Six Kingdoms of Life Poster Project
Due Tuesday, January 17th
Note: You may need to use the library to complete this project if you do not have Internet access at home. Please plan accordingly!
Make a poster displaying the six kingdoms of life, their characteristics, why the organisms are important to their environments, and examples of organisms from that kingdom. You must organize the information under a central unifying theme and make sure the poster is very neat and professional and easy to read and understand.
Your poster must include:
o Descriptive Title
o Heading information (your name, teacher, class period and date) in the lower right hand corner on the front of the poster.
o A section for each of the six kingdoms, containing
o The name of the kingdom in English
o The important characteristics of organisms in that kingdom (see your notes!)
o Scientific names and images (photos or drawings) of two or more organisms from each kingdom.
o An explanation of why the kingdom is important to their environment. (This is NOT just a sentence of information – it should be about 1 to 2 paragraphs in length, in your OWN words)
o A bibliography of any books or web pages you used to get images - you may print out photographs from the web, but you must list the web site and its title in the bibliography of your poster! (This goes on the back of your poster)
A minimum of effort will earn you a minimum grade. See the back of this page for grading criteria.
How will your poster be graded?
For this score... / Your poster should look like this...90-100 / Everything listed under "3," and poster shows exceptional understanding of material and is very polished & professional in appearance. I can tell this student worked hard on this assignment!
75-89 / All six kingdoms included, complete & accurate description of characteristics of each kingdom, name & image of at least one organism from each kingdom provided, neat, few spelling & grammar errors, includes a heading, bibliography (if needed) & appropriate title.
60-74 / All six kingdoms included, may have left out or incorrectly described some characteristics of the kingdoms, name & image of at least one organism from each kingdom provided, a little sloppy, several spelling & grammar errors, missing one of the following: heading, bibliography, title.
0-59 / Missing one or more kingdoms, many errors in describing the characteristics of the kingdoms, very sloppy, many spelling & grammar errors, missing more than one of the following: heading, bibliography, title.