Telephone Numbers
Practice Telephone Number 339 3626
Prescription Line 334 2009
Fax Number 334 2399
Practice Manager 357 5847
District nurses 207 9521
Health visitor 334 3309
Other Useful Numbers
NHS24 111
Minor Injuries Unit@West Glasgow ACH 201 0290
Gartnavel General Hospital 211 3000
Gartnavel Royal Hospital 211 3600
Royal Hospital for Sick Children 201 1100
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital 201 1100
West Glasgow Community Midwives 201 0140
Social Work Dept., Anniesland 276 2420
Social Work Dept., Partick 276 3100
Emergency Social Worker 03003431505
Riverside Resource Centre 211 1430
Sandyford Initiative 211 8600
Sandy Road Clinic 211 1400
41 Broomhill Drive, Glasgow G11 7AD
The Practice Team
Practice manager Mrs Lorna Watson
Office Manager Ms Elizabeth Arthur
Receptionists Mrs May Cassidy
Mrs Helen Brown
Mrs Jill Syme
Miss Evonne Gonnella
Practice Nurse Sister Susan Stewart RGN DN HV
Health Care Assistant Mrs Helen Brown
Community Nurses
(Employed by Greater Glasgow Primary Care Trust)
District Nurses Sister Aileen MacKay
Staff Colleen Donnachie
Health Visitor Marjorie McLoone RGN SCM HV
Your Personal Health Information
To provide you with the care you need, we hold the details of your consultations, illnesses, tests, prescriptions and other treatments that have been recorded by everyone involved in your care and treatment e.g. G.P, Health Visitor, Practice Nurse. This information may be stored on paper or electronically on computer files by practice staff.
We sometimes disclose some of your personal health information with other organisations involved in your care. For example, when your GP refers you to a specialist at the hospital we will send relevant details about you in the referral letter and receive information about you from them. Our practice also participates in regional and national programmes such as the cervical cytology screening service and your name and address, date of birth and health number will be given to them in order to send an invitation to you. .
We need to use some of your personal health information for administrative purposes. In order to receive payment for services provided to you, we have to disclose basic details about you to the NHS Board responsible for this area and to the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service. These organisations have a role in protecting public funds, and are authorised to check that payments are being properly made. We are required to co-operate with these checks and the disclosure of your data is a necessary part of our provision of healthcare services.
Sometimes, we may participate in studies that are designed to improve the way services are provided to you or to check that our performance meets required standards and benchmarks. Whenever we take part in activities such as these we will ensure that as far as possible any details that may identify you are not disclosed.
We are sometimes involved in health research and the teaching of student nurses, doctors and other health professionals. We will not use or disclose your personal health information for these purposes unless you have been informed beforehand and given your consent for us to do so.
Where you need a service jointly provided with a local authority we will seek your permission before giving them your details.
Sometimes we are required by law to pass on information e.g. the notification of births and deaths and certain diseases or crimes to the government is a legal requirement.
Our use of your personal health information is covered by a duty of confidentiality, and is regulated by the Data Protection Act. The Data Protection Act gives you a number of rights in relation to how your personal information is used, including a right to access the information we hold about you.
Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential and adheres to a Code of Practice on Protecting Patient confidentiality. Further information on this can be found at
Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to keep it confidential.
If you have any queries or concerns on how we use your personal health information, or would like to access your information, please contact our Practice Manager.
Patients Charter
A full statement about patient’s rights and responsibilities under the patient’s charter is available on our practice website or on request from the Practice manager.
Surgery Hours
Opening hours are between:
8.00am –6.00pm Monday to Friday.
Weekend and Public Holiday services are provided by NHS24.
Ask at reception for a registration form and please help us by completing as much of it as you can. If you already have a GP in the area and are wishing to re-register here you will be asked to make an appointment with one of the partners prior to registration. Please bring your medical card if you have one but just fill in as much as you can if you can’t find it. You will also need to provide proof of ID and address.
Appointments - may be made via reception at 339 3626
An appointment system is in operation at our surgery and you may ask to see any of the doctors or nurses in the practice.
Appointments will not always be available on the same day, but if you have a problem that cannot wait until the first available appointment, explain this to the receptionist and arrangements will be made for you to be seen. In these circumstances there may be a longer wait in the waiting room and you may not be able to see the practitioner of your choice. You will be seen by an appropriately qualified health professional.
It is helpful if a separate appointment is made for each person attending. An ordinary appointment lasts ten minutes. Please bear this in mind and try to help the doctors to run to time. You can ask for a longer appointment if you know that it will be necessary. Please let us know in advance if you cannot attend an appointment.
Medical Teaching and Training
We are a training practice for Registrars and FY2 doctors who will work here, under close supervision. We also train Retainee doctors through the GP Retainer Scheme. At times during training video equipment may be used to record the consultation for the purposes of training the doctor. You will be asked prior to your consultation if you are comfortable with this and your wishes will always be respected. This material is always treated confidentially and deleted after use.
Patient Comments
We are happy to receive any comments regarding the practice.
We do our best to offer high standards of care at all times, but should you have a particular complaint about our service, you can write to or ask to speak to Lorna Watson, our Practice Manager.
Disabled Access
We operate from ground floor premises and all our clinical areas are on this floor. There are steps with handrails to the front doorway.
Violent and Abusive Patients
Violence or verbal abuse towards any staff member is unacceptable. We will take all reasonable measures to protect our staff and other patients and apply all legal measures against individuals who are violent or abusive.
This is a map of our practice area.
NHS Services
We have a contract with Greater Glasgow NHS board to provide NHS services to our patients under 3 categories of essential, additional and enhanced services.
Private Services
There are certain services that we are sometimes asked to undertake that are not covered by the NHS. These include private medical certificates, private insurance statements, fitness to travel certificates, and pre-employment certificates.
We charge for these services in line with BMA recommended rates.
Dr Andrew Marshall
Dr Marshall has an interest in Dermatology. He is full-time
Dr Nitin Gambhir
MBBS 1993; MS (Orthopaedics); DGM; DFFP; MRCGP
Dr Gambhir has an interest in Orthopaedics. He is full-time.
Dr Joanne Cuthbertson
Dr Cuthbertson has an interest in Family Planning and Women’s Health. She is part-time.
All staff can speak English as their first tongue. Dr Gambhir can communicate adequately in Hindi and Marathi as well. You may wish to have an interpreter during your consultation. Please speak to receptionist in advance to arrange one.
We all hope that you find our services here both friendly and helpful.
Please visit our practice website at
You will find useful information about the practice, services and helpful medical information here. We would encourage you to update your personal information using the secure facility in our website. You can also order prescriptions via our secure order form online.
Our health visitors provide a monthly immunisation session for childhood vaccination.
Travel advice
Sister Stewart has training in Travel medicine and can offer advice and vaccination based on up to date information from the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health. Please ensure that you arrange an appointment several weeks in advance of your proposed travel date.
Not all vaccinations are available on the NHS – ask for a travel advice leaflet at reception if you wish further information
Child Health Surveillance
Our health visitors and GPs provide a full range of heath screening for children. The clinic runs on a Monday afternoon.
Emergency Contraception
Please note that if you require emergency contraception such as the morning after pill it is best obtained as soon as possible. Receptionists know to make sure you are seen the same day if you let them know you need this service.
Cervical Screening
Sister Stewart is trained in cervical screening. Smears are recommended for all females every 3 years between the ages of 21 and 60. At this practice we now use disposable examination equipment and also use the modern liquid based cytology which reduces the frequency of unsatisfactory samples.
Family Planning
We are able to offer a comprehensive range of family planning advice. Dr Gambhir and Dr Cuthbertson are trained in fitting the coil (IUCD) and Implanon (Contraceptive implant). Dr Marshall is also trained in Implanon insertion.
Joint Injections/ Minor Surgery
Dr Gambhir offers Minor operations for a variety of conditions. Dr Gambhir and Dr Marshall offer Steroid injections for various Musculoskeletal (Bone and Joints) problems. We are able to offer a monthly wart clinic using liquid nitrogen. We also have facilities for cautery and for curettage of minor skin lesions. All our instruments are now disposable.
Diabetic clinic
Dr Marshall and Sister Stewart have special training in diabetes management and we now offer regular multi-disciplinary clinics for diabetics involving a podiatrist, a dietician, nurse and GP.
Other chronic disease clinics
We currently call patients with coronary heart disease, stroke and asthma, dementia and learning disability for annual reviews of their condition. In addition we operate reminder systems in other disease areas where patients are overdue for a check-up. Our district nurses have special training and equipment for leg ulcer management.
We offer this service for patients needing a blood test as advised by their GP. Helen Brown is a trained phlebotomist and patients can ask for an appointment with her.
Home Visits
If you are too ill or infirm to travel to the surgery you may request a home visit. Please make home visit requests before 9.00am to allow the doctors to plan their visits and collect your records before they leave the surgery. The receptionist will ask for an indication of the nature of the problem so that the doctor can gauge the urgency of the visit and prioritise his or her rounds.
Emergencies and Out of Hours
Surgery Opening Hours: Monday –Friday 8am – 6pm
Phone the surgery on 339 3626
After these hours and at the weekend emergency cover will be provided by Glasgow Emergency Medical Service. You may be asked to attend one of the centres at either the Western Infirmary or Drumchapel Day Hospital. Transport can be arranged if necessary. Home visits are available for the infirm or very ill, although you are encouraged to attend the centre if at all possible. Contact is made by phoning NHS 24 on 111
Chest Pain
A sudden onset of chest pain or heaviness felt across the chest and possibly spreading to the left arm or neck could be a heart attack. In these circumstances phone 999 for an emergency ambulance first and then phone the surgery.
In order to relieve telephone congestion, patients are now requested to call between 10 am & 11 am and 2 pm & 3 pm for results.
Repeat Prescriptions
Repeat prescription requests can be hand-delivered and left in the box in the surgery or sent by post. Computer generated prescriptions have a counterfoil with a list of your medications on repeat prescription. Simply tick the appropriate box adjacent to the required medication. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you wish the prescription to be returned by post.
You can also request prescriptions using the online prescription form on our website
Certain local pharmacies collect from the surgery, and you may ask that your prescription is uplifted by one of them. Please let them AND our receptionists know if using this service.
We have introduced a dedicated Prescription Line. Simply telephone 334 2009 and, following the instructions, leave your name, date of birth and which medicines you wish to order. Also state any pharmacist with which you have an arrangement to collect from us.
In ALL cases please allow us 48 hours to process repeat prescriptions.
Smoking Cessation Advice
If you are a smoker and would like help stopping then please contact the Smokeline on 0800 84 84 84 or visit the website:
If you would like group or one to one support with stopping smoking this can be arranged locally by phoning the Smoke Free Team on 01413146224. You can speak to our Practice nurse as well.