Mt.Evans Board of Cooperative Services
Board Meeting
January23, 2013
7:30 A.M.
District Office in Clear Creek School District
I. Introductions – Meeting was called to order by Kathleen O’Leary, Mt. Evans BOCES Board President at 7:35am
II.Board Members Present:
Kathleen O'Leary (Clear Creek), Peter Monson (Clear Creek) Rusty Hardy (Gilpin), Philip Eisele (PlatteCanyon), not present: Jason Hawk (PlatteCanyon)
Guests: Dr. Lynn Gentry, Director Mt. Evans BOCES, Dr. Jim Walpole, Superintendent of Platte Canyon School District, Todd Lancaster, Superintendent of Clear Creek School District, Dr. Morris Ververs, Superintendent of Gilpin Dr. Terri Jones, School Psychologist (Platte Canyon), Michelle Hoglan, Administrative Assistant, Mt. Evans BOCES, Lisa Kaiser, Auditor; Holscher, Mayberry & Company, LLC; Terry Scharg, Business Manager, Mt. Evans BOCES and Gilpin County School District.
III.Reading and approval of minutes from October 19, 2011 Meeting
Meeting Minutes were forwarded by email prior to the board meeting.
A motion was made by Peter Monson to approve; seconded by Kathleen O’Leary;
Rusty Hardy, Aye; Phil Eisele, Aye.
Motion Passed
IV. Auditor Presentation ~ Information
Lisa Kaiser – Auditor with Holscher, Mayberry & Company, LLC – presented the
Audit for the Mt. Evans BOCES for the year ending June 30, 2012. The Auditor
Report is available on the website. The BOCES is in good shape thanks to Terry
Scharg and her meticulous record keeping.
- Acknowledgement of Receipt of Audit
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to approve receipt of Audit; seconded by Peter Monson; Kathleen O’Leary, Aye; Phil Eisele, Aye
Motion Passed
VI.Approve the 2012-13 Revised Budget and Appropriation Resolution of Funds Received
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to approve, seconded by Phil Eisele; Peter Monson, Aye; Kathleen O’Leary, Aye
Motion Passed
VII.Appropriation resolution signature ~ last page of Budget
Last page of Budget, no real signature spot; Terry Scharg explained that we just need it for the State to prove that we approve of the resolution.
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to approve, seconded by Peter Monson; Kathleen O’Leary, Aye; Phil Eisele, Aye.
Motion Passed
VIII. Approve Dr.Lynn Gentry’s resignation letter
Dr. Lynn Gentry will be retiring effective June 1, 2013; resignation letter was emailed to the BOCES Board.
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to approve, seconded by Kathleen O’Leary; Peter Monson, Aye; Phil Eisele, Aye.
- Recommendation for hiring new Director for Mt. Evans BOCES
Discussion and Action on recommendation from Superintendents advisory; Dr. Terri Jones was interviewed by the three Superintendents of the Mt. Evans BOCES. They recommended to the Board that she be hired to replace Dr. Lynn Gentry as the Executive Director of the Mt. Evans BOCES.
XI. Action-Hiring an Executive Director
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to approve and seconded by Peter Monson; Kathleen O’Leary, Aye; Phil Eisele, Aye.
Motion Passed
XII. Open Discussion–Discussion regarding Clear Creek withholding information for December Count and ongoing problems with requesting information from Clear Creek District Office staff. This is an ongoing problem that will need to be addressed for future reports within CDE and the upcoming Data Pipeline.
New Requirements Coming from CDE – Dr. Lynn Gentry sent out an email detailing all of the new requirements from CDE
Coordinator – Suggestion put forth by Dr. Gentry to help with the workload and the demands on the Executive Director with the day to day duties as well as meeting the new requirements from CDE. Superintendents agreed to look into it.
Calendars – Suggestion was made by Dr. Walpole to try and align the school calendars between the three school districts to help with professional development and training sessions.
XIII.Motion to adjourn meeting
A motion was made by Rusty Hardy to adjourn, seconded by Kathleen O’Leary; Phil Eisele, Aye; Peter Mondon, Aye.
Motion Passed
Next meeting will be held on Monday, March 11, 2013at 7:30am, location to be determined.
Peter Monson, Secretary of Mt. Evans BOCES