Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre
Elathagiri-Post, Krishnagiri-Dist, Tamilnadu, India-635108
Project Description
Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre is an Indian Christian national NGO, properly registered, tax exempted and is an accountability oriented Society; licensed by Union Home Ministry, and the state Social Welfare Ministry.
Bethel’saimsandobjectives are to serve and develop the poorest of the poor and the suffering people in the most under developed rural regions of our state of Tamilnadu; irrespective of ones, caste, color, creed or community attachment. Bethel came in to being in the year 1992 and was registered as a society under the society Act of Tamilnadu.
Since 2000,Bethel is running an Orphanage with strength of 25-30 boys and girls, who suffer innocently for the faults of none of theirs. We love and serve them holistic and give them a hopeful future. Already 100 children have been blessed and have gone out of Bethel, educated and equipped to face the real life and are well settled. At present we have 25 kids and 5 paid staff in Bethel Orphanage. All others are volunteers. 90% of all donations are spent for the purpose for which we receive the donations.
As an accountable Society, we have a committed Executive board, who prayerfully plan, discuss the plus and minus points of the Projects and over see the daily activities as un to the Lord. We keep faithful minutes books, account books and receipt books. Our account books are annually audited and the report is submitted to various Government agencies and donors.
Our Present Urgent Need- A study Hall for the Orphanage
Bethel is praying and seeking funds for the last 10 years, to build and provide a proper study hall, fully furnished and fitted with a library for the proper study environment of our Orphan and poor children.
At present they sit out side in open floor, opened to wind and climate; to study and do their home work. And finally some end up in sleeping and entertain in gossip. This way they score very low marks in exams and will loose their future. Please! Help us to construct this study hall for the use of Children.
S.No / Details of Expenses / US. $1. / For Bricks / 2,000 / 00
2. / For Cement / 2,250 / 00
3. / For steel / 2,500 / 00
4. / For wood and Furniture / 3,750 / 00
5. / For Sand / 1,500 / 00
6. / For stone chips & floor / 3,750 / 00
7. / For Electrical & Painting / 2,500 / 00
8. / For construction –charges / 2,500 / 00
20,000 / 00
T. Arvind Mohan Dass