Sermon 7-19-15


There will be a time of prayer on Tuesday night July 21 beginning at 7PM.

We will not have children’s ministry services on Wednesday, July 22. Children’s ministry will resume on July 29.

Pastor Barry’s last session on marriage will take place at Bible study on Wednesday, July 22. We will also have Royal Rangers that night.

After this week, there will be no Wednesday night Bible studies until September. Pastor will make the announcement when the studies will resume.

Please see Carmela Johnson if you are interested in attending the Joyce Meyer sessions from August 27-29.

Today’s sermon is entitled, “Peace in the storm.” The Scripture references are from Mark 4:35-41.

All of us have experienced storms but probably none like what the disciples faced in this passage of Scripture. This storm was truly terrifying. The Bible makes it clear that the intensity or severity of the storm doesn’t matter. Jesus can bring piece. Be encouraged! God still reigns.

From verses 35 and 36 we see that the disciples went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee by boat. Jesus had just completed an exhausting day of ministry and needed to get away to get some rest. The first lesson about this is that it was Jesus who told the disciples to get into the boat and go. He knew that there would be a storm. Sometimes we face storms simply by following the Lord. Think about the life of Paul. He had what he thought was the perfect religious life-until he met Jesus. He then faced many difficulties and storms. Obedience may bring us into a storm.

We should also note that just because we are in a storm does not mean that we are outside God’s will or that he is angry with us. If, however, a person is living outside God’s will there most likely will be a troubled and unsettled spirit. That’s the storm God sends to redirect the person back to him. Storms may teach us a lesson or may help us to grow. In the first chapter of James we are told that we should consider trials to be gifts. Through them we grow. Ask yourself if you can be kind when storms are raging. Can you praise God in the storm? Ask God to strengthen you in the storm. Ask God what he is trying to teach you. Trust his heart. There must be a reason for every storm you endure. Don’t curse the storm. Remember that a desert is dry because there is never any water. We need that water.

The next point is that God was with them in the storm. These are men who had experienced storms before. They had never however faced one like this one. The disciples asked Jesus if he didn’t care that they all drowned. Believers go through life’s storms with God alongside them. We have the hope when we know that he is with us during the storm.

Remember that Jesus was asleep and peaceful in the storm. He was not far from the disciples. When we ask God where he is in times of storm, those thoughts are not from God. He never sleeps and never slumbers. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You are not alone.

The Sea of Galilee is 680 feet below sea level and is surrounded by hills and mountains. Storms were not uncommon but this one was very much out of the ordinary. These seasoned fishermen were terrified by the severity of the storm. Likewise, even mature Christians can panic during a severe and unexpected storm in life. What do we do when we feel the crush of the trial? The disciples called desperately to Jesus. They didn’t simply knock on the boat. Rather they did their best in a state of panic to get him up because they knew that he could help. God asks us to come to him sincerely during times of difficulty.

Finally the word teaches us that God brings peace in the storm. In verses 39 through 41 Jesus commands the storm to be still. The literal interpretation of the words, “peace, be still,” are,” be muzzled.” God spoke to the storm and it had no choice but to stop. He is God and nature is under his control. After all, he created nature. Jesus is still God Almighty. The same God can calm any storm that we face. He can still the storm or he can speak to us and assure us that he is with us. He is our healer, our peace and our provider. There is power in the word of God.

Pastor encouraged us to spend time every day in prayer and in the study of God’s word. Only in so doing can we have the strength to weather the storm as we ask him to help.