Held on Thursday, 11 April 2013 in The McTaggart, Regional Gymnastics Centre

Present: Stewart Murdoch, Director, Leisure & Communities (Chair)

Derek Napier, Team Leader, Outdoor Education, Communities & Policy Division

Ross McGuire, Sports Development Officer (Policy), L&CD

Mary Colvin, Health Promotion Programmes Manager, NHS Tayside

Dave Nicoll, Education Support Officer Sports Development, Education Department

Ian McGregor, sportscotland & Tayside and Fife Sporting Partnership

Euan Lowe, sportscotland & Tayside and Fife Sporting Partnership

Merrill Smith, Head of Policy (Leisure, Culture & Communities) Chief Executive's Dept

Gary Robertson, Head of Environmental Management, Environment Department

Osla Allan, Institute of Sport and Exercise, University of Dundee

Apologies: John Whyman, Outdoor Access Officer, Environment Department

Ryan McAlindin, sportscotland

Elaine Roberts, Dundee College

Audrey White, Sports Development Section Leader, L&CD

Carole Robertson, Public Health Improvement Officer, Chief Executive’s Dept

Graham Wark, Head of Leisure & Sport, L&CD

No. / Item / Action /
1. / Note of Meeting Held on 10 January 2013
2. / Matters Arising
2.1 / Action Plan
There had been no further work done on the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Action Plan for 2013-15. However, following completion of the restructuring of the Leisure and Sport Section of L&CD Ross McGuire had been appointed to a post which had within its remit responsibility for supporting implementation of the Dundee Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.
Now that this was more formally his core remit, Ross intended to meet with group members of a one to one basis to review the action plan and to clarify what actions partners felt could only be taken forward under the auspices of the partnership. / Ross
These meetings would also review the baseline data for participation and provide a springboard for the next period of implementation of the strategy.
Stewart was very pleased that this position had been reached. It had been his hope for sometime that, with the support of the SCIO, resources could be put in place to provide more robust monitoring, evaluation and support for the strategy.
2.2 / Games Legacy Plan
Merrill is working on a report which will go to the City Council on 22 May.
This report will provide a brief update on the outcomes of the Games Legacy Plan to date (approved in 2009). It will set out the pre-games plan for Dundee, the games delivery plan for 2014 in Dundee and the legacy plan for 2013-2017.
Stewart asked Merrill in advance of the report being drafted to summarise the key deliverables as a simple list of bullet points which could be attached to the note of the meeting or circulated to group members separately in order that they could inform each of the three section of the Games Legacy Plan.
Merrill also advised that she had attended the National Leadership Group which brought together the Scottish Government, COSLA, Solace and games organisers.
Merrill will alert partnership members to any issues arising through the leadership group and plans to create a portal on the Dundee Partnership website in order that resources relating to the Games Legacy Plan can be found by all partners. / Merrill
2.3 / Dundee Pitch Strategy
Gary advised that there had been no significant issues relating to implementation of the Pitch Strategy.
Dialogue with sports hubs highlighted a number of management issues relating to the designation of “home grounds” for local football teams.
The Pitch Strategy was not due to be formally reviewed until 2016.
2.4 / Sports Hub Development
It was noted that sportscotland had provided extension funding and that as a result a report would be brought to the next Finance Committee of L&CD recommending an extension to Daryl McKenzie’s contract. / Graham
In parallel with this, a report had been requested for the Policy and Resources Committee of Dundee City Council which would set out the development strategy for the next three years for sports hubs in Dundee. / Stewart/ Graham
The discussion highlighted the need for sports hubs to develop a business plan and to move from development towards models of sustainability.
Osla offered to circulate a template which had been used by the University Sports Union in order that sports clubs could develop a consistent approach to business planning. In the absence of any guidance from sportscotland it was suggested that sports hubs in Dundee should be expected to develop their business plans in a broadly similar format. / Osla
The issue of accountability and communication between sports hubs was discussed.
At an earlier stage in development Dundee’s community centres had faced similar challenges and a number of the difficulties had been resolved through the creation of DALMG. An integrating/co-ordinating structure for sports hubs would also be discussed in the context of the report going to the City Council’s Policy and Resources Committee.
Ross advised that partnership that line management support for sport hubs would in future be found through his colleague Jamie Kelly following the restructuring of the Leisure and Sport Section.
2.5 / Dundee Booklet
L&CD facilities are currently being integrated to the Booklet system. The next City Council department to go online will be Education and community centres, followed by the Environment Department. The system is now being run through Gladstone MRM software.
This should tie into the objective of providing better, more regular M&E data on usage and participation figures.
2.6 / Outdoor Learning Strategy
Derek gave a brief update on progress with implementation of the Outdoor Learning Strategy approved a year ago. The strategy covers eight priority areas of action. A revised action plan is currently in preparation. The objective is to integrate learning and outdoor physical activity through initiatives such as HLI. Derek agreed to circulate the revised action plan to the group at a future date. / Derek
2.7 / Integrated Holiday Programmes
While there had been some progress in integrating holiday programmes, there was not yet in place a single database that the public could refer to for holiday programmes in the city.
It was suggested that this should be developed within Booklet as a Games Legacy commitment, possibly within Booklet. / Merrill
Going forward, responsibility for the development of integrated holiday programming will rest with Jamie Kelly.
2.8 / Commonwealth Games Village
Merrill advised that the games village would be located within the city centre with shooting events taking place at Barry Buddon. The city centre would be “decorated” for the duration of the event. The games village itself was likely to be open for approximately 8-10 days.
Stewart advised that an application had been submitted by Unique Events Scotland as part of the Games Legacy Fund with a view to delivering within Dundee a cultural event related to the games village.
2.9 / Clatto
Derek confirmed that Clatto was being used on a regular basis by the Outdoor Learning Team. The water lever had, however, dropped significantly as a result of the valve jamming in the open position. The long term future of Clatto was still a source of concern to those who wished to see the city have a thriving outdoor activities/water sports venue.
In the short term, Dundee Sailing Club plan to hold a number of open days to introduce people to the sport of sailing on Clatto.
3. / Facilities Update
3.1 / New Olympia
It is anticipated that the new Olympia will be handed over to Leisure & Culture Dundee between 6 and 13 May. The objective is to open the pool to the public on 24 June.
In the period between 16 and 20 June there will be a number of closed sessions to test facilities. It is likely that members of the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Group will be invited with friends and family to take part in one of these sessions. Details to follow. / Graham
3.2 / Regional Gymnastics Centre
Prior to the start of the meeting group members had been given a tour of the new facility and had been hugely impressed at the quality of the equipment and the standard of it refurbishment.
Merrill advised that furniture for the meeting room/parents area was still to be delivered and that two ultimate trampolines had been ordered and would be delivered over the next four to six weeks.
Details for the official opening of the centre are being finalised with the Minister for Sport and Dick McTaggart who, it is hoped, will reopen the building. / Merrill
3.3 / The Velodrome
Gary advised that usage continued to increase and that the facility was meeting expectations. The City Council had recently hosted a delegation from Edinburgh who hoped to replicate some aspects of the facility and to refurbish the Edinburgh City Velodrome.
The increased usage had, however, created a need to provide additional secure storage on site and a scheme was being developed for the installation of temporary portacabins. / Gary
3.4 / Outdoor Facilities (Tennis Courts/Bowling Greens/MUGAs)
Gary advised that the tennis courts were being upgraded at South Road and Fairmuir Park. A lower spec upgrade had taken place at Dudhope.
It was planned to develop Dawson Park as a Centre of Excellence.
There was also some discussion about creating an outdoor tennis facility at St Paul’s and DISC.
The position with bowling greens was less positive. There had been a continued decline in usage and the City Council would consider a report to mothball a number of the bowling greens in Dundee in order to reduce expenditure on facilities which were not well used.
3.5 / Caird Park Stadium
Now that the decision had been taken to go for Camperdown Park as the preferred site for the National Performance Centre, it was considered important to bring together sports hub members in Caird Park with L&CD and the Environment Department to develop a clearer long term development plan for the park. / Gary/Graham
3.6 / National Performance Centre
Announcement of the shortleet for the Scottish NPC had been deferred and was expected any day now. If, as expected, Dundee is one of the shortlisted sites further consultancy work would be required relating to the business plan and other aspects of the proposal. A final decision as still anticipated by the end of June 2013.
4. / NHS Report – Public Health Physical Activity Development
Prior to the meeting a report prepared by Mary Colvin for the NHS Tayside Board had been circulated for information.
Mary talked to the report and highlighted the increasing awareness of the evidence that regular exercise has preventative and/or curative effects on a number of different diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and depression. The benefits are far reaching and include reduced stress, improved sleep, stronger relationships and social connectedness. Inactivity equates to as many deaths as tobacco causes globally.
The report set out some of the initiatives that NHS Tayside are progressing in response to the target of 50% of all adults and 80% of all children meeting the minimum recommended levels of physical activity by 2022. Currently two thirds of the adult population are not active enough for their health. Inequalities exist and the populations that require to be targeted are older people, ethnic populations, women and girls. The report details
·  Clinical pathways – Brief advice/brief interventions which are delivered by trained GPs and health professionals in primary care and hospital settings in Tayside.
·  Initiatives engaging with communities, including volunteering opportunities
·  Promotion of physical activity to NHS staff, visitors and patients via the NHS estate.
Mary & Ross will present to Healthy Dundee (23rd April) an update on these initiatives and the new structure in Leisure and Sport and the new facilities in the city. Engaging with Healthy Dundee in terms of the S&PAS implementation plan and the SOA delivery plan was felt by the group to be opportunistic at this time.
It was suggested that as a focus and a call to action partners should continue to use and promote the YouTube video “Twenty Three and a Half Hours” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo and encourage as many people as possible to join the Physical Activity and Health Alliance www.paha.org.uk/
5. / AOCB
5.1 / Leisure and Sport Restructure
Ross spoke briefly to the restructuring of the Leisure and Sport which had been implemented with effect from 1 April.
Leisure and Sport resources in the city had been reorganised into three teams:
·  Active City
·  Active Futures
·  Active Communities
Within each of these teams there was a mix of facility management and sports development. The section as a whole was structured as a matrix and would depend on strong co-working relationships.
A small Policy Support and Business Performance Unit had been created which would work across and support each of the delivery teams.
Group members asked if the restructuring report could be circulated and it was agreed to attach this to the minute of the meeting. / Stewart
5.2 / Community Allotment Strategy
Gary advised that the City Council had developed a Community Allotment Strategy which would be taken to Committee on 22 April for approval. If approved, this would provide an impetus to the lease of unused land for the purposes of providing allotments in the city and a strategy to support potential allotment users to get organised and get going. / Gary
5.3 / University Gyms
Osla advised the group that the university gyms were to be refitted between May and June.
5.4 / Scottish Ballet
Mary gave an update on the collaborative event with Scottish Ballet which had resulted in an outdoor dance event in the arboretum at Ninewells. The event had been judged a great success.
5.5 / sportscotland Regional Networking Event
Ian gave a brief report on the way in which the regional networking event would take place over 1 and 2 May. There would be meetings with each of the City Council key partners in Angus, Fife and Dundee and also meeting with key delivery partners such as Leisure & Culture Dundee.
5.6 / Ancrum Website Launch
Derek advised that Ancrum was about to launch a new website and that he hoped it would become a focus for information about outdoor learning in the city and its immediate hinterland.
Dave asked if there could be links added to the site and this was agreed. / Dave/Derek
5.7 / Governing Bodies
Euan advised that partnership that sportscotland was shortly to announce an investment in five new posts to work with sports governing bodies in the Tayside and Fife area.
It was hoped that this would provide a welcome boost for the development of sport and regional sporting pathways.
6. / Date of Future Meetings
Thursday, 8 August 2013 at 10.00 am. It was agreed that this meeting should be moved to the Velodrome at Caird Park. Gary Robertson to confirm that this is suitable. / Gary
Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 10.00 am in the Wighton Centre, Central Library. It was suggested that this meeting be moved to the New Olympia – to be confirmed.

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