Five College Mentored Elementary Pashto Study Guide 3

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Updated August 11, 2010

Study Goals

  • Comfortable pronouncing the alphabet.
  • Ability to easily recognize Pashto letters and produce the correct and corresponding sound asscociated with each letter.
  • Ability to write out Pashto letters’ names.
  • Ability to comfortably write joint letters.
  • Ask simple questions and produce simple responses.
  • Comfortable greeting and saying goodbye.
  • Ability to pronounce new vocabulary and recognize its meaning.

Assignments for Independent Study

On Your Own, pp. 18-22 (PE)

  • Complete exercise 21 on pp. 18-19.
  • HAND IN: write out ten examples from exercise 21 on pp. 18-19 (PE)
  • Complete all exercises on pp. 21-24. This is a review of the different points covered in Lesson 1 of PE.
  • HAND IN: exercise 22, p.21 (PE) and exercise 24, p. 22 (PE).


  • Are you practicing the alphabet everyday?
  • Are you practicing all basic greetings and expressions from the last 2 study guides and from Lesson 1 PE?
  • Are you practicing the Pashto script each day? Are you comfortable with the Pashto alphabet? Are you able to recognize differen letters and associate them with a particular sound? Are you able to recognize letters in their different forms depending on their placement in a word?

Learning the Pashto Script, pp. 41-48 (PS)

  • Complete Part Two “Order of Joint Writing of Letters” pp. 41-48.
  • HAND IN: Write out 5 examples from Part A in “Order of Joint Writing of Letters” and 5 examples from Part B to hand in at your tutorial. Bring your workbook to show your partner the script practice you have been doing.
  • (PE) p. 27, read Cultural Note on the Pashto Script.
  • Practice joint writing of letters in order to get into the habit of recognizing word formations with certain letters.
  • Review the index cards you made for two-form and four-form letters.

Language Focus, pp.23-26 (PE)

  • Read pp. 23-26 and complete all exercises. Practice saying, out loud, the different questions and simple answers on pp. 23-25. Memorize them and practice saying them each day. When practicing, work on your pronunciation.
  • Complete exercise 27 on p. 26 with the accompanying audio on the CD-Rom.
  • HAND IN: Write out exercise 28, p. 26 (PE)
  • Create a set of index cards for the new vocabulary on p. 28 and memorize their definitions. Pratice these each day.

Homework and Preparation for Tutorial

  • HAND IN: write out ten examples from exercise 21 on pp. 18-19 (PE)
  • HAND IN: exercise 22, p.21 (PE) and exercise 24, p. 22 (PE).
  • HAND IN: Write out 5 examples from Part A in “Order of Joint Writing of Letters” and 5 examples from Part B to hand in at your tutorial. Bring your workbook to show your partner the script practice you have been doing.
  • HAND IN: Write out exercise 28, p. 26 (PE)

Conversation Session Preparation

  • Be prepared to practice basic greetings and expressions.
  • Be prepared to complete dialogue work based on the simple questions you memoriezed.
  • Be prepared to practice the Pashto Script, alphabet, sounds, and joint writing.
  • Be prepared to complete exercise B on p. 26 (PE)

Self Assessment

  • I am able to write joint letters, two-form letters, and four-form letters.
  • I am able to use basic greetings and expressions comfortably.
  • I am able to ask simple questions and respond with basic answers.
  • I am able to recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, their names, and their sounds.
  • I have learned all the new vocabulary for Lesson 1 of PE.
  • I have completed all of the exercises in Lesson 1 of PE.
  • I have completed all assignments to be handed in at my tutorial.
  • I am prepared for my conversation session.
  • I am ready to go on to the next study guide.