Present - Dr Waterhouse (GP), Mary Parker (Practice Manager), Oliver Cruickshank (guest from SN CCG), Ray Hollands (chair), Jeanette Armstrong, Elaine Bounds, Valarie Bailey, Irene Lincoln, Margaret Sparham, Barry Leeson, Freda Leeson, David Keefe, John Gray, Joy Allen, Barry Tarling, Adrienne Bailey, Sue Ritchie.

1. Apologies – Grace Cheese, Jenny Beer, Jenny Karina Ellis, Stephanie Ash, Danny Whitehouse, Eileen Gomme and Barbara Harper.

Welcome Ray Hollands gave everyone a warm welcome especially our guest Oliver Cruickshank from the South Norfolk CCG.

2. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as correct and signed by Mary Parker.

3. News from the practice Mary (practice manager) informed the group about different things happening at the practice at this exciting time with the new surgery being built. At the moment the building is one week behind the proposed schedule but should be finished by the March 2015 deadline. The road is 3 weeks behind schedule but this should not delay the main building. The new surgery will have all disabled access including automatic doors at the entrance. The PPG will have its own notice board etc.

The present surgery has been sold but not finalized as yet.

The surgery is advertising for a practice nurse for 4 sessions a week. Dr Laura Parker has finished her placement with us and Dr Neil Thomas has taken her place for twelve months.

Mary informed the group that there had been a few complaints recently but they had all been dealt with appropriately.

a)Patient upset at having to travel to Poringland because nurse at Hempnall was already booked.

b)Patient not informed that medication prescribed by hospital was to be collected – system change resulting in dispensers tasking a reminder message to themselves to ring the patient.

c)Patient upset because pre- bookable appointment not available

However there have been occasions when patients have shouted and sworn and generally been abusive to staff which is unacceptable. If patients have an issue patients are encouraged to discuss in a timely fashion or discuss it further with Mary the practice manager to try and resolve the problem. Abusive behaviour is never acceptable.

4. Update on next open meeting. Jeanette informed the group that everything was in place for the open meeting on Wednesday September 24rd at the Nightingale Centre, Poringland. Flyers were distributed showing the order of the evening. The subject of the evening ‘bereavement’ led to much debate between Jeanette, Grace Cheese and Elaine Bounds who are organizing the event about the title. Eventually it evolved and is ‘Dying Matters – Be Ready for it! Advice, Help and Support

Before During and After Bereavement’. Ray Hollands (chair) will welcome everyone. The speakers for the evening will be Dr Ellie Cramer (GP Partner) opening the meeting with a small talk about the subject from the practices perspective. Jane Frazer from Norfolk and Suffolk Palliative Care Academy will talk about the

Support and information that is available from them. Debbie Winteringham who is the child bereavement services manager for Nelsons Journey will talk about how they can help families in bereavement. Rachel Barber from Gordon Barber Funeral Directors. Trained counsellors will be available all evening with a quiet room set aside if anyone would like more privacy. There will be short evaluation sheet given to people on the night. Posters advertising the event will be going up in the usual places including in the surgery, on the surgery website and in the Newsletter, the Evening News and on Streetlife. Mary will put a poster on the end of the book cases in the waiting room at Poringland as it is more visible than the noticeboard.

Jeanette asked if everyone helping that evening could wear their name badges. A request was made for cakes to be made and there were several kind offers.

5. Newsletter Jeanette informed the group that the next issue of the Newsletter was about to be printed and put on the surgery website. In future a record will be kept of how many copies are printed.

6. Finances Mary informed the group that since January this year £1,100 has been raised for riding for the disabled from selling donated books in the surgery at 50 pence each. Jeanette informed the group that there is £204.74 in the kitty at the moment. £6.36 was paid for

Stamps but in future Jeanette will have any letters franked at the surgery which is cheaper. £22 was received in donations at the last open meeting at Hempnall. The cost of the village hall at Hempnall is paid for by a trust to which we are very grateful. The Nightingale Centre costs £50 for the evening which includes tea/coffee/squash. Also the use of an extra room at no extra cost at our next open meeting. Gwendoline Nightingale always makes sure that everything is set out ready and cleaned up for us afterwards including the washing up which is very helpful.

7. Any other business

a) Danny Whitehouse (youth worker with 6 youth council) sent a message to the group saying that he hopes to be at the next meeting with at least one of the young people. Jade (who came to the last meeting with Danny) will be contacting Barry (as discussed at the last meeting ) regarding starting a virtual group, possible adding the surgery to twitter/Facebook to try and interest younger patients to get involved with what is going on in the practice. This will also be discussed with Mary.

b) It was decided by the group that we will have an annual AGM starting in May 2015.

c) Jeanette brought to our attention an advertisement in the 5+ for an event on 5th October 2014 from 2-4 at Poringland Community Centre called ‘Silver Sunday’ those over 60. Local groups are invited to set up a stall to give information about what they do. It was thought a good idea. Freda Leeson agreed to help and inform the organiser that we would like a stall. Jeanette and Elaine also agreed to be there to help on the day.

d) The flu clinics this year are on Saturday 4th October and 18th October at Poringland and Saturday 11th October at Hempnall. Ray Hollands, David Keefe and Val Bailey volunteered to help at Hempnall. Jeanette and Elaine have agreed to help at the Poringland clinics. If anyone else would like to help at the Poringland flu clinics please let Jeanette know. This is also a good chance to promote the group. This year patient’s pulse will be taken as well as a flu jab so help in directing people will be very welcome.

e) Oliver Cruickshank from South Norfolk Clinical

Commissioning Group invited everyone to a Governor’s meeting on September 16th 2014 1.30-


8. Next meeting will be on Wednesday November 12th 2014 at Poringland Surgery at 7.30 pm.

Meeting closed at 20.45.