SWBTB (6/08) 018
Trust Board – Public Session
Venue / Churchvale/Hollyoak Room, Sandwell Hospital / Date / 3 July 2008 at 1430hMembers / In Attendance
Mrs S Davis(SD) / [Chair] / Ms K Dhami(KD)
Cllr B Thomas(BT) / / Mr G Seager(GS)
Ms I Bartram(IB) / / Mr T Atack(TA)
Mr R Trotman(RT) / / Mrs J Kinghorn(JK)
Dr S Sahota(SS) / / Mr C Holden(CH)
Mrs G Hunjan(GH) / Mrs D Gospel(DG)
Prof D Alderson(DA) / Mrs J Whalley(JW)
Mr J Adler(JA)
Mr D O’Donoghue (DO) / Secretariat
Mr R Kirby(RK) / Mr S Grainger-Payne (SGP)
Mr R White(RW)
Mrs R Stevens(RS) /
/ Reference No. / Lead1
/Apologies for absence
/ Verbal / Chair2
/Declaration of interests
To declare any interests members may have in connection with the agenda and any further interests acquired since the previous meeting / Verbal / All3
/Chair’s opening comments
/ Verbal / Chair4
/Minutes of the previous meeting
To approve the minutes of the meeting held 1 May 2008 as a true and accurate record of discussions / SWBTB (6/08) 040/ Chair
/Update on actions arising from previous meetings
/ SWBTB (6/08) 040 (a) / Chair6
/Questions from members of the public
/ Verbal / Public7
/Update on public health – Heart of Birmingham
/ Tabled papers / JC8
/Performance Management
/Monthly performance monitoring report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XX / RW8.2
/Monthly finance report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a) / RW
/Governance Management
/Quarterly risk report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a)
SWBTB (7/08) 0XX (b) / KD
/Patient development action plan
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX / KD
/PEAT results
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a) / RS
/Single equality scheme
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a) / RS
/Catering contract
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a) / RS
/Blood tracking system business case
/ SWBTB (7/08) 0XXSWBTB (7/08) 0XX (a) / RW
/Single Tender Actions
/Roche modular consumables contract
/ SWBTB (7/08) 026SWBTB (7/08) 026 (a) / RW
/Annual maintenance of gas turbine contract
/ SWBTB (7/08) 026SWBTB (7/08) 026 (a) / GS
/Strategy and Development
/Application for Foundation Trust Status: Progress Report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 027SWBTB (7/08) 027 (a) / RK
/‘Towards 2010’ programme: progress report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 028SWBTB (7/08) 028 (a) / RK
/New acute hospital project: progress report & minutes
/ SWBTB (7/08) 029SWBTB (7/08) 029 (a) / GS
/Interim configuration project: progress report
/ SWBTB (7/08) 028SWBTB (7/08) 028 (a) / RK
/Update from the Board Committees
/Audit Committee
/ SWBAC (5/08) 013 / GH11.2
/Finance and Performance Management Committee
/ SWBFC (4/08) 009 / RT12
/Any other business
/ Verbal / All13
/Details of next meeting
The next public Trust Board will be held on 4 September 2008 at 1430h in the Anne Gibson Board Room, City Hospital / Verbal / Chair14
/Exclusion of the press and public
To resolve that representatives of the Press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960). / Verbal / ChairVersion 1.0