Vocabulary from SEPUP activities p. 1

Science and Life Issues: Our Genes, Our Selves
Activity # / term or terms / description
54 / characteristic / A physical attribute of an organism, such as hair color, height, color pattern, etc.
54 / traits / A specific variation of a characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.
54 / variation
54 / heredity
54 / genetics / The scientific study of variation and heredity.
55 / genes / A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.
55 / offspring / Product of reproduction, a new organism produced by one or more parents
55 / inherited / Transmitted through genes from parents to offspring.
57 / asexual reproduction / The reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parents.
57 / sexual reproduction / The reproductive process that involves two parents who combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents.
57 / fertilization / The joining of sperm cell and an egg cell.
57 / clone / An organism that is genetically identical to the organism from which is produced.Can be artificial: Dolly the sheep, can be natural: Strawberries.
59 / probability / The likelihood that a particular event will occur.
59 / random / By chance, like the flip of a coin
59 / genotype / An organism's genetic makeup, or allele combination. (example, TT)
59 / phenotype / An organism's physical appearance, or visible trait. (example, Tall)
1 / stamen / The male reproductive parts of the flower. It includes:
Anther-the upper part of the stamen where the pollen is produced.
Filament- Stalk-like part of the stamen that supports the anther.
Part 1 / pistil / The female reproductive parts of the flower. It includes:
Stigma-The upper tip of the pistil of the flower, receives the pollen.
Style-the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma.
Ovary-the bottom part of the pistil that contains the ovules or immature seeds.
Part 2 / allele / The different forms ofagene.
Part 2 / dominant / An allele whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present.
Part 2 / recessive / An allele that is masked when a dominant allele is present.
61 / homozygous / Having two identical allelesfor a trait. (For example, TT or tt)
61 / heterozygous / Having two different alleles for a trait. (For example, Tt)
63 / chromosomes / Rod-shaped cellular structure made of condensed chromatin. DNA condenses into chromosomes just before cell division.
63 / mutation / A change in an organism's DNA. Can be as small as one base. Can be helpful, harmful or have no effect.
Can be Caused by: environmental agent (e.g.. the sun) or mistake during DNA replication.
63 / mitosis / Cell division, creates two daughter cells identical to the original parent cell.
63 / meiosis / The process that occur in sex cell (sperm and egg) by which the number of chromosomes is reduced in half.
65 / "nature vs nurture" / The idea that both nature (genetic makeup) and nurture (environment) affect an individual's traits.
65 / diversity / The wide variety of traits that are expressed in living things, primarily due to sexual reproduction.
65 / co-dominance / A pattern of inheritance whenthetwo alleles of a geneare neitherdominant or recessive, the two alleles are both expressed. (For example, B=black features, b=white feathers, Bb=black and white features)
65 / incomplete dominance / A Pattern of inheritance when the combination of a recessive allele and dominant allele (heterozygous) is expressed as a blend of the two traits. (For example, R=red r=white Rr=pink)
66 / pedigree / A chart or "family tree" that tracks which members of a family have a particular trait.
DNA / nitrogen Base / The chemicals that make up the rungs of the DNA ladder. A-T and C-G match.
T- thymine
DNA / nucleotide / A subunit of nucleic acid formed from a simple sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
GE / messenger RNA / RNA that copies the codes message from the DNA in the nucleus, and carries the message into the cytoplasm.
GE / transfer RNA / Carries amino acids and adds them to the growing protein at the Ribosome.
GE / codon / The three-letter code of bases on the messenger RNA that codes for one amino acid
GE / anti-codon / The three letter code of bases on the transfer RNA that matched up with the codon on the messenger RNA.
GE / amino_acid / The building blocks of proteins.
1 codon=1 amino acid
100s to 1000s amino acids=1 protein
1 gene=1 protein
GE / protein / A chain of amino acids linked together in a particular order deterimed by a genes DNA sequence. Serve as enzymes, structural components, or signaling molecules.
GE / transcription / The process of making mRNA from the DNA code (occurs in the nucleus)
GE / translation / The process of reading the mRNA one codon at a time and using the matching tRNA to assemble a protein.
GE /
gene expression / A process that occurs in cells where information held within DNA (genes) is used to make proteins. (Process of making proteins)