Death Announcement

The Provincial Superior of the Province of Southern Africa,
Brother Norbert Mwila, and the Community of Observatory in Johannesburg, announce the sad news of the death of
Brother Brendan O’Shea (Jeremiah Emmanuel O’Shea)
to all the communities of the Province, relatives and friends, as well as to all the Communities of the Institute of the Marist Brothers.
Brother Brendan was in his 81st year of life
and in his 62nd year of religious profession


In March 2016, Brother Brendan showed clear symptoms of increasing dementia, and he was brought from Durban where he had spent the majority of his life to Johannesburg. In the course of the following months, his ailment became increasingly noticeable, until eventually he had to be admitted to a care home.

Brendan had been admitted to Nazareth House barely 3 km from the Observatory community early in May, but within a couple of weeks he had stopped eating or drinking and had to be hospitalised.

An operation to remove a blood clot in the brain was not as effective in restoring his ability to swallow as had been hoped: he still had to be fed artificially. From the intensive care unit he was moved eventually to the high care unit, where he passed away peacefully at 19h15 on Saturday 24 June 2017.

Brendan was born in County Kerry, Ireland on 15 December 1936 – we marked his 80th birthday shortly before Christmas – and came to South Africa shortly after his first profession in 1955.

Reception of Habit / 31 Aug 1954, Athlone,
First Profession / 31 Aug 1955, Athlone, Ireland
Final Profession / 17 July 1960, Durban
Second Novitiate / Jan – Jun 1970 Fribourg,
East Asian Pastoral
Institute, Manila / Sep 1979 – Apr 1980
Sangre de Cristo,
New Mexico, USA / Aug 1962 – Dec 1992
1955 (October) / Pietermaritzburg (PMB),
1956 / Hibberdene, Scholastic
1957 / PMB Scholastic
1960 / Durban – teacher
1961 / Rondebosch – teacher
1962 / Scholasticate, PMB
U.E.D. (Univ. of Natal)
1963 / Scholasticate, – Teacher
1966 / Durban – Superior/Principal
1972 / Durban – Principal
1975 / Durban – Superior/Principal
1981 / Durban – Principal
1982 / Umtata – Teacher
at Zingisa Minor Seminary
1984 / Edenvale – Provincial Superior
1985 / General Chapter
1985 / Observatory – Provincial
1989 / Comptonville –Recruiter
1992 / Durban - learning Zulu & teaching
English to Benedictine Sisters
1993 / Retreat, Cape Town –
formation and adult education
1994 / Rondebosch, Cape Town –
Principal of St Owen’s
1995 / Durban – Community Superior
& on staff of “Cath. Inst. of Educ”- (later the “Cath. Schools Board”)
2003 / Durban – On staff of “Catholic Schools Board” (replacing CIE)
2011 / Retired from the CSB –
but assists part time
2016 (March) / Observatory, Johannesburg