Lancaster Archery Club Membership Application




City:______State:_____ Zip:______


[ ] (Please check block if you wish to receive Club updates and newsletters via email. It helps with mailing costs)

MEMBERSHIP YEAR IS FROM: Feb 1 of this year THROUGH January 31 of next year

MEMBERSHIP DUES: (Please circle type of membership) $40 INDIVIDUAL * $50 FAMILY

*Family membership includes spouse and all dependent children under the age of 18.

Names of family members:______

For an additional $5.00 per person I/We wish to participate in the Lancaster Archery Club

Big Buck Contest. Name(s)______

Payment must be postmarked no later then one day prior to the opening PA archery season.

In an effort to keep membership costs at a minimum we need volunteers for the following fundraisers: Check blocks.

3-D course set up[ ] shoot registration[ ] food prep[ ] Wood cutting etc[ ]

Sub Sales (Selling and delivering subs you sold [ ]


Detach here and make bottom portion receipt of temporary membership if paying in person.

Received by:______Cash/Check # ______Lock combo ______

Work parties are held Tuesday evenings at 5:00 PM from May until September. In addition special work parties may be scheduled at other times for major projects or to prepare for scheduled events.

The practice range and field course are closed during work parties

Club meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M. from January to April at the Lancaster Archery Center on the Old Philadelphia Pike.

From May through September, club meetings are held in the club pavilion at 391 Eckman Rd.

Members will be issued club identification that must be displayed when on club grounds.

Members are required to always keep safety in mind when using club facilities. Good safety practices protect you as well as your fellow members and maintain good relationships within the community. Children are welcome, but please be sure to closely supervise those who may be too young to fully understand how to safely conduct themselves on an archery course.

Membership applications and fees should be mailed to:

Lancaster Archery Club

391 Eckman Road

Lancaster, Pa. 17603

(make checks payable to the Lancaster Archery Club)