24 November 2017
Dear Minister Payne, and Mr. Alldritt,
Thank you very much for meeting with us on November 22nd 2017 with regard to;
a.Baby -Friendly (BFI) endorsement by the Alberta Government. On behalf of the Calgary Breastfeeding Matters Group (CBMG) we strongly encourage this and ask to be stakeholders in any policy development.
b. The use of donor human milk in Alberta Health Services.We request community stakeholders be part of policy development around these topics.
As promised, here are the references as to which of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (WHO/UNICEF) make the most difference to breastfeeding outcomes;
1.“Breastfeeding withinthe first hour of life" (Step 4), exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital (Step 6),and having a written breastfeeding policy (Step 1) are the steps generallyfound to have a the greatest influence on success.”Bartick M, Stuebe A, Shealy KR, Walker M, Grummer-Strawn LM. Closing the quality gap: promoting evidence-based breastfeeding care in the hospital. Pediatrics. 2009;124:e793-802).
2.“Step 1, the presence of a written policy, was independently associated with breastfeeding.” Rosenberg KD,Stull JD, Adler MR, Kasehagen IJ, Crivelli-Kovach A. Impact of hospital policies on breastfeeding outcomes. Breastfeed Med. 2008;3(2):110-116
3. Steps 6 (exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital), Step 9 (no pacifiers) and Step 4 (breastfeed within first hour) are associated with increased breastfeeding rates. Nickel N, Labbok M, Hudgens M. The extent that noncompliance with the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Influences breastfeeding duration. J Hum Lact 2013 Feb;29(1):59-70. doi: 10.1177/0890334412464695. Epub 2012 Nov 29.
Having a written breastfeeding policy (that staff are trained to implement), and avoiding use of other food (including artificial baby milks only as medically indicated) would be a good starting place for AHS. Providing human donor milk in postpartum units would assist with avoiding use of other food. We will send information the British Columbia information on availability of donor human milk in post-partum units early next week.
Again, thank you very much for your interest, your time, and a very friendly and productive dialogue.
In closing, will you let us know as opportunities arise where CBMG can provide stakeholder input in policy decisions regarding Baby Friendly Initiatives or use of human milk in Alberta?
Jennifer House MSc RD
Jen PeddlesdenBScPharm IBCLC
cc. Ms. LeelaAheer, MLA Chestermere- Rocky View
Mr. Wayne Anderson, MLA Highwood
Abingdon Pl NE Calgary AB T2A 7B4