Application for membership renewal may be made on-line through the My Tennis website If you renew on-line, then it is not necessary to fill in this form.

Alternatively, mail this application form with correct fee to Secretary, Barton Tennis Club Inc., Cnr Wentworth Avenue and TelopeaPark, Barton ACT 2600 OR deposit in the Clubhouse mailbox (located in the clubhouse wall near the main entry gate).

Ensure cheque is marked ‘not negotiable’ and payable to Barton Tennis Club Inc. Payment may also be made by electronic funds transfer. Payment by cash may be made to the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer in person or deposited in the Clubhouse mailbox (at depositor’s risk of theft). Honorary Life Members are also to complete and submit this form. Membership year is 1 July to 30 June.

Senior Member / $120
Junior member (under 18 years of age at 1 July) / $60
Family Member (I or 2 adults and their children under age 18 as at 1 July 2013 / $300

Membership renewalfee must be paid before 1 July 2014 or your membership shall lapse, in which case, to rejoin, joining fees are payable which are: $40 per Senior member, $20 per Junior Member and $80 per Family. By renewing your membership you retain your Tennis ACT state registration.

Membership Type / Given names / Surname / Date of Birth
Membership Type is either Senior, Junior, Life or Family / Senior, Life and Junior Memberships will have only one person listed above. Families: List head of family on first line above then all other family members.
Parents’ or Guardian’s name of Junior Member:
Contact Details of Applicant:
Address: / Postcode:
Phone / (home) / (Work) / (Mobile)

AGREEMENT: By Applying for renewed membership, I (we), the above applicant(s) (and as parent(s) of any above junior applicant(s)) will abide by the memoranda and articles of association, rules and by-laws of the club.

Date / Amount submitted: / Indicate: Cheque/cash/eft

PRIVACY: Barton Tennis Club Inc. requires the information requested on this form to provide you with membership services and related purposes, which can reasonably be expected. Your personal information will only be used in accordance with the purposes of Barton Tennis Club Inc. You can access your personal information through the MyTennis website