Graduate Studies Admission Questionnaire

  1. Identification: Please use your full LEGAL name. Do not use nicknames.

Last Name: ______

Given Name: ______

E-mail Address: ______

  1. Please indicate which program you are applying to:

___M.A. Applied Social (AS)

___M.A. Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis (CP:ADE)

___M.A. Industrial Organizational (I/O)

___M.Sc. Neuroscience And Applied Cognitive Science (NACS)

(may also include Collaborative Program: NEUR or TOX)

___Ph.D Applied Social (AS)

___Ph.D. Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis (CP:ADE)

___Ph.D. Industrial/Organizational (I/O)

___Ph.D Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science (NACS)(

(may also include Collaborative Program: NEUR or TOX)

  1. If admitted, who would you like to work with (you can list more than one faculty member)? Please leave this blank if you are undecided.
  1. Please outline your major research interests and your objectives in undertaking graduate study as well as the faculty member you are interested in working with. Also provide information about your long term goals and any other information you may consider relevant to your application.
  1. Describe below any experience you may have had relating to:

Research: Include honours thesis and/or MA/MSc thesis research plus any other research experience

Work: Indicate work experience that is relevant to your application

Teaching: e.g. experience as a teaching assistant

  1. Students are admitted to the MA/MSc Program with the expectation that they intend to continue to the PhD Program. If you are applying for the MA/MSc program, do you intend to continue your studies to the PhD Program?



  1. What other universities and programs are you applying to for graduate studies?

University / Program
  1. Applicants with an A- average or higher are strongly encouraged to seek external scholarships (eg. CIHR, OGS, NSERC, SSHRC). Please list scholarships for which you have applied or plan to apply.
  1. It is our professional and social responsibility to understand and respect the range of human diversity, which includes, but is not limited to, variability in culture, religion, nationality, language, sexual orientation, physical and psychological characteristics, lifestyle, gender, and socioeconomic status. As such, our graduate program strives to have a diversified student body that reflects the demographic makeup of Canada. If you have any information about yourself that you would like to share with us, that will contribute to our goal of capturing the diversity of the Canadian experience, please include it here.

If you require space, please feel free to append an additional page.

Please complete, save, and attach this document in an email directly to the Psychology Graduate Secretary, Robin Sorbara at