AIR DEFENSE (AD) - All measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of the attack of aircraft or guided missiles in flight.
AIRSPACE CONTROL MEANS (ACM) - Part of the procedural Airspace Control (ASC) system which allows the passage of aircraft through a given airspace with minimum risk of engagement by "friendly" air defense weapons systems.
AIRSPACE CONTROL ORDER (ACO) - an order which gives the details of the active ACMs for a specific time period.
AIR SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM (ASACS) - A network of fixed, mobile, and airborne radars, associated communications and facilities that provide for the detection, recognition, reporting, interception and engagement of airborne targets.
AIR SUPERIORITY - The degree of dominance in the air battle which permits conduct of operations by land, sea, or air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing forces.
AIR SUPREMACY - The degree of air superiority where the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference.
ANTI AIR WARFARE (AAW) - Air defense in a maritime environment.
A-POLE – The distance from the launch aircraft to the target when an active-missile goes active.
ATTACK MISSION - The Attack Mission is the core of any COMAO, and comprises aircraft from a single base tasked to perform the primary mission objective. Exceptionally, attack missions from more than one base may be tasked when the over-target requirement so dictates.
AREA SUPPRESSION - Area Suppression is the employment of EW/SEAD assets to neutralized, degrade, and/or destroy enemy defenses in a specific area for a designated period of time.
COMBAT AIR PATROL (CAP) - An aircraft orbit at a specified objective/location.
COMBINED - Operations between two or more forces or agencies of two or more allies.
COMBINED AIR OPERATIONS CENTER (CAOC) - A combination of a sector operations center and an allied tactical operations center. Its mission is to plan, direct, task, and co-ordinate air operations of all forces assigned, allotted, and allocated in peace, crisis, and war.
COMPOSITE AIR OPERATIONS (COMAO) - COMAO are those operations interrelated and/or limited in both time scale and space where units differing in type and/or role are put under a single commander to achieve a common, specific objective (ATP 33).
COORDINATED AIR DEFENSE AREA (CADA) - Area of defined geographical dimensions and established for a specified time where either the regional land air defense commander or maritime air defense commander assumes the responsibility for air defense. This area may or may not be established within recognized air defense boundaries. A CADA is normally established when naval forces are operating with organic fixed-wing aircraft in the vicinity of shore-based AD fighters.
COORDINATED AIR DEFENSE IN MUTUAL SUPPORT (CADIMS) - CADIMS is an agreement between land and naval area commanders to co-ordinate air defense operations and procedures in areas of mutual interest.
CORRIDOR OPERATIONS - Corridor Operations are those operations designed to neutralize, degrade, and/or destroy enemy defenses along a narrow section of a FEBA/FLOT for a designated period of time to allow for the transit of friendly aircraft.
DIRECT SUPPORT - Direct Support is the employment of EW/SEAD assets to neutralize, degrade, and/or destroy enemy defenses in support of a specific force package.
EGRESS ROUTE POINT (ERP) - An ERP is a TRP over which aircraft of a Force Package COMAO join up post target, for the egress part of the route through enemy or potentially hostile airspace. ELEMENT - A formation of 2 aircraft.
EMISSION CONTROL (EMCON) - Selective control of emitted electromagnetic or acoustic energy. ENGAGEMENT - Action taken to kill a hostile aircraft.
E-POLE – The minimum distance from the threat aircraft where a drag may cinematically defeat any missile the threat aircraft could have launched or is launching.
ESCORT - Employment of AD fighters to directly protect friendly aircraft. The two types of escort are as follows: Detached Escort - AD fighters tasked as Detached Escort should fly less than 2 minutes ahead and/or displace less than 10 miles laterally from the friendly package. These AD fighters may or may not be visual with the friendly aircraft. Close Escort - Fighters tasked as Close Escort should fly within or near the friendly package. These fighters should be visual with the friendly aircraft and either fly within the package or offset to the flanks. AD fighters flying in the Close Escort role will be referenced as Embedded Escort. Attack aircraft flying in the Close Escort role will be referenced as Organic Escort.
FIGHTER AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY (FAOR) - An area of defined airspace where AD fighters have the primary responsibility to patrol, intercept, and engage hostile aircraft.
F-POLE - Separation range between 2 aircraft when the missile fired from one aircraft impacts the other aircraft.
F-POLE MANEUVER - Turn accomplished after missile launch to increase the distance between the fighter and target upon missile impact.
COMAO COORDINATOR (CC) - The CC is a CAOC staff officer authorized to plan, co-ordinate, and task a COMAO.
FORCE FLOW (FF) - FF is the employment of separately tasked attack and support missions in a co-ordinated manner to minimize attrition of friendly forces ingress, egress, and/or target attack.
FORCE PACKAGE (FP) - A FP is a combination of aircraft, with different but complementary capabilities or roles, tasked as an entity, and closely co-ordinated to achieve a specific objective.
FORCE PACKAGE MODULE (FPM) - An FPM is a combination of aircraft from an attack base and a support base, e.g., air defense, which by training together have developed a special capability to operate in a Force Package; this capability would have been declared to the CAOC.
FORWARD EDGE OF THE BATTLE AREA (FEBA) - The foremost limits where ground combat forces and SAMS are deployed, excluding those areas where covering and screening forces are operating, designed to co-ordinate fire support, force positioning, or unit maneuvering.
FORWARD LINE OWN TROOPS (FLOT) - A line, which indicates the most forward position of friendly forces in any kind of military operation at a specific time.
IDENTIFICATION - The determination of the identity of an airborne object through visual recognition, flight plan correlation, electronic interrogation, track behavior, and/or current orders for routing and recognition of air traffic.
INTERROGATION - Action taken in an attempt to determine identity.
INTERVENTION - Action taken to divert an aircraft from its intended flight path or mission.
JOINT - Connotes activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of more than one service of the same nation participate.
LARGE FORCE EMPLOYMENT ZONE (LFEZ) - An area of defined airspace specifically structured for LFE operations.
MISSILE ENGAGEMENT ZONE (MEZ) - Airspace within which SAM weapon systems have priority of engagement as directed by the responsible air defense commander.
MIXED FORCE ELEMENT - Two different aircraft working together in the same element.
MIXED FORCE FLIGHT - Four aircraft normally consisting of two elements of different types.
PACKAGE LEADER (PL) - The PL is a member of a tasked Force Package, nominated by his unit to liaise with the COMAO Coordinator and other mission leaders during the planning and co-ordination of Force Package COMAO. The PL assumes overall responsibility for the conduct of the package when airborne.
ROUTE START POINT (RSP) - An RSP is a TRP over which all aircraft of a Force Package COMAO join up at their assigned ingress altitude before entering enemy or potentially hostile airspace.
SHORT-RANGE AIR DEFENSE WEAPONS (SHORAD) - Light air defense systems (AAA or SAMS).
SHORT-RANGE AIR DEFENSE ENGAGEMENT ZONE (SHORADEZ) - Airspace within which SHORAD weapon systems have priority of engagement as directed by the responsible air defense commander.
SUPPORT MISSION - A Support Mission comprises aircraft tasked to support COMAO.
SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENSES (SEAD) - SEAD is that activity which neutralizes, destroys, or temporally degrades enemy air defenses in a specific area by physical attack and/or electronic warfare (AAP-6).
SWEEP - Employment of AD fighters to seek out and destroy enemy aircraft. These AD fighters may be tasked as indirect support of other friendly aircraft or as an independent mission. AD fighters tasked as indirect support should fly at least 2 minutes ahead of or 10 miles laterally displaced from the friendly package.
TIMING REFERENCE POINT (TRP) - A TRP is a point on the ground over which aircraft of a formation or package are time referenced for the purposes of planning, force cohesion, and deconfliction.
AA Anti-Aircraft
AAAAnti-Aircraft Artillery
AAIAttack-Attack Interface
AAMAir-to-Air Missile
AARAir-to-Air Refueling
AAWAnti-Air Warfare
AAWCAnti-Air Warfare Commander
ABCCCAirborne Command Control and Communications
ACMAirspace Control Means
ACOAirspace Control Order
ACPAirborne Command Post
ACWAirborne Control & Warning
ADAir Defense
ADCAir Defense Commander
ADRAir Defense Region
AEGISAEW Ground Interpretation Segment
AEWAirborne Early Warning
AGLAbove Ground Level
AHQArea Headquarters
AIAir Interdiction
ALARMAir Launched Anti-Radiation Missile
ALT TGTAlternate Target
ALT TOTAlternate TOT
AMRAAMAdvanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AIM-120)
AOAir Operations Order
ARAir Routes
ARMAnti-Radiation Missile
ASACSAir Surveillance and Control System
ASCAirspace Control
ASMAir-to-Surface Missile
ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare
ATACMSArmy Tactical Missile System
ATCAir Traffic Control
ATMAir Task Message
ATOAir Tasking Order
ATPAllied Tactical Publication
AWACSAirborne Warning and Control System
BAIBattlefield Air Interdiction
BDZBase Defense Zone
BIFBomb in Face
BRABearing Range and Altitude
BVRBeyond Visual Range
CADACo-ordinated Air Defense Area
CADIMSCo-ordinated Air Defense in Mutual Support
CAOCCombined Air Operations Center
CAPCombat Air Patrol
CASClose Air Support
C2Command and Control
C3Command, Control and Communications
C3ICommand, Control, Communications and Intelligence
CIJClose-In Jammer
COMAOComposite Air Operations
COMJAMCommunications Jamming
COMPLANCommunications Plan
CPContact Point
CRCControl and Reporting Center
CVAircraft Carrier
CVBGAircraft Carrier Battle Group
DCADefensive Counter Air
DDGGuided Missile Destroyer
DEZDesired Engagement Zone
DMPIDesired Mean Point of Impact
DTODaily Task Order
ECMElectronic Countermeasures
ECRElectronic Combat and Reconnaissance
ELINTElectronic Intelligence
ELSEmitter Location System
EMCONEmission Control
EOBElectronic Order of Battle
EPMElectronic Protection Measures
ERPEgress Routing Point
ESMElectronic Support Measures
EWElectronic Warfare
FADFighter Air Defense
FAORFighter Area of Responsibility
FEBAForward Edge of the Battle Area
FEZFighter Engagement Zone
FFForce Flow
FLIRForward Looking Infrared
FLOTForward Line of Own Troops
FPMForce Package Module
GBADGround Based Air Defense
GCIGround Control Intercept
GEOREFGeographic Reference
GLOGround Liaison Officer
GSGround Speed
HAFEZHostile Aircraft Free Engagement Zone
HARMHigh Speed Anti-Radiation Missile
HCAPHigh Altitude Combat Air Patrol
HEHigh Explosive
HEIHigh Explosive Incendiary
HFHigh Frequency
HHQHigher Headquarters
HIDACZHigh Density Airspace Control Zone
HQHave Quick
HVAAHigh Value Airborne Asset
IADSIntegrated Air Defense System
IDZInner Defense Zone
IFFIdentification Friend or Foe
IISInfrared Imaging System
IMCInstrument Meteorological Conditions
IRLSInfrared Line Scan
JTIDSJoint Tactical Information Distribution System
KIASKnots Indicated Airspeed
LAAWCLocal AAW Commander
LCAPLow Altitude Combat Air Patrol
LFELarge Force Employment
LFEZLarge Force Employment Zone
LLTRLow Level Transit Route
MEZMissile Engagement Zone
MFFMixed Force Fighters
MFFOMixed Force Fighter Operations
MHQMaritime Headquarters
MLRSMultiple Launch Rocket System
MNCMajor NATO Commander
MPAMaritime Patrol Aircraft
MSCMajor Subordinate Commander
MSLMean Sea Level
NAEWNATO Airborne Early Warning
NAVCAPNavy Support Combat Air Patrol
NMNautical Mile
NOTAMNotice to Airmen
NPMNATINAD Positioning Matrix
NVGNight Vision Goggle
OAFOff Attack Flow
OASOffensive Air Support
OCAOffensive Counter Air
ODINOperational Data Interface
ODZOuter Defense Zone
OPCONOperational Control
OPGENFormat to Provide Essential Operational Information
OPTASKOperational Task
OTCOfficer in Tactical Command
OTHTOver-The-Horizon Targeting
PDPulse Doppler
PGMPrecision Guided Munitions
PIMPosition and Intended Movement
PLPackage Leader
RASPRecognized Air-Sea Picture
RAIReconnaissance-Attack Interface
RECCEReconnaissance RF Reaction Forces
ROERules of Engagement
ROZRestricted Operations Zone
RSBNEastern TACAN equivalent
RSPRoute Start Point
R & RRemove and Replace
RTBReturn to Base
RVARendezvous Area
RWRRadar Warning Receiver
SASituation Awareness
SAGSurface Action Group
SAMSurface to Air Missile
SARSemi-Active Radar (Missile)
SCSpecial Corridor
SEADSuppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SHORADShort Range Air Defense
SHORADEZShort Range Air Defense Engagement Zone
SOJStand-Off Jammer
SPINSpecial Instructions
SPJSelf-Protection Jammer
SSJSelf-Screening Jammer
TACANTactical Air Navigation System
TACONTactical Control
TASMTactical Air-to-Surface Missile
TASMOTactical Air Support for Maritime Operations
TFRTerrain Following Radar
TKLTarget of Known Location
TLTraverse Level
TOTTime on Target
TTYTelegraph Type (Signal/Message)
TRPTiming Reference Point
UHFUltra High Frequency
UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator
VCAPVisual Combat Air Patrol
VHFVery High Frequency
VLGrid Reference Point
VLFVery Low Frequency
VMCVisual Meteorological Conditions
WEZWeapons Engagement Zone
WFZWeapons Free Zone
WOCWar Operations Center
ZZCenter of a Naval Formation
ABORT Directive to cease action, attack, event, or mission.
ACTION Directive to initiate a briefed attack sequence or maneuver. (system)
ACTIVE (location/direction) Referenced emitter is radiating at the stated location or along the stated bearing.
ALARM Directive/informative indicating the termination of EMCON procedures. Opposite of SNOOZE
ALPHA CHECK Request for/confirmation of bearing and range to described point or Bullseye.
ANCHOR (ED) 1. Informative call to indicate a turning engagement at a specific location. Location should be provided. 2. Directive call to orbit about a specific point 3. Refueling track flown by tanker.
ANGELS Informative call indicating the height of friendly aircraft in thousands of feet from mean sea level
ANY FACE GCI/AEW aircraft.
ARIZONA Informative call by SEAD asset that he is out of ARM’s but can support with A/A missiles.
ARM Element resulting from target maneuvers exceeding GROUP criteria.
AS FRAGGED Unit or element will be performing exactly as stated by the air tasking order.
AUTHENTICATE To request or provide a response for a coded challenge.
AUTOCAT Any communications relay using automatic retransmission.
AZIMUTH A means of describing lateral separation between groups in WALL, CHAMPAGNE, VIC, or BOX presentation.
BANDIT An aircraft identified as enemy
IAW theatre ID criteria. The term does not necessarily imply direction or authority to engage.
BANZAI Informative/directive to execute launch-and-decide tactics.
BASE (PLUS NUMBER) Reference number used to indicated such information as headings, altitude, fuels, etc.
BEADWINDOW Your last transmission disclosed an Essential Element of Friendly Information (EEFI). The number that follows taken from the EEFI list in force, identifies the nature of the disclosure.
BEAM (w/cardinal direction) Target stabilized to within 70 to 110 degrees of aspect.
BEARING (w/cardinal direction) Inner group formation with the trailer displaced approximately 45 degrees behind the leader (system)
BENT Equipment indicated is inoperative.
BINGO Fuel state needed for recovery.
BIRD Friendly surface to air missile.
BLIND No visual contact with friendly aircraft/ground position (opposite of term “Visual”).
BLOW THROUGH Directive or informative call that indicates aircraft will continue straight ahead at the merge and not turn with target(s).
BOGEY A radar or visual air contact whose identity is unknown.
BOGEY DOPE Request target information to the specified target. If a threat is not specified info will be given to the closest group in BRAA (with appropriate fill-ins.)
BOX A picture label describing four distinct GROUPs with two in front and two behind in a square or offset square orientation from god’s eye view
BRAA Form or format of tactical control providing bearing, range, altitude and aspect from fighter to target. Aspect is only required if other than HEAD
BRACKET (w/direction) Directive call for aircraft to maneuver to a position on opposing sides, either laterally and/or vertically from target(s).
BREAK (w/direction) Directive call to perform an immediate maximum performance 180 degree turn (or as directed) in the indicated direction. Assumes a defensive situation.
BREAK AWAY Tanker or receiver call indicating that an immediate disconnect and vertical and nose or tail separation between tanker and receiver is required.
BREVITY Radio frequency is becoming saturated/degraded or jammed and briefer transmissions must follow.
BROADCAST Request/directive to switch to broadcast control.
BUDDY LOCK Locked to a known friendly aircraft. Normally a response to a “Spike” or “Buddy Spike” call.
BUDDY SPIKE (position, altitude, heading) Friendly aircraft air-to-air indication on radar warning receiver. Response to SHINING.
BUG OUT (w/direction) Separation from that particular engagement/attack/operations; no intent to re-engage/return.
BULLSEYE Descriptive call indicating a common reference point. Position of an object will be established by bearing (Magnetic) and range (NM) from this point.
BUSTER Informative or directive call to fly at max continuous speed (mil power).
CAP/CAPPING (LOCATION) A fighter orbit at a specified location. Directive: establish a combat air patrol at location.
CAPTURED Aircrew has acquired and is able to track a specified A/G target with an onboard sensor.
CEASE LASER Aircraft-to-aircraft directive to stop firing laser. Opposite of LASER ON.
CHAMPAGNE A picture label describing 3 distinct groups with 2 in front and one behind from a God’s-eye-view.
CHATTER Communications jamming
CHATTERMARK Generic term used to commence briefed radio procedures to counter comms jamming.
CHEAP SHOT Active radar missile supported to high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) but not medium PRF
CHECK (number, left/right) Turn _____ degrees left/right and maintain new heading.
CHICKS Friendly aircraft.
CHRISTMAS TREE Directive to turn on all exterior lights.