantee of funding for PIM position after June. Accreditation was seen as a value to the Foundation, as well as a vehicle to promote public health in general. The Board needs to send a proposal to Richard Whitley/State to request this position continue. There was discussion regarding other funding options for this position, as well current value of the position to both the local and state health departments. An action was moved and approved that members of the board meet with Richard to determine the State’s appetite for continuing the funding of this position, advocate strongly for continuation, and that this result be brought back to the next board meeting to discuss next steps

·  Marena and Joe will meet with Richard Whitley to discuss PIM position funding.

o  Results from this meeting will be discussed at next Board meeting.

·  Emily will send Rota a summary of accomplishments and goals for position, including trainings attended.

Item #8 - Insurance policy coverage

The Board was unsure if the NPHF insurance policy coverage was adequate. Also, no legal councel has been identified for legal questions.

·  Rota will ask Nicki about whether or not the current insurance policy coverage is adequate.

·  Rota will follow up on insurance policy coverage before the next meeting, after checking with Nicki.

·  Rota will look into identifying legal counsel, or will bring this issue to the Board at the next meeting.

Revisit Item #5 – Budget

In support of the strategic map and the specific goals and objectives for 2012, the Board would like a $20,000 line item to be added, of which $5,000 is specifically designated for janitorial services for the office, leaving a reserve at the end of the year at $3,000. This funding will also be used for leadership training opportunities for Rota. The Board unanimously approved this action.

·  Rota and Linda will make this budget revision.

Item #9 – Summarize meeting and confirmation of decisions made/action items for Board and staff

·  Rota will run each meeting’s agenda by chair and vice-chair to make sure all the topics we want to cover are included.

·  Correspondence to Romaine can now be sent to .

Dates for Next Meetings

·  April 17th at 3pm

·  July 31st at 3pm

·  October 16th at 3pm

Next meeting will be conducted by phone, rather than by videoconference.

Retreat was adjourned at 2:03 pm.