Section I – Medical and Sensory Information



Student Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) / Birthdate (month, day, year)
_____/_____/______/ Sex
q Male q Female
School System / School of Enrollment / Grade / Primary Language
Name of Parent/Guardian / Primary Language at Home


Month Day Year
Prior Written Notice for Reevaluation ______
Date Parent/Guardian Signed Consent for Reevaluation ______
(If Comprehensive Evaluation is indicated by IEP team)


SECTION I – Medical and Sensory Information

1.  q Yes q No q N/A Is there a change in the student’s medical/health status?

If yes, explain: ______


Student’s current medications: ______


Summary of previous medical evaluations: ______


2.  Review of vision and hearing screenings:

Vision Screening

q Yes q No Vision was screened on ____/____/______ and was within normal limits.

q Yes q No Vision was screened on ____/____/______ and was failed with results of ______



Follow-up vision screening was made on ____/____/______ with results of ______


q Wears glasses/visual aids

Hearing Screening

q Yes q No Hearing was screened on ____/____/______ and was within normal limits.

q Yes q No Hearing was screened on ____/____/______ and was failed with results of ______



Follow-up hearing screening was made on ____/____/______ with results of ______



q Wears hearing/auditory aid(s)

ED – 3070 / Rev. 02/09 Reevaluation Summary Report – Sections I & II

Department of Education Medical/Sensory & IEP Records Reevaluation Review

Section II – IEP and Records Review

SECTION II – IEP and Records Review

1.  Primary Disability: ______Eligibility Date _____/_____/______

Secondary Disability: ______Eligibility Date _____/_____/______

List Previous Disability Determinations / IEP Team Date(s) for
Disability Determination / Evaluation/Reevaluation
Report in File
_____/_____/______/ q Yes q No
_____/_____/______/ q Yes q No
_____/_____/______/ q Yes q No
_____/_____/______/ q Yes q No

2.  Last IEP Team / IEP Date: _____/_____/______

3.  Related services: ______

4.  Special education hours: ______

5.  Programs listed in IEP:

q Inclusion q Occupational/Physical Therapy

q Direct Service q Consultation

q Direct Speech/Language Therapy q Other: ______

q Other: ______

Current program modifications include: ______



6.  Attendance: (check one) q Adequate q Problematic

Grades retained: ______

Number of schools attended in 3-year reevaluation cycle: ______

7.  Behavior: (check one) q Adequate q Problematic

q Yes q No Does the current evaluation adequately address any presenting behavioral issues?

q Yes q No Does the student’s behavior warrant further evaluation?

q Yes q No Behavior problems: (If Yes, describe behaviors below.)







Where are the targeted behaviors addressed?

q Yes q No IEP Goals/Objectives q Yes q No Separate Behavior Plan

(Describe past and current interventions below.)






Date ____/____/______

Reviewing Assessment Team Member Signature ______

ED – 3070 / Rev. 02/09 Reevaluation Summary Report – Sections I & II

Department of Education Medical/Sensory & IEP Records Reevaluation Review