Study guide for Lab Practicum 1.

Be able to ID and classify all specimens we presented during lab. Below is a short list of some of the items we covered.

The lab manual andyour notes are the best study guide for the practicum! You will find a list of slides used for the practical exam #1 on the counter (wooden box) of the science prep area.


  1. Identify and describe the function of parts of the compound and dissecting microscopes.
  2. Be able to focus on objects under low and high power of the compound microscope.
  3. Be able to make a wet mount.


  1. Describe the function of the cellular organelles characteristic of animal cells.
  2. Name and describe the functions of the four kinds of tissues found in animal systems.
  3. Be able to identify simple squamous epithelium under the compound microscope.

Lab Animal-Like Protists

  1. Summarize the classification of the animal-like protests.
  2. Recognize members of Phylum Sarcomastigophora (Subphylum Mastigophora- Euglena, Trichonympa (found in termite guts), Volvox (colonial flagellate), Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness) (Subphylum Sarcodina- Amoeba, Diflugia)
  3. Recognize members of the Phylum Apicomplexa- Plasmodium, (the sporozoan that causes malaria)
  4. Recognize Phylum Ciliophora- Paramecium (freshwater ciliate)

Lab Porifera

  1. Describe the cellular level of organization.
  2. Describe the function of the cell types found in sponges.
  3. Describe the Asconoid Sponge- Leucoselenia and its anatomy.
  4. Describe the Syconoid Sponge- Scypha (Grantia)
  5. Describe the Leuconoid Sponge- bath sponge

Lab Cnidaria (Coelenterata)

  1. Describe the cnidarian body plan.
  2. Recognize Class Hydrozoa- Obelia, hydra, gonionemus
  3. Recognize class Scyphozoa- Aurelia (true jellyfish), planula
  4. Recognize class Anthozoa- Metridium (Sea anemones and corals)

Lab Platyhelminthes

  1. Describe the classification of the Platyhelminthes
  2. Recognize Class Turbellaria -Planaria/Dugesia (free-living)
  3. Recognize Class Trematoda – Clonorchis (fluke)
  4. Recognize Class Cestoda- Taenia (tapeworms)

Lab The Pseudocoelomate Body plan: Aschelminths

  1. Describe the organ-system level of organization.
  2. Recognize the Phylum Rotifera- Philodina
  3. Recognize the Phylum Nematoda- Ascaris (roundworm- reproductive and digestive structures), Vinegar eel, Trichinella (pork worm) and Necator (hookworm), Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm)
  4. Identify and describe the structure and function of the pseudocoelomate organ systems.

Zoology – List of Slides used in Practical Exam #1

Know the Phylum and class of the following slides

1.Leucoslenia w.m.

2.Trichinella spiralis



5.Grantia (Sycon)

6.Hydra (female) c.s.

7.Hydra, c.s. & l.s.

8.Hydra, w.m.

9.Aurelia scyphistoma, w.m.

10.Vinegar eel

11.Amoeba proteus

12.Ascaris lumbricoides, male

13.Obelia medussae, w. m.

14.Schistosoma monsoni in copula, w. m.

15.Hydra c.s. (male)

16.Aurelia strobila w.m.

17.Aurelia planula, w.m.

18.Obelia, w.m.

19.Ascaris lumbricoides, female

20.Paramecium in conjugation, w.m.

21.Planaria, plain and digestive tract

22.Enterobius vermicularis

23.Grantia (scycon) spicules, w.m.

24.Clonorchis sinensis, w.m.

25.Planaria, representative regions

26.Ancylostoma caninum, male (Hook worm)



29.Paramecium caudatum, w.m.

30.Hydra, male w.m.

31.Hydra, budding w.m.

32.Aurelia, strobila

33.Jellyfish, w.m. (Ephyra)

34.Obelia, w.m. gonangium

35.Obelia, w.m. polyps, hydranth

36.Fasciola hepata, Sheep liver fluke w.m.

37.Bdelloura candida, dog fluke w.m.

Also know the parts of the microscope