San Juan Unified School District
4848 Cottage Way
Carmichael, California 95608
School Philosophy
Starr King K-8 protects the rights of all individuals and promotes a safe nurturing learningenvironment. Starr King teachers provide a rigorous, relevant high quality curriculum preparing students for a 21st century world. Students, staff and our parents are valued and respected members of our school community. Our teachers and staff are committed to ensuring all students will learn.
Stallion Standards
The Starr King Stallion Standards reinforce attitudes and behaviors that promote positive interactions with others. Within each area of Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring, Giving, Honesty and Teamwork; our staff will teach, model and positively reinforce students who model behaviors and attitudes reflective of the standards. Talking with your child about the standards will reinforce their importance.
Areas of Responsibility
Creating and maintaining a positive learning environment is the shared responsibility of staff, parents and students.
- School staff members have the responsibility to:
*provide a rigorous, relevant education
*teach and model appropriate school behaviors
*enforce the rules and regulations, communicate with parents about concerns
*positively reinforce appropriate behavior
- Parents have the responsibility to:
*support their child’s education through homework and reinforcement
*discuss appropriate school behaviors and support the school policies
*talk with your child daily about what they learned in school
*support the behavior code and suspension policy
- Students have the responsibility to:
*be prepared and ready to learn
*follow through with homework and studies
*learn and follow the rules and expectations of the school
*respect the rights of self and others and demonstrate self-discipline
*give their best effort daily
School Phone Numbers
Main School Number:971-7320
Principal, Janice Bowdler
Vice Principal, Stephen
Secretary, Terri Jones971-7320, Number 2 or
Attendance Line 979-8135
Voicemail System979-8033
Starr King Website - (Schools, Elementary, Starr King K-8)
STARR KING Kindergarten-8th Grade
SCHOOL NAME: Starr King K-8
PRINCIPAL'S NAME: Janice Bowdler
AM KindergartenPM Kindergarten Thursday P.M. Kindergarten
7:50-9:20 Instruction 10:50-12:40 10:40-11:55
9:20-9:40 Recess 12:40-1:00 11:55-12:15
9:40-11:10 Instruction 1:00-2:15 12:15-1:05
GRADES 1- 3GRADES 1-3 Thursday Schedule
7:50-10:00Instruction 7:50-9:15 Instruction
9:15-10:25 Recesses (see below) 9:15-9:25 Recess
10:10-10:45 Instruction 9:25-10:20Instruction
10:45 -11:25Lunch10:20-11:00Lunch
11:25-12:40Instruction 11:00-1:05Instruction
GRADE 4-6 GRADE 4-6 Thursday Schedule
7:50-10:00 Instruction7:50-9:15 Instruction
10:00-10:15Recess9:15-9:25 Recess
10:15-11:25Instruction9:25-10:55 Instruction
11:25-12:05Lunch 10:55-11:35 Lunch
12:05-2:15Instruction11:35-1:10 Instruction
6th Grade Recess 10:15-10:30
GRADES 7-8GRADES 7-8 Thursday Schedule
1 7:50-8:50 1 7:50-8:45
2 8:53-9:53 2 8:48-9:41
Break 9:53-10:03 3 9:44-10:37
3 10:06-11:06 4 10:40-11:33
4 11:09-12:09 Lunch 11:33-12:13
Lunch 12:09-12:495 12:13-1:10
5 12:52-1:32
6 1:35-2:15
10:15-10:251st Grade 8:15-9:251st Grade
9:15-9:25 2nd Grade 9:15-9:252nd Grade
10:00-10:10 3rd Grade 9:15-9:253rd Grade
9:15-9:254-5 Grade
PM RECESS9:30-9:406th Grade
12:30-12:401st Grade
12:40-12:502nd Grade
12:40-12:503rd Grade
3rd grade will go to playground for 20 min then to cafeteria (swap with 1-2 grades)
6th grade will go to playground for 20 min then to cafeteria (swap with 4-5 grades)
There will be specialized schedules during the school year. If they affect the starting or ending times of the day, parents will be notified
Before School
Students should not arrive at school before 7:35 a.m. in the morning unless they are getting breakfast which is available at 7:20 a.m. Elementary students are to wait by the gate by the west end of the front of the campus until supervision is provided on the play areas. Supervision is provided from 7:35 a.m. until 7:50 a.m. for students in grades K-8.
After School
Once school is over, students are not to loiter at the school. Students need to promptly report to after school activities such as Bridges-After-School, Discovery Club, or sports. Students who are not participating in after school programs should use their parent directed mode of transportation to report home so that they may begin their homework and to make contact with their parents. All students are to be picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal time.
Daily classroom attendance is critical to student success in school. Student absences will be closely monitored.
All absences need to be verified by parent/guardian as required by the Compulsory Education codes.
A notification system alerting parents to excessive absences is in effect at the start of the school year. ALL SJUSD schools will follow this process. Excessive absences may result in a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing.
- Attendance is checked daily.
- State recognized excused absences include a medical appointment, illness, or funeral of an immediate family member.
- All uncleared absences will be considered truancies unless clearedwithin 5 days. Students are required to make up work missed during their absences.
Homework may be requested from the Attendance Office only for prolonged absences of 3 or more days
Tardy Students
Students in grades 1-8 arriving after the 7:50 A.M. bell are considered tardy. Students should report directly to class during the first 15 minutes of 1st period. After that time, they must check in at the office for an ADMIT SLIP.
Early Dismissal/Appointments during the Day
We understand that some appointments cannot be made outside the educational day and/or students must be taken from school early. If a student is to leave school early, notify the office with a note. If attending a medical appointment, get a note from the doctor to excuse the time missed from school. Absences from school in excess of 30 minutes may be marked as absences for the day. All students leaving school early must be signed out by a person on the emergency card. Any student returning to school before the end of the day must be signed back in.
Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards
Starr King has a NO skateboard and scooter policy. Bikes are to be walked when on school grounds as well. Helmets are required by law for students who ride a bicycle. Starr King has an area to lock bikes by the west staff room during the day. All bikes need to be locked and kept in the bike area. Bikes left unlocked or unattended are subject to theft or vandalism.
Lost and Found
Please make sure that any clothing that will be removed (jackets, sweaters, etc), lunch boxes, binders, notebooks and backpacks sent to school has your child’s name on it. Items are often left on the blacktop and grass areas after recess and lunch. The school will attempt to return items to its owner and those items not returned will be placed in a lost and found area inside the cafeteria. Items left in the lost and found are donated to the San Juan Clothes Closet.
Starr King Newsletter
The school newsletter will be sent home with your child once a month. The newsletter contains important information, dates and upcoming activities. Please take time to read the newsletter and know your feedback is welcome. A copy of all newsletters will also be posted on the school’s website at (go to Schools, Elementary and Starr King K-8).
It is extremely important that emergency cards are kept updated and complete at all times. Changes of address, phone numbers, and people listed on card must be given to the schooloffice. Students who become ill during the school day need to report to the office to call a parent. Emergency injuries/illnesses will be handled by calling 911.
No school personnel can provide or administer any form of medication without a signed Authorization for Medication Administration form. These forms are available in the office and must be signed by a medical doctor. A new form must be filed each year with the school before any medication can be administered during the school day. All medication is to be kept and administered in the office. Medications must be brought to the school office in their original container.
Except as required, the use of school computers and access to the Internet is a privilege. Students who do not follow the rules may be disciplined, and may lose computer privileges. When students use school computers, they agree to follow:
- The directions of teachers and school staff, Rules of the school and school district; and
- Rules of any computer network they access.
Students also agree to be considerate and respectful of other users and to follow these rules:
- Use school computers for school-related education and research only.
- Do not use school computers and networks for personal or commercial purpose.
- Do not change any software of documents (except documents you create).
- Do not produce, distribute, access, use, or store information which:
- Is prohibited by law, district or school rules;
- Violates copyright laws;
- Is obtained by trespassing in private or confidential files;
- Would subject the district or individual to liability (such as defamatory information);
- Is obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit;
- Causes delay, disruption, or harm to systems, programs, networks, or equipment;
- Is otherwise prohibited in the workplace or on a school campus.
The district has Internet safety resources available to students and the public on the district’s Web site. There is information about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individual on social networking Web sites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response.
Use of Pictures on the School Website
Student directory information may be released to parent/guardian organizations, the news media, law enforcement agencies, alumni associations, military recruiters and colleges and universities. In addition, photographs and video of students may be taken occasionally by the news media or for district publicity and used for communication purposes, including district publications, the district Web site, and district-produced cable television programming.
Student information which is released may include the following: student’s name, grade level, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weights and heights of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance (entry and withdrawal), degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, and other similar information.
If you do not want photographs or information on your student to be released, you must make this known in writing to the principal of your child’s school. Visit San Juan Central, call (916) SAN-JUAN or visit obtain and file an opt-out form.
Homework is an important part of a student’s education. At Starr King, homework is assigned by the individual teacher and the amount of homework varies depending on grade level. Homework should be expected Monday thru Thursday. Many of our teachers have homework pages on the school website ( Schools, Elementary, Starr King) and this is a great resource to find out what is expected on a nightly basis. The more involved you are with the homework the more valuable it becomes. Reading with your child is one of the most valuable skills that can be worked on at home, so finding time to read each night will have a profound impact on their education. For the 4th-8th grade students, a binder reminder is provided for communication between home and school.
Dress Code
The school district reserves the right to insist that the dress and grooming of students stays within the limits of generally accepted good taste. Students shall be required to show proper attention to personal cleanliness and neatness of dress and appearance. The purpose of the Dress Code is to facilitate a strong educational environment and ensure the safety and well-being of all people on campus.
Any clothing/hairstyle or writing that distracts from the educational environment, makes others feel unsafe, or promotes negative/illegal behavior will not be tolerated. Clothing that is associated with gang attire or group intimidation will not be allowed at any time.
1) Redirect (change attire) 2) Parent called/Warning letter sent 3) Lunch detention 4) Conference with parent and P.A.S.S. (Positive Alternative to School Suspension). Additional violations may result in suspension.
Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to change their attire.
- Pants MUST fit appropriately, worn at the hips or higher, free of manufactured or purposely-made holes.
- Absolutely NO sagging - Pants must fit at the waist. To avoid sagging, follow the waistline guideline: Your waist measurement plus one inch.
- No pajamas
- Shorts and skirts MUST meet the "mid thigh" length guideline (5 to 7 inches above knees) even with leggings worn underneath.
- Belts should not extend more than "5 fingers" from the buckle and must be worn through the belt loops. No blue or red belts. No Old English Lettering.
- Under garments must not show at any time.
Shirts and Tops
- Each top must have a collar or sleeves.
- Tops must not expose midriff/torso/cleavage, i.e. tank tops, see-through/mesh tops, spaghetti straps, halters, etc.
- Shirts must have appropriate messages on them. No violent pictures.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Flip-Flops, clogs, roller shoes, slippers, high heels are not allowed.
- No open toed shoes.
- Shoelaces may not be blue or red.
- No ball caps, sweatband, knit caps or bandannas, may be worn at school. Hoods must be removed inside any building.
- Parents may apply for a health exemption to the rule. That means the hat is to be worn to protect from the sun.
- No sunglasses except prescription glasses.
- Jewelry must be free of inappropriatemessages, spikes and metal studs.
- Clothes and wallets must be free ofhanging chains.
- Hair and Make-up must not distract from the learning process. No make-up K-5.
- Visible body art, glitter, stickers or washable tattoos are not acceptable attire at school.
Discipline Code
In order for schools to operate in a smooth and efficient manner, there are policies and procedures that are common to each school. The governing Board of the San Juan Unified School District and the Superintendent are supportive of a philosophy that provides students with a safe learning environment. Students must be free to learn and teachers must be free to teach. Students are accountable for their behavior during school and school activities as well as on their way to and from school and school activities and while on the school grounds at any time.
(1) Under the influence, possession, or use of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, dangerous substance, or intoxicant of any kind
1st Offense: 3-5 day home suspension/required parent conference
Additional offenses will results in a 5 day home suspension/possible recommendation for Expulsion
(2) Selling of controlled substances (actual or purported), furnishing or in possession for sale of any controlled substance
1st Offense: 5 day home suspension and recommendation for Expulsion
(3) Possession, selling, or furnishing of any gun, knife, explosive or other dangerous object
1st Offense: 5 day home suspension, law enforcement or fire marshal and request for expulsion
(4) Assault and/or Battery upon school employee
1st Offense: 5 day home suspension, law enforcement notification and request for expulsion
(5) Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act
1st Offense: 3-5 day home suspension, parent conference
Additional offenses will result in a 5 day home suspension and request for expulsion
(6) Aided or abetted in the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person
1st Offense: 3-5 day home suspension, parent conference, possible request for expulsion
(7) Robbery or extortion
1st Offense: 5 dayhome suspension, law enforcement notification, request for expulsion
(8) Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or battery
1st Offense: 5 dayhome suspension, law enforcement notification, request for expulsion
A complete listing of the Student Behavior Code and Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion is distributed to each student at the beginning of the school year or upon registration.
School Consequences
Starr King believes all students have a right to a quality education free from distractions and interruptions. Students who take that right away from others re subject to varying means of corrections. Discipline at Starr King is progressive depending on occurrences and severity. The following consequences may be used:
- Individual conference with student
- Parent contacts which includes citations
- Parent/Teacher/Student conferences
- Behavior Contract
- Removal from class for day; PASS (Positive Alternative to School Suspension)
- Home Suspension
- Recommendation for Expulsion (often involves contacting Law Enforcement)
It is our belief that through teamwork, as parents, teachers, and students that all students can be successful at Starr King.
Starr King K-8 School Rules & Expectations for Common Areas
Area/ Rule
/ *Use good manners*Raise your hand quietly
*Listen when others are talking
*Keep hands & feet to self / *Be prepared for class
*Be prompt
*Turn in class work on time
*Take care of materials / *Follow classroom rules
*Follow directions
*Be in your seat before the bell
/ *Use good manners*Clean up your area
*Keep hands, feet, & objects to
yourself / *Wait in line patiently
*Food and drink stays in designated
*Place trash in containers
*Take only what you’ll eat / *Walk at all times
*Listen to directions
*Wait to be excused
*Follow directions
Playground / *Be a team player, encourageothers
*Keep hands and feet to yourself / *Return equipment to designated
*Throw trash in designated
containers / *Sit properly on benches and
table areas
*Stay within designated
*Follow playground rules
Special Events / *Listen responsibly*Applaud appropriately
*Sit appropriately / *Focus on presentation
*Keep hands and feet to self
*No food, drink, or gum / *Sit quietly during presentation
*Wait for dismissal
*Walk in and out in orderly
*Follow directions
Media Center
/ *Use kind words and actions*Respect property, yours and
others / *Return all materials to
proper places on time
*Use internet appropriately
*Print only when given
*No food, drink, or gum / *Keep hands and feet to yourself
*Use tables and chairs
*Keep backpacks outside
*Use quiet voices
/ *Use polite words and actions*Respect property, yours, and
others / *Walk at all times
*Talk quietly
*Use drinking fountains
appropriately / *Do not use main hallway
unless you have permission
*Use hallway passes during
*Move to class on time
Office Areas
/ *Use polite words andactions
*Wait quietly until you are
helped / *State your purpose politely
*Obtain permission to use the phone
*No food, drink, or gum / *Keep hands, feet, and
objects to yourself
*Use tables and chairs
*Follow directions
/ *Give people privacy*Respect property, yours and
others / *Keep bathroom clean
*Flush toilets
*Inform adults of vandalism / *Keep water in sink
*Wash hands
*Put towels in trash
*Use designated bathroom
Bus Area
/ *Use polite words and actions*Use a quiet voice
*Keep hands and feet to yourself / *Wait in line patiently
*No gum
*Pick up litter / *Get to bus on time
*Do not block front doors
*Stay behind yellow line
*Follow bus rules
*Follow bus driver directions
/ *Use polite words & actions*Respect property, yours and others / *Touch other people’s property only with
*Pick up litter
*Enter and exit campus promptly / *Walk bikes on campus
*Wear helmets
*Secure bicycles in bike area
*Obey those with bikes allowed in bike
Starr King K-8 School Rules & Expectations