chuff5: good...

rdugan: me too....actually i use all of your power points

chuff5: so let's just start with the bones... starting at the head.. also called the...

hdelong: i like to compare the ones i make to yours

hdelong: cranium

chuff5: nice and the parts of the cranium... what's the lower jaw called?

c_triner: mandible

hdelong: mandible

kainsworth: what they said

c_triner: lol

chuff5: and it attaches where?

kainsworth: TMJ!

c_triner: ok now i lost the ame

c_triner: game

hdelong: temporal mandibular joint?

chuff5: what does TMJ stand for?

kainsworth: temporal mandibular joint

chuff5: nice!!! so what is the part of the skull called located right over your eyes

kainsworth: frontal

maryluc: Frontal

hdelong: frontal

chuff5: yup it's at the FRONT.... wht about the side of you skull just over your ears?

kainsworth: temporal

hdelong: temporal?

maryluc: Parietal

chuff5: yup again,,,, think about your temples that you rub when you have a headache... temporal

maryluc: That's right...

chuff5: parietal is located on the top of your skull...the part of your head you parent (parietal) smacks when you are bad!

hdelong: with the wooden spoon

maryluc: lol - nice! Now that part of my head hurts

c_triner: Violence is something I can easily associate a body part with. lol

chuff5: then what's at the back of your skull?

c_triner: occipital

maryluc: Occipital

rdugan: occipital

hdelong: occipital bone

c_triner: lol

chuff5: yup.. NICE... so what is the hole called that your brain connects to the spinal cord?

c_triner: magnum foramen

rdugan: foramen magnum....

maryluc: magnum foramen

hdelong: foreman magnnum

chuff5: close thing about what that area of the skull is called

hdelong: *magnum

chuff5: occipital foramen

chuff5: magnum is a descriptive term meaning BIG hole

kainsworth: We learned it as foramen magnum.

rdugan: thats what ms.w said

chuff5: ok, magnum foramen just means big hole

kainsworth: Yeah, true.

chuff5: so technically it would be the occipital magnum foramen

hdelong: but isn't it the largest natural hole on bone?

chuff5: and what is the first vertebra?

kainsworth: atlas

hdelong: atlas

maryluc: atlas

chuff5: no the obturater foramen is the largest hole in the pelvic inlet

hdelong: or c1

hdelong: ahhh

chuff5: atlas is right and what's the second?

kainsworth: axis

c_triner: axiz

c_triner: axis

chuff5: C1 is also right as it's the first cervical vertebra

chuff5: axis is right... they are in alphabetical order

kainsworth: The skeletal system makes me happy.

c_triner: odd

kainsworth: I get all fangirl-like in class.

chuff5: how many cervical vertibra in the canine?

kainsworth: 7!

c_triner: 7

maryluc: axis7

hdelong: 7

maryluc: *7

maryluc: not axis

c_triner: lol

chuff5: nice!!!! what comes next in the vertebra after cervical?

kainsworth: Thoracic

c_triner: thacic?

maryluc: thoriac

hdelong: thoractic

c_triner: thoracic

maryluc: thoractic

c_triner: lol

chuff5: yup and guess where it's located?

c_triner: in the thorax

kainsworth: Um the foot?

c_triner: lol

chuff5: yup again.. then what ?

kainsworth: Lumbar

chuff5: how many thoracic ?

c_triner: 13

kainsworth: 13

chuff5: and how many lumbar?

kainsworth: 7

maryluc: 7

hdelong: 13

kainsworth: 13 thoracic = 13 ribs

chuff5: you guys are good!!!

chuff5: what comes next?

kainsworth: sacral

hdelong: sacral

maryluc: what they said

c_triner: saccral

chuff5: ok for the 1000$ question (**in student voice*** Ms Huff will not be giving 1000$ for this question) what is the weakest part of the spine?

c_triner: lol

maryluc: Lumbar

kainsworth: Coccygeal

rdugan: lol

hdelong: cervical

hdelong: or coccygeal

chuff5: think more crainal

chuff5: where will a dachshund break it's back?

c_triner: i want to say the intervrtebral disks?

kainsworth: oh the CVDD

hdelong: thoracic

kainsworth: cervical then.

chuff5: thoracolumbar... where the thoracic meets the lumbar

kainsworth: Ooooh.

hdelong: ahhhh

maryluc: ah......

c_triner: I'm going to need a drink soon. lol

kainsworth: But they can slip a disk anywhere right?

chuff5: very weak.. that's also why most humans have back pain there

chuff5: yes they can but most common thoracolumbar

kainsworth: Omg I have back pain there!

hdelong: my pain is in my aching head!!

kainsworth: What bone of your head? Temporal? Frontal?

chuff5: so let's mentally go back cranial. what is the bone that attaches your arms to your spine?***rub your temporal area it helps

chuff5: all you have to do is think about how you are made... dogs and cats are exactly the same

chuff5: feel your spine and tell me how your arms are joined

hdelong: scapuls

kainsworth: clavicle

chuff5: great work.... and how are they attached in the front?

chuff5: clavicle is right for the front

chuff5: what attaches to the scapula down your arm?

hdelong: humerus?

chuff5: and then?????

hdelong: ulna and radius?

hdelong: then carpus and phalanges?

chuff5: how do you know the difference between those two?

chuff5: radius and ulna?

hdelong: ulna has a "u" where it joins the tibia

chuff5: not the tibia

hdelong: not tibia, duh, radius

chuff5: then metacarpal which is your wrist

hdelong: i might like to see that though, as a thing of wonder..

chuff5: acutally the carpus is your wrist and the metacarlpals are the meat of your hand

chuff5: meta means what?

hdelong: oh yeah. i forget about those pesky mata carpals

hdelong: middle?

chuff5: yup and what are your fingers called?

hdelong: phalanges

kainsworth: phalanges

*rdugan left the room.

chuff5: yup and what are your legs attached to?

c_triner: pelvis?

maryluc: pelvis

c_triner: no that's not right...

c_triner: sacrum?

hdelong: pubis?

kainsworth: femur

c_triner: femur is in the leg, so is it what that's attached to?

chuff5: i'm just looking for pelvis... what are the three parts to the pekvis?

maryluc: ilium ischium and the pubi

maryluc: pubis

hdelong: pubis, ilium, sacrum?

kainsworth: attaches to the pelvis

c_triner: ilium, ischium, and pubis is right

hdelong: ishium, that is right

chuff5: yup, then the femer attaches where in the pelvis?

maryluc: Sacrum

kainsworth: too many drinks.. :(

c_triner: to the ilium?

hdelong: ishium

c_triner: is it the ischium?

c_triner: it's the ones that flare out to the sides

*clebo123 joined the room.

chuff5: yup and what is the hole called?

maryluc: obturator foramen

hdelong: which one?

c_triner: lol

c_triner: yeah i was scrolling up looking for when she said that one

chuff5: the femur rides in the acetabulum

hdelong: that's why i asked which hole you were looking for

*camacho03 left the room.

chuff5: ....sorry I was getting dinner reasy and didnt see it... what does the femur attach to?

hdelong: the fibula?

maryluc: fibula

c_triner: top or bottom?

maryluc: by the stifle joint

chuff5: distal

chuff5: wat is included in the stifle joint?

c_triner: the patella

chuff5: and then what comes distal to the patella?

c_triner: tibia and fibula

chuff5: how do you tell the difference?

c_triner: one is bigger. lol. but i cant remember wich one

maryluc: the fibula is bigger?

chuff5: you tell a little FIB

hdelong: and one is curved a little

c_triner: lol. i get it. nice

chuff5: then what?

c_triner: the tarsus

c_triner: or bock

c_triner: *hock

hdelong: so thie tibula is longer and straghter, the fibula is shorter and more curved?

hdelong: tarsus or hock, i agree

chuff5: tarsus is the ankle in us

chuff5: hock is the other name for it

c_triner: yep

chuff5: now you just have to look at foveas, trochanchters etc

hdelong: the little bones in the head right?

kainsworth: I wish we had a class cadaver

chuff5: those are the names for the little holes and raises and islands

c_triner: at least one that wasn't in pieces

hdelong: or had pieces made the right way to be studied at different angles

chuff5: so what questions can I answer?

hdelong: what are the winning lottery numbers, just to start

chuff5: if I knew that I wouldn't be working!!! hahaha

c_triner: lol

hdelong: lol, i tried

chuff5: actually I prob would

c_triner: what are you making for dinner

hdelong: i would, or i'd get bored and go crazy

chuff5: i'm eating dijorno pizza

c_triner: nice

hdelong: a terminally bored geek...think of the carnage

maryluc: It's not dilivery it's dijorno

chuff5: you guys have me for a couple more minutes and then I must be off to attend to my animals

kainsworth: shoe tree money ladder pig suitcase tomotoes cactus dress golfclub flag tent bus firehydrant jewels boat chain desk stapler, pens

c_triner: lol

chuff5: use the same thing for the bones!!!

hdelong: i like the one where he calls the driver to give back the paraphanalia

*c_triner left the room.

maryluc: When is that show coming on anyway

hdelong: ok

maryluc: sry wrong chat room

chuff5: ok guys.... dogs need to be fed... if there isn't anything else... I think you guys did a great job tonight... just keep going over it

maryluc: Thank you for your time!

*janeqdoe42 joined the room.

hdelong: ok, thanks!

maryluc: wait

chuff5: np anytime!!! you guys did all of the work... you can do this together anytime!!

chuff5: I'm here

maryluc: Sry.... agian wrong chat. Have a great night

*maryluc left the room.

janeqdoe42: i feel as though i'm coming in at the end.....this will be posted on your site, right?

janeqdoe42: eek, sorry

chuff5: I'll post the notes ontp the site right now

janeqdoe42: kk, thanks! welp, yall have a nice night, then.

*hdelong left the room.

*janeqdoe42 left the room.

kainsworth: Yeah you randomness before and aft my tequila shots

*kainsworth left the room.