Minutes of

Regular Meeting of the Governing Board

For Tracy Unified School District

Held on Tuesday, October 23, 2007

5:30 PM: / Vice-President Vaughn called the meeting to order and adjourned to closed session.
Roll Call: / Board: J. Feller, T. Guzman, T. Hawkins, K. Lewis, B. Swenson, J. Vaughn Absent: G. Crandall
Staff: J. Franco, J. Mousalimas, C. Goodall, S. Harrison, B. Etcheverry.
7:05 PM: / Vice-President Vaughn called the Tracy Unified School District Board of Education to order and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Closed Session: / 6a Action on Findings of Fact # FF07-08/ 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23
Action: Lewis, Guzman. Vote: Yes-6; No-0; Absent-1(Crandall).
6b Report Out of Action Taken on Application for Reinstatement: #AR07-
Action: Vote: Yes-6; No-0; Absent-1(Crandall)
6c Report Out of Action on Waiver of Expulsion: #WE07-08/3
Action: Vote: Yes-6; No-0; Absent-1(Crandall)
Employees Present: / C. Minter, N. Link, L. Beeso, P. Hall, D. Wakefield, S. Sievers, K. Fistolera, M. Belasco, M. Simas
Press: / B. Brownne (Tracy Press)
Visitors Present: / A. Bassett
Minutes: / Approve Regular Minutes of October 9, 2007.
Action: Feller, Hawkins. Vote: Yes-6; No-0; Absent-1(Crandall)
Student Representative Reports: / Stein: Pooja Kaur reported that they have selected the “grizzly” for their mascot and their colors are black and gold. They’ve enrolled six new students this month. The Earth Science class is working on a “hands on” projects. On October 6th they had a carwash for the Key Club and raised approximately $200.00. During the week of October 8-12 some students went to science camp as cabin leaders for Hawkins School. They will have a field trip for 40 students for the English classes to go to Delta College and will watch five mini plays and will get a tour of the campus. She attended the sustainability project meeting this month which is focused on saving energy and helping the environment.
West High: Naficeh Dastgheyb reported that West High has just finished homecoming week. First place for floats was tied between the seniors and juniors. The Key club and Interact teamed together and picked up trash after the parade. Several clubs were involved in the parade. Key club is currently working on Unicef. CSF is having a canned food drive to support the McHenry House. She attended a SPIRIT meeting. The bathrooms are still a problem, but have improved from last year. Trash on campus has also improved. A tardy task force has been organized to find out alternative methods to support room and will hopefully get this working by the third quarter. The new guidelines for dances are in place and she will bring a copy to the next meeting.
Tracy High: Alaina Bassett reported that the IB certificate and diploma candidates have signed up for testing in the springtime. The Ag science seniors are going to turn in their senior projects tomorrow which range from building a surf board to plastic surgery. Tracy High is excited to have finished the 1st quarter. The drama club will be performing “Moon Over Buffalo”. The choir will be performing in China at the Olympics and the FFA is going to Indianapolis to participate in the national convention. The football team has won their last 2 games and will play Franklin this Friday. Homecoming was an extremely successful event and the Juniors won the powder puff game. Even though it rained on their parade, it didn’t dampen the Tracy High spirit. The game was a little wet, but they won. The dance had high attendance even with the weather. They are geared up for Red Ribbon Week and the Freshman tailgate to finish season.
Recognition & Presentation: / 9.1 Recognize and Congratulate Tracy High School Students Victoria
Castaneda and James Wang for Being Winners in the 2007 National
Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Writing Contest
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Dr. Sheila Harrison,
recognized Tracy High students, Victoria Castaneda and James Wang.
They are winners of the writing program which encourages high school
students in their writing. A team of English teachers chose student
winners. 595 students were selected as outstanding writers from the 50
states, Canada, and the Virgin Islands.
9.2 Villalovoz Elementary School Site Update on Achievements & Activities
Principal, Lisa Beeso, presented a power point on the success of
Villalovoz which included their academic scores, ELL rotations, EXCEL
data teams, student council, conflict managers and assemblies. They
have had a 97.5 attendance rate for the past few months. Students have
enjoyed the CATCH program.
9.3 Central Elementary School Site Update on Achievements & Activities
Principal, Nancy Link, and teacher, Jennifer Tiffany, along with students
reviewed instructional strategies and demonstrated a story.
Hearing of Delegations / None.
Information & Discussion Items: / 11.1 / Administrative & Business Services:
11.1.1 / Receive October Report on Enrollment
Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Dr. Casey Goodall, reviewed the enrollment numbers. Our enrollment count is down approximately 251 students from last year.
11.1.2 / Receive Update on Electronic School Board Agenda
Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Dr. Casey Goodall, presented a power point on the costs and other alternatives to electronic school board.
11.2 / Educational Services:
11.2.1 / Receive Update on Quarterly Williams Uniform Complaint Reports for Quarter Ending October 15, 2007
There were no cases to report.
Trustee Feller left the meeting at 8:13 p.m. and did not return.
11.3 / Human Resources:
11.3.1 / Receive Report on Timeline For John Kimball High School
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Jamie Mousalimas, presented a power point which showed a tentative planning timeline for Kimball High School.
Public Hearing: / None.
Consent Items: / Action: / Lewis, Guzman. Vote: Yes-5; No-0; Absent:-2(Crandall, Feller)
13.1 / Administrative & Business Services:
13.1.1 / Ratify Routine Expenditures and Notice of Completions Which Meet Criteria for Board Review and Approval
13.1.2 / Ratify Measure E Related Expenditures and Notice of Completions Which Meet Criteria for Board Review and Approval
13.1.3 / Acknowledge Report on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Preventive Maintenance Program
13.1.4 / Acknowledge Report on Summer Grounds Work
13.1.5 / Approve Assembly Vendors and Site Assembly Utilization Calendars
13.1.6 / Authorize Associate Superintendent for Business Services to Enter into Agreement to Donate Obsolete and Surplus Phone Equipment to Sacramento City Schools
13.1.7 / Approve Monthly Budget Adjustment Report-September, 2007
13.1.8 / Approve Revolving Cash Fund Reports for September, 2007
13.1.9 / Approve Accounts Payable Warrants Reports for September, 2007 (Separate Cover Item)
13.1.10 / Approve Consultant Agreement with Donna Covey, Education Consultant and Administrative Coach, to Provide District Staff with an Overview of the Process for Opening a New High School, the Scope of Work and Timeline
13.2 / Educational Services:
13.2.1 / Ratify Contract with Theresa Fagundes – Speech, Language and Communication Center
13.2.2 / Approve Contract with Psychology Learning and You (Cheryl Markowitz) for Autism Consultation and Training in the Preschools
13.2.3 / Ratify Agreement with Assistive Technology Research Clinics, Stanford University Medical Center for Special Contract Services
13.2.4 / Ratify Contract with Michelle Kirchner for Speech/Language Pathologist Services
13.2.5 / Approve Overnight Travel for Tracy High School Choir Delegates to Attend 2008 Beijing Choral Salute with Anna Hamre in Beijing, China from March 14-23, 2008
13.2.6 / Ratify Contract with Cheryl Markowitz of Psychology, Learning and You (PLAY) for Autism Consultation
13.2.7 / Ratify Contract with the Speech Pathology Group, Inc.
13.2.8 / Approve Overnight Travel for Nisla Fonseca and Victoria Geibig to Attend the IB Teacher Training Workshop, Spanish B, Level 2, IBNA, New York, From Thursday, February 21, Through Sunday,
February 24, 2008
13.2.9 / Approve Contract with Caballo Online Scoring Systems for Scoring of CELDT (California English Language Development Tests) for Williams School
13.3 / Human Resources:
13.3.1 / Approve Classified, Certificated and/or Management Employment
13.3.2 / Accept Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence for Classified, Certificated, and/or Management Employment
Action Items: / 14.1 / Administrative & Business Services:
14.1.1 / Approve City of Tracy Mitigation Fees and Infrastructure Costs of Kimball High School Project on Lammers Road
Action: / Guzman, Hawkins. Vote: Yes-5; No-0;
Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.1.2 / Approve Agreement for Demographic Consulting Services with Davis Demographics and Planning, Inc.
Action: / Lewis, Guzman. Vote: Yes-5; No-0;
Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.1.3 / Approve Schematic Design of the West High School Theater and Authorize Rainforth Grau Architects to Move Forward with Construction Documents
(Rainforth Grau presented a power point on the project and reviewed the floor plan).
This item was moved up on the agenda.
Action: / Hawkins, Swenson. Vote: Yes-5; No-0;
Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.1.4 / Adopt Board Policy 5116 School Attendance Boundaries (First Reading).
Action: / Guzman, Lewis. Vote: Yes-5; No-0; Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.2 / Educational Services:
14.2.1 / Accept Grant Under Senate Bill 1209 Certificated Staff Mentoring Program (CSMP)
Action: / Hawkins, Swenson. Vote: Yes-5; No-0;
Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.3 / Human Resources:
14.3.1 / Authorize Hiring High School Principal for Kimball High School
Action: / Lewis, Swenson. Vote: Yes-5; No-0; Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.3.2 / Approve Revisions to Administrative Regulation 4151, Salary Guides
Action: / Guzman, Lewis. Vote: Yes-5; No-0; Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
14.3.3 / Approve a 30-year, 2.5% Longevity Pay Increment for Tracy Schools Management Association (TSMA) Employees
Action: / Guzman, Swenson. Vote: Yes-5; No-0;
Absent-2(Crandall, Feller)
Board Reports: / Trustee Guzman passed. Trustee Lewis attended the CIF, San Joaquin Section meeting on October 17th. They didn’t know about Kimball High School. He would like a principal or assistant principal to attend these meetings along with the athletic directors. Trustee Swenson passed. Trustee Hawkins passed. Trustee Vaughn met with Denise last week regarding some of the Measure E projects. He enjoyed the presentation on the West High Theater and the way we are saving money by adding classrooms.
Report: / Dr. Franco offers condolences to Lynn Patteson’s family. She retired from the District last year and passed away this past week. She will be remembered as a caring and dedicated teacher in our District. Tickets are available for the play at Tracy High “Moon over Buffalo”. Some of the stars of this play are seniors and it should be a good show. We have started the lunchtime speaker program at the high schools. On Monday, Kendra Willis gave a motivational speech to the seniors at Stein High School. We will be featuring other speakers throughout the year including, Lynn Hawkins, Monica Guiterrez, and Lt. Wade Harper. The Leadership Conference will be held on January 30th this year.
9:00 PM Adjournment.
Tom Hawkins, Clerk Date