Overseas Trip Risk Assessment

Location / Overseas
Group/Class affected / Students on Overseas Trips
Written by / Mr Goodman-Eastwood
Date written / 9th May 2017
Review date / 9thSeptember 2017
Risk / Level / Actions taken / Trip specific comments
Missing/Lost Students
NMBS 6,11,15 / Med / All documents are kept by supervising staff to deter students from leaving the group. ID Cards are carried by each student, complete with: school contact details as well as staff and hotel contact details. Student and parental information is kept by staff throughout the trip. Meeting points are agreed upon before students are separated from the group. These are repeated by students back to staff to ensure absorption. Students must adhere to the curfews and timetable established by staff.
RTC/Incidents involving traffic
NMBS 6, 11, 15 / High / Students briefed on potential hazards and avoidance strategies in trip location. Students are informed of the designated carriageway direction of vehicle travel in their location. Special care is taken in built-up areas where traffic levels may be high.Students are to use designated pedestrian crossings only at all times. Students are supervised when embarking and disembarking transport.
Medical Concerns
NMBS 3 / Med / All student medical information is checked before departure, including: food allergies, potential medical requirements, and medication and SEN/ASD concerns. A first aid kit and relevant medication is kept securely by staff and administered as per MAR charts. Country-specific emergency service numbers are to be obtained prior to departure and all students to be made aware of these.
Missing/Invalid Documents
NMBS 6,9,11 / Med / All documentation is checked and securely kept by staff. The contact details of the local British Authority, Consulate or Embassy are kept by staff and any potential complications discussed with the school. Copies of all documents, forms and risk assessments are left with the school.
Personal Security
NMBS 6,9,11 / Med / Students are briefed by staff regarding local security concerns and any necessary steps are taken to ensure student safety in-country. Should the staff deem that the security situation presents and unacceptable risk, the trip may be altered orcancelled?
Students to be informed not to leave luggage unattended at any point.
Student Welfare and Safety
NMBS 2, 6, 11, 12, 15, 18 / High / Staff must adhere to School Safeguarding Policies at all times and ensure that students are appropriately safeguarded at all times. See
Staff to keep a list of all students’ accommodation room numbers and students to be informed of where to locate a member of staff at all times.
Ensure that students read all safety notices. Be aware of the fire evacuation procedure and emergency assembly points of the hotel.
If hotel rooms have windows that open fully and or balconies ensure that students take extreme care when going near them. Sensible behaviour is essential at heights.
Risk of injury during scheduled activity
NMBS 6, 10, 11, 15 / High / Risk assessments for any timetabled activities are collated, checked and authorised by the SMT before the trip departs. These are kept by staff throughout the trip.
Staff to only utilise life-guarded beaches, Non-swimmers must be identified and restricted from entering the water.
Risk of injury during unscheduled activity / High / Staff are responsible for carrying out additional risk assessments for unscheduled activities. Such instances should be avoided where possible and the SMT consulted.
Inadequate student supervision
NMBS 6, 15 / High / A minimum of two staff must accompany a trip to ensure adequate staffing levels. Staffing selections must be authorised by SMT before planning begins.
Students sharing accommodation
NMBS 5,6,11 / Low / See boarding risk assessment (sharing)
Staff and students to be segregated by gender within accommodation.
Inappropriate behaviour
NMBS 12 / High / Students to be reminded that they are part of a school trip. The school rules and regulations and dorm rules policies are to be abided by at all times. Sanctions should be given where necessary in accordance with the school’s behavioural policies.
When at an airport students should be reminded that inappropriate comments regarding terrorism or unsubstantiated comments that will alert airport security are not tolerated.
Students being inadequately prepared for departure
NMBS 11 / Low / Students to be briefed before departure concerning:
Departure times and locations -including flight details
Packing list
Luggage restrictions
Misuse of electrical equipment
NMBS 6,7,11,15 / High / Ensure students are aware that the plug sockets in the hotel are European 2 pin if necessary. Use an adapter where necessary whilst using any personal electrical equipment. Do not try to plug equipment into incorrect sockets as this is a fire risk.
Additional risks identified