Blanche Ely High School

School Advisory Council Minutes


Monday, January 25, 2016

Members Present:

Sylas Brown, Business Partner Nicole Blands

Ira Blue, Community Representative Shelly-Ann Bryce (via phone conference)

YoLanda McCoy, SAC Secretary Michelle Buchanan (via phone conference)

Connie McGirt, SAC Co-Chairperson Lillian Fields

Djuna Robinson, SAC Co-Chairperson Marcos Pernas

Betty Walker, Innovation Zone Representative Brenda Wade-Lester

Steve Woloszn, BTU Steward Karlton Johnson

Estie Holworth, Non-Instructional Representative

Non-Members Present:

Malcolm Spence Tammy Rozier


Mrs. Djuna Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:54 and called roll from the sign-in sheet.

With insufficient non-school board members present, Mrs. Robinson asked non-school board membership if they were in favor of moving forward with the meeting. All non-school board members were in favor; Ms. Shelley-Ann Bryce and Ms. Michelle Buchanan were merged into the meeting via conference call.

Immediately following, Mrs. Robinson distributed copies of the two proposals drafted from the January 19, 2016 meeting and an additional one presented at the Emergency Meeting. She stated that she asked for the correct number of cafeteria employees; however, to date, she hadn’t received the requested information. She emphasized: “We DO NOT want a ‘None of the Above’ because all funds would be dispersed to current classroom teachers with a class roll.”

Mrs. Holsworth asked if an additional proposal could be submitted; thereafter, she distributed copies, making this the fourth proposal.


Proposal #1 based on an ESTIMATED $100,000

Administration 3% ( 5 / 149) $680 ea.

Instructional 69% (103 /149) $671 ea.

Non-Instructional 26% ( 39 / 149) $671 ea.

SRO 1% ( 1 / 149)

Social Worker 1% ( 1 / 149)

Proposal #2 based on an ESTIMATED $100,000

Student Achievement/Recognition $ 8,350

Administration 2% 5 persons $ 1,790 $358.00 ea

Instructional 80% 103 persons $71,600 $695.14 ea

Non-Instructional 18% 52 persons $16,110 $309.81 ea

Shared Employees 2 persons $ 500 $250.00 ea

Cafeteria Manager & Family Counselor

Others 3 persons $ 900 $300.00 ea Ms. Anna Robinson, Social Worker & SRO

Full-time Subs 3 persons $ 750 $250.00 ea

Ms. Cindy James, Mr. Dontrel Hall and Mr. James McCormick *Note: These are based solely on estimated figures.

Proposal #3 based on an ESTIMATED $100,000

Student Achievement/Recognition - $ 8,300

Social Worker and SRO - $ 600 $300.00 ea

Cafeteria Manager and Family Counselor - $ 400 $200.00 ea

Full-time/Long-term Substitutes - $ 1,200 $300.00 ea

Anna Robinson, Cindy Brennan-James,

Dontrel Hall and James McCormick

TOTAL $89,500

Administration 2% 5 persons $ 1,790 $358.00 ea

Instructional 70% 103 persons $ 62,650 $608.25 ea

Non-Instructional 28% 52 persons $ 25,060 $481.92 ea

*Note: These are based solely on estimated figures.

Proposal #4 based on an ESTIMATED $124,000

Blanche Ely High (BEHS) received approximately $124,000 in 2011 and $148,000 in 2012 for A+ money.

Below amount is based on the approximate A+ money BEHS received from the District in 2011 ($124,000), which is the lesser of the two (2) amounts.

Schools will not know the total amount they will be given until the beginning of April 2016.

166 estimated entire faculty and staff

103 Instructional Staff (Full Time)

1  Instructional Staff (Part Time)

61 Non-Instructional

5 Administration

7 Security

7 Paraprofessional ESE

3 Paraprofessional ESOL


12 Facility

13 Clerical

11 Cafeteria (Full Time)

1 Cafeteria (Part Time)

**Full time 55% or greater of the standard daily work schedule hours (Instructional 7.5, Non-Instructional 7.0, Facility 8.0 etc.)

All full-time staff, employed for 50% + 1 of their calendar year at Blanche Ely High School, for the 2014-2015 school year, excluding those who resigned or were terminated for reasons other than relocation or retirement, or specifically addressed below, will be eligible to receive a share of the funds as follows:

$10,000 Given to BEHS to fund student activities/equipment related to

Accountability Assessments.

$250 Full-time instructional staff members (who were employed for 50% +1

of their calendar year at BEHS)

$125 Part-time instructional staff members (who were employed for 50% +1

of their calendar year at BEHS)

$200 Each of the following positions (who were employed for 50% +1 of their

calendar year at BEHS, pending verification)

·  Student Resource Officer (SRO)

·  Social Worker

·  2 Substitute ESE Aide

·  1 Substitute Facility Service Person

·  5 Substitute Teachers

Remainder of the funds after above allocations are distributed by dividing evenly between all faculty and staff members (approximately 166), Part-time Instructional and Non-Instructional employees will receive 50% of full-time employee payout.

Based on $124,000

$771.96 Full-Time Instructional ($250 + $521.96)

$385.98 Part-Time Instructional ($125 + $260.98)

$521.96 Non-Instructional and Administration

$260.98 Part-Time Non-Instructional and Administration


Since Proposal #1 was incomplete, the membership agreed that it should be eliminated.

Mrs. Wade-Lester made a motion that Proposals #2 and #3 be placed on the ballot with the language stipulated. Ms. Nicole Blands seconded the motion.

Those in favor: 3

Those opposed: 9

Mrs. Betty Walker made a motion that Proposals #2 and #4 be placed on the ballot with the language stipulated. Mr. Sylas Brown seconded the motion.

Those in favor: 8

Those opposed: 6

It was concluded that A+ funds for the 2014-2015 school year would consist of the following: Proposals 2 and 4 along with “None of the Above”.

Mrs. Wade-Lester addressed the group stating that the estimated dollar figure should be consistent on all proposals. For example, if the school is awarded $150,000, all proposals should read $150,000.


Ms. Nicole Blands made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:41, and Mrs. Connie McGirt seconded the motion.