PROGRAMME FOR THE 13TH MUST 9th Nov 2017. Lake View Hotel Mbarara
Director of Programme: Ms. Angella Nakato
0745-08:30h / Arrival and Registration of participants0830-0835h / Opening Ceremony
Chair(s): Prof. Samuel Maling, Dr Joseph Ngonzi
0835-0845h / Anthems
Uganda National Anthem
Mbarara University of Science and Technology Anthem
0845-0850h / Welcome Remarks, Conference Chairperson organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof Amos Twinamasiko
0850-0855h / Opening Remarks, Dean Faculty of Medicine,
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Assoc. Prof Gertrude Kiwanuka
0855-0910h / Opening Address, Vice Chancellor, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Prof. Celestino Obua
0910-0920h / Chief Guest Speaker: Mr. Keith Muhakanizi
0920-0950h / Key note address Dr. Michael Kansiime
THEME: Turning Community Challenges into Opportunities through Research and Innovation
0950-1000h / Group photo
1000-1030h / Health Break - Tea
1030-1230h / Parallel Sessions (Room 1, Room 2, Room 3)
1230-1300h / Poster Session
1300-1400h / Health Break - Lunch
1400-1600h / Parallel Sessions (Room 1, Room 2, Room 3)
1600-1630h / Closing Ceremony: Conference wrap up and Presentation of Awards
Chair(s): Assoc. Prof Kiwanuka Gertrude /Assoc Vincent Batwala
1630-1700h / Health Break – Evening Tea
Parallel sessions
Room One / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery HIVChair(s) / Assoc. Prof. Juliet Mwanga/ Dr. Rogers Bariyo
1030-1040h / The prevalence of pulmonary mycoses among human immuno deficiency virus positive patients attending anti-retro viral therapy clinic at kisoro district hospital
Justus Mucunguzi, Mwambi Bashir Ddembe
1040-1050h / People living with HIV are resilient to withdrawing real-time adherence monitoring interventions after study closure
Angella Musiimenta1 , Esther C. Atukunda1 (email: ), Wilson Tumuhimbise1
1050-1100h / HIV infection, systemic inflammation and lung function in rural Uganda
Alan Babweteera, Crystal M. North, Bernard Kakuhikire, Alexander C. Tsai, David C. Christiani, Douglas S. Kwon, Okello Samson, Mark J. Siedner
1100-110h / Variation in Genotypic Resistance Patterns in HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes in Uganda and South Africa
G Masette1,2, SM McCluskey3,4, MB Bwana1,2, WR Muyindike1,2, C Muzoora1,2, Y Boum 2nd1,5, MY Moosa6, H Sunpath6, P Moodley6, K Kamelian7, GQ Lee3,4, PR Harrigan7, VC Marconi8,9, JN Martin10, PW Hunt10, JE Haberer3,4, DR Bangsberg11, MJ Siedner1
1110-1130h / Discussion (Q&A)
Room One / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery (Laboratory And Pharmacy)
Chair(s) / Viola N. Nyakato & Lawrence Imanirampa
1130-1140h / Evaluation of the OMNIgene® SPUTUM reagent for long term transportation of samples for Xpert testing in a high TB-HIV setting
Patrick Orikiriza, Ssuuna Charles, Dan Nyehangane, Erick Gainza, Martina Casenghi, Maryline Bonnet, Céline Langendorf, Elisa Ardizzoni
1140-1150h / Antipyretic Activity of Flavonoids and Saponins isolated from the Methanol root extract of Solanum incanum in Winstar Rats
Wabwire J1; Zein K. B.1; Nakibirango L. A.1; Tusiime L1; Imanirampa L1; Sesaazi C.D2
1150-1200h / Patterns, practices and determinants of detection and reporting adverse drug reactions’ (ADRs) at mbarara regional referral hospital.
Peter Nuwagira
1200-1210h / Actual Versus Perceived HIV Testing Norms, and Personal HIV Testing Uptake: A Cross-Sectional, Population-Based Study in Rural Uganda
Patrick Gumisiriza, Jessica M. Perkins, Viola N. Nyakato, Bernard Kakuhikire, Pamela K. Mbabazi, H. Wesley Perkins, Alexander C. Tsai, S. V. Subramanian, Nicholas A. Christakis7, David R. Bangsberg
1210-1230h / Discussion (Q&A)
1230-1300h / Poster Session
Room One / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery 3
Chair(s) / Dr. Francis Bajunirwe/ Assoc. Prof. Amon Agaba
1400-1410h / A modified neo-vagina procedure in a low resource urogynecological unit: a case report of a 21 year old with mayer-rokitansky-küster-hauser (mrkh) syndrome operated at mbarara referral hospital, southwestern uganda
M Kayondo, J Njagi, P K Mukasa , T Margolis
1410-1420h / Incidence and Predictors of 6 months Mortality after an acute heart failure event in Rural Uganda: The Mbarara Heart failure Registry (MAHFER)
Fardous Charles Abeya1, MBBS, MMED, Boniface Amanee Elias Lumori1, MBBS, Suzan Joan Akello2, BAED, MSc, Brian H. Annex3, MD,Andrew J. Buda3, MD, Samson Okello1,3,4, MBchB, MMED, MSc
1420-1430h / Prevalence and factors associated with vernal keratoconjunctivitis among children with ocular allergy at ruharo eye centre, southwestern Uganda. Budengeri p, Onyango j, Ruvuma
1430-1440h / Practices of oxygen prescription for critically ill patients on medical wards at a public hospital in southwestern uganda: a clinical audit
1440-1500h / Discussion
Room One / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery 4: Public Health 1
Chair(s) / Dr. Fred Bagenda/ Assoc. Prof. Amos Twinamasiko
1500-1510h / Knowledge and practices towards prevention of hepatitis b infection among patients attending outpatient clinic at Rushere Community Hospital in Kiruhura District.
Kakuru Ambias, Jane Kasozi Namagga
1510-1520h / Lived exerience of patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis in lira regional referral hospital
Ogwang Tom and Nambozi Grace
1520-1530h / Healthcare- seeking behaviour and management of type 2 diabetes in uganda
Dr. Atwine Fortunate
1530-1540h / Sources of information, barriers and facilitators to communication on sexuality topics between parents or caregivers and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda
Naome Natukunda, Patricia Esther Tushemereirwe, Rose Kyarisima, Elizabeth Kemigisha
1540-1600h / Discussion Q&A
1600-1630h / Closing Ceremony: Conference wrap up and Presentation of Awards
Chair(s): Assoc. Prof Kiwanuka Gertrude /Assoc Prof. Vincent Batwala
1630-1700h / Health Break – Evening Tea
Room Two / Sub-theme: ICT & Development
Chair(s) / Bosco Mwebesa Bwana & Winnie Muyindike
1030-1040h / Protecting infants remotely by SMS: An automated newborn care text messaging system for frontline birth attendants.
Santorino Data, Martin Mukama, Francis Bajunirwe
1040-1050h / Clinic Attendance and Retention in Care Before and After Implementation of a Short Message Service Appointment Reminder Program at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital HIV Clinic
Annabella Habinka Ejiri, Michael Kanyesigye, Phaisal Lubega, Winnie Muyindike, Evans Mwesigwa, Mwbesa Bosco Bwana, Suzanne McCluskey, Mark Siedner
1050-1100h / Effectiveness of objective real-time feedback on quality of manual ventilation
Santorino Data, Kevin Cedrone, Winfred Mwebesa, Santa Engol, Naome Nsiimenta, Kristian Olson
1100-110h / Real-time Mobile Health Interventions can motivate Tuberculosis Medication Adherence in Rural Southwestern Uganda: Findings from an Exploratory Formative Study
Angella Musiimenta, Wilson Tumuhimbise1, Aaron Mugaba1, Conrad Muzoora1, David Bangsberg, J. Lucian Davis, Davis3, Jessica E. Haberer
1110-1130h / Discussion (Q&A)
Room Two / Sub-theme: Science, Technology & Education
Chair(s) / DR Angella Musiimenta AND Mucunguzi Charles
1130-1140h / Multimedia-based E-Learning Portal for supporting the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Health Science in Nakivale Camp.
Moreen Kabarungi, Dr. Angella Musiimenta
1140-1150h / Tracer study of the bachelor of agriculture and community development (bacd) graduates of bishop stuart university,
western uganda
Kalibwani, R., Nkuuhe, D.1, Aligonza, J.1, Tumusiime, B.1, Musinguzi, C.1, and Ndizihiwe, D.1
1150-1200h / ICT teaching/learning in institutions of higher education: experiences of bishop stuart university (bsu), mbarara, western uganda
Nkuuhe, D*1., Nuwasiima, A.2, Katushabe, C.2, Tweheyo, S.2, Kalibwani, R1
1200-1210h / Education management and academic performance of pupils in Uganda: A comparative study of public and private primary schools in Sheema Municipality
Gumisiriza Eric Buhanda1*, Dr. Abel Mucunguzi1,2
1210-1230h / Discussion (Q&A)
1230-1300h / Poster Session
Chair(s) / Dr Edgar Mulogo Dr Rose Muhindo
1400-1410h / Positive contribution of solid waste towards sustainable development in developing countries: a case of plastic waste management in uganda.
Kenneth A Tumusiime
1410-1420h / Female Headed Households in Rural Western Uganda
Palka Patel1, Geren Stone1, Edgar Mulogo2, Moses Ntaro2, Jessica Kenney1, Michael Matte2, Rabbison Muhindo2, Sara Mian-McCarthy1, Andrew Wesuta3, Sarah Masika3, Raphael Mbusa3, Bwambale Shem
1420-1430h / Alcohol use in a rural sub-county of south western Uganda
Geren Stone1, Edgar Mulogo2, Palka Patel1, Moses Ntaro2, Jessica Kenney1, Michael Matte2, Rabbison Muhindo2, Sara Mian-McCarthy1, Andrew Wesuta3, Sarah Masika3, Raphael Mbusa3, Bwambale Shem
1430-1440h / Design of a sustainable pre-polarizing magnetic resonance imaging system for infant hydrocephalus
Dr. Johnes Obungoloch
1440-1500h / Discussion
Room two / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery 4: Public Health 2
Chair(s) / Dr. Godfrey Zari Rukundo Dr Simon Arunga
1500-1510h / Significance of Academic institution in promoting community health; through the Ripple effect model, Bandura’s theory of role modelling and Ubuntu.
Grace Nambozi
1510-1520h / Status of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services in Health Facilities, Misungwi District, Northwestern Tanzania.
Wemaeli Mweteni, 2Pendo Ndaki, 2Dismas Matovelo, 1Hadija Swai, 4Denise Buchner 2Caroline Amour, 1Respicious Bakalemwa, 1Prosper Shayo, 2Boniphace Maendeleo, 3Leonard Subi, 5Teddy Kyomuhangi, 4Jenn Brenner
1520-1530h / Practice and Compliance of Hand Hygiene Among Healthcare Workers at Mbarara Referral Hospital: A Quality Improvement and Evidence Based Practice
Vallence Niyonzima, Florence Beinempaka and Dr Laura Brennaman
1530-1540h / Prevalence and factors associated with xerophthalmia and other eye conditions among inmates in mbarara central prison, southwestern uganda
1540-1600h / Discussion Q&A
1600-1630h / Closing Ceremony: Conference wrap up and Presentation of Awards
Chair(s): Assoc. Prof Kiwanuka Gertrude /Assoc Prof. Vincent Batwala
1630-1700h / Health Break – Evening Tea
Room three / Sub-theme: Food Security & Agriculture value Chains
Chair(s) / Grace Kagoro & Becky Tibanyebdera
1030-1040h / Indigenous knowledge on production, performance utilization systems of pumpkins for value addition avenues from selected agro-ecological zones of Uganda
Immaculate Nakazibwe, Grace Kagoro and Eunice A. Olet
1040-1050h / Farmer organisation for agricultural value chain development in isreal and implications for the maize value chain in uganda
Arinaitwe, M. and Kalibwani, R
Nuwemuhwezi, G*., Bahame, D., Byarugaba, M., Musinguzi, C., Amanya, M., Kalibwani, R
1100-110h / SOCIO-ECONOMIC Aspects in eliminating bruchids in stored pulses. A study conducted amongst selected small holder farmers in Isingiro District in South Western Uganda
Clara Decent Atuhaire
1110-1130h / Discussion (Q&A)
Room three / Sub-theme: Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery (Clinical)
Chair(s) / Samson Okello & Elias Kumbakumba
1130-1140h / Prevalence and factors associated with in-hospital mortality among acute kidney injury (AKI) patients receiving hemodialysis in two hospitals in Mbarara, Uganda
Davis Kimweri1, MBChB
Amir Abdallah1, MBchB, MMED, DTMH
Rose Muhindo1, MBchB, MMED, FISN
1140-1150h / Attitudes, perception of barriers to care, and assessment of educational needs of refugee care providers at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital
Achille Bapolisi MD1,2, Katherine Crabtree MD MPH3, Jana Jarolimova MD3, Caitrin Kelly MD MPH3, Katherine Kentoffio MD3, Palka Patel MD3,4, Geren Stone MD3, Vincent Batwala PhD
1150-1200h /
Pediatric post-discharge mortality in resource limited settings: An updated systematic review
Brooklyn Nemetchek1, Lacey English2, Susan Fowler-Kerry1, J Mark Ansermino3,4, Niranjan Kissoon3,4, Peter Moschovis5, Jerome Kabakyenga6,7, Elias Kumbakumba6, Matthew O. Wiens31200-1210h / Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and associated factors among HIV infected adults aged 40 years or greater in Mbarara, Southwestern Uganda.
Abdirahim Abdi ADEN1; Michael KANYESIGYE1; Emmanuel BYARUHANGA1; Alex KINTU2; Peter UEDA2; Winnie R.MUYINDIKE1; Goodarz DANAEI2 ; Samson OKELLO
1210-1230h / Discussion (Q&A)
1230-1300h / Poster Session
Room three / Sub-theme: Business, Economics & Management
Chair(s) / Frank Ahimbisibwe @ Jonans Tusiimire
1400-1410h / The Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies in Uganda (CAMTech Uganda)’s innovation Ecosystem.
Data Santorino, Nuriat Nambogo, Asiimwe Lydia, Mukama Martin
1410-1420h / The factors influencing the growth and development of commercial enterprise in lira, uganda
Eton Marus
1420-1430h / Challenges Facing Female Headed Households in Accessing and Utilizing Microfinance Lending among Selected Municipalities of South West Uganda.
John Busingye, Tumuhimbise Manasseh and Kazooba Charles Tushabomwe
1430-1440h / Cash flow and survival of SMEs in arua district, West Nile region Uganda
Eton Marus
1440-1500h / Discussion
Room three / Sub-theme: Healthcare and Service Delivery 4: MCH
Chair(s) / Natukunda Bernard & Grace NAMBOZI
1500-1510h / Experiences of pregnant teenagers regarding antenatal care services at kalisizo hospital, rakai district
Nalwanga Mary Koncepta and Nambozi Grace
1510-1520h / An Important Unintended Consequence Impacting Care for Single Pregnant Women in Rural Tanzania
Dismas Matovelo1, Denise Buchner2, Boniphace Maendeleo1, Wemaeli Mweteni 1, Respicious Bakalemwa 1, Jennifer L Brenner2 and Rose Laisser1
1520-1530h / Male Involvement; Husbands’ support to women during and after delivery
Teddy Kyomuhangi , Jerome Kabakyenga1, HCU Team2* Ainembabazi Doreen2, George Muganga4 Jennifer L Brenner3 Eleanor Turyakira1
1530-1540h / Teenage Pregnancy in a Rural Community: magnitude and factors in Bugoye sub-county, Kasese District
Edgar Mulogo1 Geren Stone2, Michael Matte1 Palka Patel2, Moses Ntaro1, Jessica Kenney2, Rabbison Muhindo1, Sara Mian-McCarthy2, Andrew Wesuta3, Sarah Masika3, Raphael Mbusa3, Bwambale Shem3
1540-1600h / Discussion Q&A
1600-1630h / Closing Ceremony: Conference wrap up and Presentation of Awards
Chair(s): Assoc. Prof Kiwanuka Gertrude /Assoc Prof. Vincent Batwala
1630-1700h / Health Break – Evening Tea