David W. Townsend, Ph.D.Page 1
University of Tennessee
Department of Medicine
Name:David W. TownsendBirth Date:1/13/45
Business Address:
Molecular Imaging and TranslationalResearch Program
Department of Medicine
University of TennesseeMedicalCenter
1924, Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN37920
Business Phone:(865) 305 6181
Dates AttendedName and LocationDegree/YearMajor Subject
1963-1966University of BristolB.Sc./1966Physics
Dates AttendedName and LocationDegree/YearMajor Subject
1966-1969University of LondonPh.D./1971Experimental High
(WestfieldCollege)Energy Physics
Dates AttendedName and LocationDegree/YearMajor Subject
1985-1987University of GenevaDocent (P.D.)Medical Imaging
YearName and LocationRank/Title
1969-1970Westfield College, University of LondonResearch Associate
1970-1978CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandScientific Programmer
(Physicist), Data Handling
1978-1979State University of New York at BuffaloVisiting Scientific
Buffalo, USAConsultant, Medical
Imaging Processing Group
1987HammersmithHospitalVisiting Scientist,
London, U.K.PET Group
1987-2000Hammersmith HospitalHonorary Visiting Scientist,
London, U.K.PET Group
1979-1993University Hospital of GenevaPhysicist and Computer
Geneva, SwitzerlandAnalyst, Division of
Nuclear Medicine
1993-2003University of PittsburghMedicalCenterSenior Physicist,
Pittsburgh, PAPET Facility
1993-1999University of PittsburghSchool of MedicineAssociate Professor,
Pittsburgh, PADept. of Radiology
1996-2001University of PittsburghSchool of MedicineActing Co-Director
Pittsburgh, PAPET Facility
2000-2003University of PittsburghSchool of MedicineProfessor,
Pittsburgh, PADept. of Radiology
2003-2009University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineProfessor,
Knoxville, TNDept. of Medicine
2003-2009University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineProfessor
Knoxville, TNDept. of Radiology
2003-2009University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineDirector,Molecular Imaging and Translational Research Program
2003-2009Department of Physicsand AstronomyAdjunct Professor
University of Tennessee
2004-2009University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineProfessor with Tenure,
Knoxville, TNDept. of Medicine
2006-2009University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineProfessor
Dept. of Anesthesiology
2009-pres.University of TennesseeSchool of MedicineAdjunct Professor
Department of Medicine
2009-pres.NationalUniversity of SingaporeProfessor
Department of Radiology
2009-pres.Singapore Biomedical Imaging ConsortiumDirector, PET Development
2009-pres.Sydney University Medical School, AustraliaHonorary Professor
Full member of the Swiss Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine1988
Member, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)1995
Member, Society for Nuclear Medicine1996
Elected Senior Member, IEEE1997
Elected to 3 year term on IEEE Nuclear Medicine Imaging Council1997
Elected to AMI Board (Treasurer)2004
Elected Fellow, IEEE2006
Most Frequently Cited IEEE TMI Paper Published in 19912000
TIME Magazine, Invention of the Year for PET/CT Scanner2000
RSNA Special Merit Award, PET/CT in Melanoma2000
Richard B Mazees Invited Lecture, Madison, Wisconsin2000
Special Citation at American Society of Neuroradiology, PET/CT2001
Frost & Sullivan, Product of the Year for PET/CT Scanner2002
AMI Distinguished Clinical Scientist of the Year2004
Listed in Health Imaging and IT among “100 names you need to know”2004
Elected Fellow of the IEEE2006
PET/CT paper second most frequently-cited JNM paper of all time2007
21st Daniel R Biello Memorial Lecture, WashingtonUniversity, St Louis2007
PET/CT cited as one of the “University Inventions that Changed the World”2007
Distinguished Nuclear Medicine Pioneer Award, Bad Hofgastein, Austria2008
Society of Nuclear Medicine Cassen Lecture, Toronto, Canada2009
* Indicates Student or Trainee
Refereed Articles:
1.Townsend D and Vickery R. An Experiment in Regelation. Philosophical Magazine 1967;16:1275.
2.Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Bull VA, March PV, Tayler V, Townsend D. Positive pion-proton elastic scattering at 895, 945 and 1040 MeV/c. Nuclear Physics 1970;B18:29.
3.Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Bull VA, March PV, Tayler V, Townsend D. A Constrained phase-shift analysis of π+p data in the mass range 1600 to 1700 MeV. Nuclear Physics 1971;B30:116.
5.Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Stark J, Buckley TS, Bull VA, Tayler V, Townsend D, White A. Single pion production in π+p interactions at 895, 945, 995, 1040 MeV/c. Nuclear Physics 1972;B41:91.
4.Saudinos J, Charpak G, Sauli F, Townsend D, Vinciarelli J. Nuclear Scattering applied to Radiography. Phys Med Biol 1975;20:890.
5.Charpak G, Majewski S, Perrin Y, Saudinos J, Sauli F, Townsend D, Vinciarelli J. Further Results on Nuclear Scattering Radiography. Phys Med Biol 1976;21:941.
6.Ghidini B, Navach F, Dowell J, Kenyon I, Woodworth P, Muller K, Smith I, Hartung R, Bizeau C, Bourgeois F, Davies H, Dufey J-P, Eades J, French B, Gildemeister O, J-C. Lassalle, S. Lauper, R. Messerli, W. Mitaroff, C. Palazzi, L. Pape, P. Sonderegger, R. Strub, A. Thompson, D. Townsend, D. Treille, J. Wilson et al: Charm Search in 19 GeV/c π-p Exclusive Reactions. Nuclear Physics 1976;B111:189.
7.Townsend D, Piney C, Jeavons A. Object Reconstruction from Focused Positron Tomograms. Phys Med Biol 1978;23:235.
8.Townsend D and Zanella P. Computational Aspects of Positron Imaging using Multiwire Proportional Chambers in Nuclear Medicine. Nucl Instr and Methods 1980;176:397.
9.Jeavons A, Kull K, Lindberg B, Lee G, Townsend D, Frey P, Donath A. A Proportional Chamber Positron Camera for Medical Imaging. Nucl Instr and Methods 1980;176:89.
10.Schorr B and Townsend D. Filters for Three-Dimensional Limited Angle Tomography. Phys Med Biol 1981;26:305.
11.Schorr B, Townsend D, Clack R. A General Method for Three-Dimensional Filter Computation. Phys Med Biol 1983;28(9):1009.
12.Clack R, Townsend D, Jeavons A. Increased sensitivity and Field of View for a Rotating Positron Camera. Phys Med Biol 1984;29(11):1421.
13.Slosman D, Forni M, Townsend D, Brioschi PA, Krauer F, Donath A. SPECT Study of the Fluid Distribution in the Intra-abdominal Space during Intra-peritoneal Treatment of Ovarian Cancer. Nucl Med Commun 1985;6:91.
14.Frey P, Townsend D, Donath A, Jeavons A. In vivo imaging of the Human Thyroid with a positron camera using 124I. Eur J Nucl Med 1985;10:427.
15.Slosman D, Townsend D, Polla B, Egeli R, Ambrosetti P, Ryser JE, Forni M, Kaelin R, Reverdin O, Rochat T, Rohner R, Donath A. Single photon emission computed tomography study of human cancer: utilization of 57Co-labelled bleomycin. Nucl Med Commun 1985;6:795.
16.Slosman D, Polla B, Townsend D, Egeli R, Huber P, Megevand R, Donath A, Junod A. 57Co-labelled bleomycin scintigraphy for the detection of lung cancer: a prospective study. Eur J Respir Dis 1985;67:319.
17.Slosman D, Polla B, Egeli R, Townsend D, Signorelli C, Megevand R, Donath A. Cobalt-57 bleomycin scanning for lung cancer detection: a prospective study in thoracic surgery. Nucl Med Commun 1985;6:235.
18.Frey P, Townsend D, Megevand R, Spiliopoulos A, Huber O, Donath A, Jeavons A. Tomographic Imaging of the human thyroid with a positron camera before and after partial thyroidectomy. Eur Surg Res 1985;17:347.
19.Frey P, Townsend D, Flattet A, De Gautard R, Widgren S, Jeavons A, Christin A, Smith A, Long A, Donath A. Tomographic Imaging of the Human Thyroid using 124I. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1986;63:918.
20.Townsend D, Frey P, Jeavons A, Reich G, Wensveen M, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A, Donath A. The HIDAC Positron Camera. J Nucl Med 1987;28:1554.
21.Clack R, Townsend D, Defrise M. An algorithm for three-dimensional reconstruction incorporating cross-plane rays. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 1989;8:32.
22.Defrise M, Townsend D, Clack R. Three-dimensional image reconstruction from complete projections. Phys Med Biol 1989;34:573.
23.Townsend D, Spinks T, Jones T, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Gilardi M-C, Heather J. Aspects of three dimensional reconstruction for a multi-ring positron tomograph. Eur J Nucl Med 1989;15:741.
24.Dominik W, Zaganidis N, Astier P, Charpak G, Santiard JC, Auli FS, Triboulet E, *Geissbuhler A, Townsend D. A gaseous detector for high-accuracy autoradiography of radioactive compounds with optical readout of avalanche positions. Nucl Instr and Methods in Phys Research 1989;A278:779.
25.Defrise M, Townsend D, Clack R. Statistical noise in three dimensional positron tomography. Phys Med Biol 1990;35:131.
26.Defrise M, Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A. Implementation of three-dimensional image reconstruction for multi-ring positron tomographs. Phys Med Biol 1990;35:1361.
27.Defrise M, Townsend D, Bailey D, *Geissbuhler A, Michel C, Jones T. A normalisation technique for 3D PET data. Phys Med Biol 1991;36:939.
28.Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Hoffman EJ, Spinks TJ, Bailey DL, Gilardi MC, Jones T. Fully three-dimensional reconstruction for a PET camera with retractable septa. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 1991;10(4):505-512.
29.Spinks TJ, Jones T, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Grootoonk S, Bloomfield PM, Gilardi M-C, Casey ME, Sipe B, Reed J. Physical performance of a positron tomograph for brain imaging with retractable septa. Phys Med Biol 1992;37(8):1637-1655.
30.Lehmann W, Benchaou M, Slosman DO, Townsend D, Ryser JE, Widmann JJ, Rufenacht D, Lacroix JS, Donath A. La tomographie par emission de positrons (PET) dans l’evaluation preoperatoire des metastases ganglionnaires cervicales des cancers ORL. Schweiz Rundschau Med (PRAXIS) 1993;82 Nr.50:1457-1461.
31.Defrise M, Clack R, Townsend D. Solution to the three-dimensional image reconstruction problem from two-dimensional parallel projections. J Opt Soc Am A 1993;10(5):869-877.
32.Benchaou M, Lehmann W, Slosman DO, Townsend D, Ryser JE, Widmann JJ, Rufenacht D, Lacroix JS, Donath A. Tomographie par emission de positrons dans le bilan ganglionnaire des cancers ORL. Med et Hyg 1993;51:2560-2562.
33.*Comtat C, Morel C, Defrise M, Townsend DW. The FAVOR algorithm for 3D PET data and its implementation using a network of transputers. Phys Med Biol 1993;38:929-944.
34.Townsend D, Wensveen M, Byars L, *Geissbuhler A, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A, Defrise M, Bailey D, Grootoonk S, Donath A, Nutt R. A rotating PET using BGO block detectors: design, performance and applications. J Nucl Med 1993;34:1367-1376.
35.Townsend DW, Byars L, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Nutt R. Rotating positron tomographs revisited. Phys Med Biol 1994;39:401-410.
36.Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Townsend DW. A performance study of 3D reconstruction algorithms for positron emission tomography. Phys Med Biol 1994;39:305-320.
37.Clarke S, Assal G, Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Townsend DW, Leenders KL, Blecic S. Pure amnesia after unilateral left polar thalamic infarct: topographic and sequential neuropsychological and metabolic (PET) correlations. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:27-34.
38.*Comtat C, *Egger M, Herrmann Scheurer A, Joseph C, Morel C, Dobinson RW, de Jong FF, van Nieuwenborg AJE, Pages JL, Townsend DW. On-line parallel processing for a rotating positron tomograph operated in 3D mode. Nucl Inst and Methods A 1994;351:527-533.
39.Clark S, Dickinson MR, King TA, Jones AKP, Chen ACN, Derbyshire SWG, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Mintun MA, Nichols T. Laser stimulation for pain research. Proceedings of Biomedical Optoelectronics in Clinical Chemistry and Biotechnology, SPIE 1995;2629:197-205.
40.Degueldre C, Pleinert H, Maguire P, Lehman E, Missimer J, Hammer J, Leenders K, Bock H, Townsend D. Porosity and pathway determination in crystalline rock by positron emission tomography and neutron radiography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1996;140:213-225.
41.Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Grootoonk S, Jones T. An investigation of factors affecting detector and geometric correction in normalization of 3D PET data. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1996;43(6):3300-3307.
42.Maguire RP, Missimer JH, Emert F, Townsend DW, Dollinger H, Leenders KL. Positron emission tomography of large rock samples using a multiring PET instrument. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1997;44(1):26-30.
43.Defrise M, KinahanPE, Townsend DW, Michel C, Sibomana M, Newport DF. Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3D PET data. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 1997;16(2):145-158.
44.Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Gyulai F, Clark S, Townsend D, Firestone LL. Pain processing during three levels of noxious stimulation produces differential patterns of central activity. Pain, 1997;73:431-445.
45.*Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW. Optimization of transmission and emission scan duration in 3D whole-body PET. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1997;44(6):2400-2407.
46.Luketich JD, Schauer P, Urso K, Townsend DW, Belani CP, Meltzer CC, Ferson PF, Keenan RJ. Minimally invasive surgical biopsy confirms PET findings in esophageal cancer. Surg Endosc 1997;11:1213-1215.
47.Nofzinger EA, Mintun MA, Price J, Meltzer CC, Townsend D, Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Dachille M, Matzzie J, Kupfer DJ, Moore RY. A method for the assessment of the functional neuroanatomy of human sleep using FDG PET. Brain Res 1998;2(3):191-198.
48.Jennings JR, Muldoon MF, Ryan CM, Mintun MA, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Shapiro AP, Manuck SB. Cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients. An initial report of reduced and compensatory blood flow responses during performance of two cognitive tasks. Hypertension 1998;31:1216-1222.
49.Kapucu LO, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Keenan RJ, Luketich JD. Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in pneumonia. J Nucl Med 1998;39:1267-1269.
50.Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Kottapally S, Jadali F. FDG imaging of spinal cord primitive neuroectodermal tumor. J Nucl Med 1998;39:1207-1209.
51.*Comtat C, KinahanPE, Defrise M, Michel C, Townsend DW. Fast reconstruction of 3D PET data with accurate statistical modeling. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1998;45(3):1083-1089.
52.Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Sashin D. Attenuation correction for a combined 3D PET/CT scanner. Med Phys 1998; 25(10):2046-2053.
53.*Isoardi RA, Townsend DW, Carter CC, Herbster A, Dachille MA, Meltzer CC. A study of injected dose for brain mapping on the ECAT HR+: activation maps for a parametric verbal working memory task. NeuroImage 1999;9:145-153.
54.Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Jerin J, Watson CC, Young J, Nutt R. The ECAT ART scanner for Positron Tomography: 1. Improvements in Performance Characteristics. Clinical Positron Imaging 1999; 2:5-15.
55.Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Meltzer CC, Dachille MA, Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Kelley DE, Luketich JT. The ECAT ART scanner for Positron Tomography: 2. Research and Clinical Applications. Clinical Positron Imaging 1999; 2:17-30.
56.Liu X, Defrise M, Michel C, Sibomana M, Comtat C, Kinahan P, Townsend D. Exact rebinning methods of three-dimensional PET. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1999;18(8):657-664.
57.Lopresti BJ, Russo A, Jones WF, Fisher T, Crouch DG, Altenburger DE, Townsend DW. Implementation and performance of an optical motion tracking system for high resolution brain PET imaging. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1999;46(6):2059-2067.
58.Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Creed F, Starz T, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Firestone L. Cerebral responses to noxious thermal stimulation are the same in chronic low back pain patients as normal controls. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1999;19(S1):S123.
59.Meltzer CC, Luketich JD, Fiedman D, Charron M, Strollo D, Meehan M, Urso GK, Dachille MA, Townsend DW. Whole-body FDG positron emission tomograhic imaging for staging esophageal cancer: comparison with computed tomography. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2000;11:882-887.
60.Charron M, Beyer T, Bohnen NN, Kinahan PE, Dachille M, Jerin J, Nutt R, Meltzer CC, Villemagne V, Townsend DW. Image analysis in patients with cancer studied with a combined PET and CT scanner. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2000;25(11):905-910.
61.Beyer T, Townsend DW, Brun T, Kinahan PE, Charron M, Roddy R, Jerin J, Young J, Byars L, Nutt R. A combined PET/CT scanner for clinical oncology. J Nucl Med 2000, 41:1369-1379. (Received first place award for Outstanding Basic Science Investigations, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2001.)
62.Kluetz PG, Villemagne MD, Meltzer CC, Villemagne VL, Kinahan PE, Chander S, Martinelli MA, Townsend DW. Combined PET/CT imaging in oncology: Impact on Patient Management. Clinical Positron Imaging 2000, 3(6):223-230.
63.Heller MT, Meltzer CC, Fukui M, RosenCA, Chander S, Martinelli MA, Townsend DW. Superphysiologic FDG Uptake in a Non-paralyzed Vocal Cord: Resolution of a False-Positive PET Result with Combined PET-CT Imaging. Clinical Positron Imaging 2000, 3(5):207-212.
64.Townsend DW and Cherry SR. Combining anatomy with function: The path to true image fusion. European Radiology 2001, 11:1968-1974.
65.Comtat C, KinahanPE, Fessler JA, Beyer T, Townsend DW, Defrise M, Michel C. Clinically feasible reconstruction of 3D whole-body PET/CT data using blurred anatomical labels. Phys Med Biol 2002, 47(1):1-20.
66.Beyer T, Townsend DW, Blodgett TM. Dual-modality PET/CT tomography for clinical oncology. QJNucl. Med. 2002; 46(1): 24-34.
67.Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Creed F, Starz T, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW,
Peterson AM, Firestone L. Cerebral responses to noxious thermal stimulation
in chronic low back pain patients and normal controls. Neuroimage 2002; 16:
68.Derbyshire SWG, Nichols TE, Firestone L, Townsend DW, Jones AKP. Gender
differences in patterns of cerebral activation during equal experience of painful laser stimulation. Journal of Pain 2002; 3: 401-411.
69.Makhija S, Howden N, Edwards R, Kelley J, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Positron emission tomography/computed tomographyimaging for the detection of recurrent ovarian and fallopian tube carcinoma: a retrospective review. Gynecol Oncol2002; 85: 53-58.
- Zimmer, LA, McCook, B, Meltzer, C, Fukui, M, Bascom, D, Snyderman, C, Townsend, DW and Johnson, JT Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging of recurrent thyroid cancer. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2003) 128:178-84.
- Bai C, Kinahan PE, Brasse D, Comtat C, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC, Villemagne V, Charron M, Defrise M. An analytic study of the effects of attenuation on tumor detection in whole-body PET oncology imaging. J Nucl Med 2003; 44(11): 1855-1861.
- Townsend DW, Beyer T, Blodgett TM. PET/CT Scanners: A Hardware Approach to Image Fusion. Sem Nucl Med 2003; XXXIII (3):193-204.
- Townsend DW, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, HallNC. PET/CT Today and Tomorrow. J Nucl Med 2004; 45:1 (Suppl): 4S-14S.
- Brasse D, KinahanPE, Clackdoyle R, Defrise M, Comtat C, Townsend DW. Fast fully 3-D image reconstruction in PET using planograms. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2004; 23(4): 413-425.
- Townsend DW. Physical Principles and Technology of Clinical PET Imaging (Invited Review Paper). Ann Acad Med Singapore 2004; 33(2): 133-145.
- Romer W, Chung M, Chan A, Townsend DW, Torok F, McCook B, Federle MP, Avril N. Single-detector helical CT in PET-CT: assessment of image quality. A.J.R. 2004; 182: 1571-1577.
- Eriksson L, Townsend DW, Eriksson M, Melcher C, Schmand M, Bendriem B, Nutt R. Experience with scintillators for PET: towards the fifth generation of PET scanners. Nucl. Inst. Methods in Physics Research 2004. A 525: 242-248.
- Yap JT, Carney JPJ, HallNC, Townsend DW. Image-guided cancer therapy using PET/CT. Cancer Journal 2004 10(4): 221-233.
- Townsend DW.From 3-D positron emission tomography to 3-D positron emission tomography/computed tomography: what did we learn?Molecular Imaging & Biology2004, 6(5): 275-290.
- Blodgett TM, Fukui MB, Snyderman CH, Branstetter BF, McCook BM, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Combined PET-CT in the head and neck. Part 1. Physiologic, altered physiologic and artifactual FDG uptake. Radiographics 2005, 25:897-912.
- Fukui MB, Blodgett TM, Snyderman CH, Johnson JJ, Myers EN, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Combined PET-CT in the head and neck. Part 2. Diagnostic uses and pitfalls of oncologic imaging. Radiographics 2005, 25:913-930.
- Coleman RE, Delbeke D, Guiberteau MJ, Conti PS, Royal HD, Weinreb JC, Siegel BA, Federle MF, Townsend DW, Berland LL. Intersociety Dialogue on Concurrent PET-CT with an Integrated Imaging System. From the Joint ACR/SNM/SCBT-MR PET-CT Working Group. J Nucl Med. 2005; 46: 1225-1239.
- Watson CC, Casey ME, Bendriem B, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW, Eberl S, Meikle S, DiFilippo FP. Optimizing injected dose in clinical PET by accurately modeling the counting-rate response functions specific to individual patient scans. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(11):1825-1834.
- Blodgett TM, Casagranda B, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Issues, Controversies and Clinical Utility of Combined PET/CT Imaging: What is the Interpreting Physician Facing? AJR 2005. 184:S138-S145.
- Carney JPJ, Rappoport V, Bendriem B, Townsend DW. A Method for Transforming CT Imagesfor Attenuation Correction in PET/CT Imaging. Med Phys 2006; 33(4):976-983.
- Delbeke D. Coleman RE, Guiberteau MJ, Brown ML, Royal HD, Siegel BA, Townsend DW, Berland LL, Parker A, Hubner K, Stabin MG, Zubal G, Kachelriess M, Cronin V, Holbrook S. Procedure Guideline for Tumor Imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT 1.0. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(5):885-895.
- Watson CC, Rappoport V, Faul D, Townsend DW, Carney J. A Method for Calibrating the CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET in Human Tissue. IEEE TNS 2006; 53(1):102-107.
- Delbeke D. Coleman RE, Guiberteau MJ, Brown ML, Riyal HD, Siegel BA, Townsend DW, Berland LL, Parker JA, Zubal G, Cronin V. Procedure Guideline for SPECT/CT Imaging 1.0. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(7):1227-1234.
- Conti M, Bendriem B, Casey M, Eriksson L, Jakoby B, Jones WF, Jone J, Michel C, Nahmias C, Panin V, Rapport V, Sibomana M, Townsend DW. Performance of a high sensitivity PET scanner based on LSO panel detectors. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2006; 53(3):1136-1142.
- Beyer T and Townsend DW. Putting “clear” into nuclear medicine: a decade of PET/CT development. Eur J Nucl Med 2006; 33(8):857-861.
- Wall JS, Kennel SJ, Paulus M, Gregor J, Richey T, Avenell J, Yap J, Townsend DW, Weiss DT, Solomon A. Radioimaging of light chain amyloid with a fibril-reactive monoclonal antibody. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(12):2016-2024.
- Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW. PET/CT: Form and Function. Radiology 2007; 242:360-385.
- Nahmias C, Hanna WT, Wahl LM, Long MJ, Hubner KF, Townsend DW. Time course of early response to chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients with 18F-FDG PET/CT. J Nucl Med 2007; 48(5):744-751.
- Eriksson L, Townsend DW, Conti M, Eriksson M, Rothfuss H, Schmand M, Casey ME, Bendriem B.An investigation of sensitivity limits in PET scanners. Nucl. Inst. Methods in Physics Research. A 2007;580: 836-842.
- Nahmias C, Carlson ER, Duncan LD, Blodgett TM, Kennedy J, Long MJ, Carr C, Hubner KF, Townsend DW. Positron Emission Tomography/Computerized Tomography (PET/CT) scanning for preoperative staging of patients with oral/head and neck cancer. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007; 65:2524-2535.
- Azhari H, Edelman RR, Townsend DW. Multimodal Imaging and Hybrid Scanners. Int J Biomed Imaging 2007; 10:1155.
- LeBlanc A, Daniel G, Jakoby BW, Townsend DW. Thoracic and Abdominal Organ Uptake of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG) with Positron Emission Tomography in the Normal Dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 2008; 49(2):182-188.
- Townsend DW. Multimodality imaging of structure and function. Phys Med Biol 2008; 53:R1-R39.
- Townsend DW. Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography. Semin Nucl Med 2008; 38:152-166.
- Townsend DW. Dual-modality Imaging: Combining Structure and Function. J Nucl Med 2008; 49(6):938-955.
- Zeng W, Yao M-L, Townsend DW, Kabalka G, Wall J, Le Puil M, Biggerstaff J, Miao W. Synthesis, biological evaluation and radiochemical labeling of a dansylhydrazone derivative as a potential imaging agent for apoptosis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2008; 18:3573-3577.
- Nahmias C, Lemmens C, Faul D, Carlson E, Long MJ, Blodgett T, Nuys J, Townsend DW. Does reducing CT artifacts from dental implants influence the PET interpretation in PET/CT studies of oral cancer and head and neck cancer? J Nucl Med 2008; 49(7):1047-1052.
- Townsend DW. Combined Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography: The Historical Perspective. Semin. UltrasoundCT MRI 2008; 29:232-235.
- Schlemmer H-P, Pichler BJ, Schmand M, Burbar Z, Michel C, Ladebeck R, Jattke K, Townsend DW, Nahmias C, Jacob PK, Heiss W-D, Claussen CD. Simultaneous MR/PET Imaging of the Human Brain: Feasibility Study. Radiology 2008;248(3):1028-1035.
- Zeng W, Miao W, Kabalka G, Le Puil M, Biggerstaff J, Townsend DW. Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Dansyled Amino Acid Derivative as an Imaging Agent for Apoptosis. Tetrahedron Letters 2008; 49:6429-6432.
- Mawlawi O and Townsend DW. Multimodality imaging: an update on PET/CT technology. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2008; DOI 10.1007/s00259-008-1016-6.
- Brix G, Dondi M, Malone J, Mantil J, O’Reilly G, Rehani MM, Relan N, Shortt K, Thompson W, Townsend DW, Yonekura Y. Radiation Protection in Newer Medical Imaging Techniques: PET/CT. IAEA Safety Report 58. IAEA Vienna 2008.
- LeBlanc AK, Jakoby BW*, Townsend DW, Daniel GB. Positron Emission Tomography with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG-PET) in Canine Lymphoma and Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumor. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2009; 50(2):215-223.
- LeBlanc AK, Wall JS, Morandi F, Kennel SJ, Stuckey A, Jakoby B, Townsend DW, Daniel GB. Normal thoracic and abdominal distribution of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG) in adult cats. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2009; 50(4):436-441.
- Jakoby BW*, Bercier Y, Watson CC, Bendriem B, Townsend DW. Physical and Clinical Performance of a new LSO High Definition PET/CT Scanner. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2009; 56(3):633-639.
- Patton JA, Townsend DW, Hutton BF. Hybrid Imaging Technology: From Dreams and Vision to Clinical Devices. Sem. Nucl. Med. 2009; (To appear).
- Kadrmas DJ, Casey ME, Conti M, Jakoby BW, Lois C, Townsend DW. Impact of Time-of-Flight on PET Tumor Detection. J Nucl Med 2009; 50: (To appear).
Invited Published Papers, Proceedings of Conference and Symposia, Book Chapters: