Electronic Meeting – TonyNoelCenter, ParklandCollege

January 12, 2010 -- 1:00 p.m. (Promptly)

1. ILCAE/ICAE Executive Committee Meeting – Noon

The Executive Committee Meeting was called to order at 11:30 am and adjourned at 12:30 pm.

  1. ILCAE/ICAE Meeting Call to Order – PROMPTLY at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm with Chairmen Massie & Mouser presiding. The following were in attendance: In-Person – Bill Schreck, Harley Hepner, Kay Shipman, Jason Emmert, Gordon Ropp, Dave Mouser, Corey Flournoy, Larry Thurow, Heather Miller, & Jay Runner. Electronic – Luke Allen, Bill Johnson, Jill Carey- Hargrave, Mary Bush, Mark Meurer, Al Dietz, Don Meyer, Tammy Miller, Aaron Heinzmann, Stacy Stremsterfer, Mike Massie, Mariah Dale-Anderson, Penny Haase-Wittler, Andy Baker, Sarah Bond, Connie Niemann, Dick Treat, John Kabat, Dannette Ward, Jim Craft.



c)Approve Agenda – Approvedby Schreck, seconded by Stremsterfer.

d)Approve Minutes of November 5, 2009 Meeting – Approved by Miller, seconded by Schreck.

3. Business Items

  1. FY2011 Ag Ed Line Item Budget Discussion

The FY2011 Ag Ed Line Item Budget Proposal sent with the meeting packet was discussed. Flournoy moved to accept the proposal, Miller seconded the motion. Motion passed.

  1. 2010 ILCAE/ICAE Symposium Meeting
  2. Need date, location, & theme

Massie proposed the possibility of utilizing our ILCAE/ICAE spring conference by meeting at the IAA Building focusing on STEM agendas of VIA, IBIO and the Agricultural Education Team. A possible featured speaker would be Gebisa Ejeta, the World Food Prize Laureate of 2009. Gebisa is a great model for agricultural science for all of the sectors impacted through agriculture. The topic was agreed based upon availability of guest speaker.

Based on speaker availability, the date for the 2010 ICAE/ILCAE Symposium has been set for June 17, 2010, in conjunction with the 2010 IAVAT June Agricultural Teachers Conference in Springfield. Mark your calendars. More information will be coming.

4. Business Issues (based on the Strategic Plan sections)

a.Agricultural Awareness in Education/ Ag Career Exploration

1.Ag Awareness in Education Committee Report – Fraase/Daugherty

2.IAITC Report - Daugherty

An update report was given by Stremsterfer & Niemann on Illinois Ag In The Classroom initiatives.

b.Secondary Agricultural Education Programs

1.Secondary Ag Ed Programs Committee Report – Falk

2. FFA Report – Amie Burke, State FFA President

3. IAVAT Report – M. Wildman

4. ISBE Report – Hepner

An update report was given includingthe FY10 GAST Grants funded,

FY11 Incentive Funding Grant Application update, status of ISBE payments & Status of

ICAE Committee Appointments.

  1. FCAE Report – Runner

An FCAE update report was given including an Illinois Ag Legislative Day

Reminder – March 16, 2010; introduction of the newly named ISBE board members;

overview of the Summary of the 2009 graduate Survey on the Ag Ed website

; sharing of Christmas greetings received from

prominent legislators; sharing of SPECA Grants to be submitted by FCAE and

discussion of possible workshops at the 2010 IllinoisSchool

Board conference. Mary Bush and Dave Mouser agreed to assist with that


6. FFA Alumni Report –D. Olson

7. ICAE/ILCAE Curriculum/Program Improvement Committee Report –


c.Postsecondary Agricultural Education Programs

1.Postsecondary Ag Ed Committee Report –

2.IACCAI Report – A. Heinzmann

3.Postsecondary Development Report – Haase-Wittler

A Postsecondary update was given by Haase-Wittler outlining how community colleges

are working to keep their curriculum current with today’s needs; coved the upcoming Illinois FFA Alumni Conference & PAS Conference to be held congruently Feb. 5 & 6, 2010 in Springfield; State FFA Alumni Leadership Conference to be held July 14-18 in the Quad Cities area; and her interest in working on updating the 1998 Illinois Agricultural Employment Study.

d. Baccalaureate & Graduate Education in Agriculture

1. Baccalaureate & Grad Ed in Ag Committee Report –Baker

2. University Representative Report - Baker

Flournoy, H. Miller, J. Emmert from the U of I reported the following; Flournoy will be

working with community colleges this next year to recruit more students into the

Agricultural Education program at the U of I; currently the U of I has four faculty in the

program and have made an offer out to another individual to come on board by fall

2010; the On-campus Masters in Ag Ed and On-line Masters in Ag Ed programs have

be reinstated; an new scholarship in “Crop Sciences” is now available and “Explore

ACES” at the university of Illinois will be March 12/13, 2010.

e. Agricultural Teacher Education Programs

1. Ag Teacher Ed Program Committee Report- Baker/Wakefield/


f. Adult Education in Agriculture Programs

1. Adult Education in Agriculture Programs Committee Report –


Mariah Dale-Anderson reported on the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) Career Fair, IFB

Essay Contest March 12, 2010; and the upcoming Illinois Agri-Women’s Conference

for “Young Females in Agriculture”.

g. State LeadershipTeam for Agricultural Education

  1. State Leadership Team for Ag Ed Committee Report – Mouser/Massie/Hepner
  2. ILCAE & ICAE Legislative Liaison Committee Report – Massie

5. Future Meeting Dates and Places:

March/April ? 2010 – 2010 ICAE/ILCAE Symposium (one day meeting date & location TBD)

Identified the following potential dates (March 26, April 23, 30) at the meeting. Due to scheduling

conflict with the identified speaker, the Executive Committee is proceeding with the plan to move the

ICAE/ILCAE Symposium in conjunction with the June 17, 2010 meeting at the IAVAT June Conference.

June 17, 2010 – ILCAE/ICAE meeting during IAVAT June Conference, present Illinois

Ag Ed Advocacy Awards.Possible date for ICAE/ILCAE Symposium

6. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn – Flournoy; Seconded – Miller; Motion passed and meeting adjourned @


Respectively Submitted,

Jay Runner, Recording Secretary