4—Saladin and the Lionheart

“The Crescent and the Cross”

Pastor Mike Cooke

The Peasant’s Crusade

The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia

The Seljuq Sultanate of Rum

  1. Second Crusade (Frankish Catholic)
  2. 1144—The Seljuq Turks retake the County of Edessa (1144)
  3. 1147—Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany form a crusade
  4. 1148—Try to take Damascus instead but return home in failure
  1. Ayyubid Dynasty (Kurdish-Egyptian Sunni)
  2. 1177—King Raynald of Jerusalem begins raiding Muslim trade caravans
  3. 1187—Sultan Sala ad-Din “Saladin” Ayyubi lays siege to Tiberias

1)He uses Mamluks as the backbone of his army

2)He defeats the Crusaders at the Horns of Hattin

3)He beheads Raynald for his treachery but releases King Guy

  1. Saladin takes Jerusalem and Acre from the Crusaders

1)Crusaders threaten to destroy the Dome and the Sepulchre unless he grants them safe passage

2)He allows Jews to resettle in Jerusalem again

  1. Third Crusade (Frankish Catholic)
  2. 1189—Holy Roman Emperor Fredrick I“Barbarossa”leads a German and Hungarian army of 100k to retake Jerusalem

1)Byzantines make a pact with Saladin to impede his progress

a)Sultanate of Rum frequently attack his army

b)Barbarossa sack the capital of Iconium

2)Barbarossa drowns in a river and his son Fredrick VI of Swabia leads the remaining 5k to Acre

  1. 1190—England and France impose a “Saladin Tax” to retake Jerusalem

1)King Richard I “The Lionheart” of England and King Philip II“Augustus” of France agree to meet in Messina, Sicily

2)Richard arrives and captures Messina, freeing his sister Joan of England

3)Philip sails for Acre when Richard breaks off engagement to his sister

4)Richard’s fleet is caught in a storm, and their treasure is captured by Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus (Byzantine) who is in league with Saladin

5)Richard conquers Cyprus and it becomes a launching point for later crusades

  1. 1191—Crusaders join forces to retake Acre (1191)

1)Saladin corresponds with Richard but refuses to meet with him

2)Both sides end up executing thousands of prisoners

3)Richard, Philip and Leopold argue over the spoils of Acre

4)Philip and Leopold return home leaving Richard 10k French troops

  1. Richard marches down the coast to retake Jaffa

1)Saladin heads him off at Arsuf but is defeated and humiliated

2)Crusaders take Jaffa, cutting off Saladin from the coast

3)Crusaders decide to winter in Ascalon instead of trying to take Jerusalem

  1. 1192—Crusaders fail to retake Jerusalem in the Spring

1)The French want to attack Jerusalem but Richard wants to invade Egypt

2)Saladin recaptures Jaffa but loses control of his army (Crusaders hide in Citadel)

3)Richard recaptures Jaffa from the sea and releases the Crusaders

  1. Richard and Saladin sign the Treaty of Ramla

1)Jerusalem remains in Muslim control

2)Christian pilgrims and traders are allowed to visit unarmed