17th May, 2015 / 7th Sunday of Easter

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1: 3 (NLT)

A Message From Pastor Ben

I have enjoyed the last 6 weeks and the opportunity to share with you about how to be rich in what matters most. And one thing that we have learned is that we have each been blessed with more than we need. We are rich. But we are not going to trust in riches, but rather in Him who richly provides. And because we have more, we are going to give more and do more and love more.

Sometimes it is not easy to talk about what we do with our money and our time, as it can often bring so many guilty feelings up in our lives. Yet in Jesus’ teachings, this is the same problem that He had with those who wanted to follow Him from the start, because what you do with your money and time reveal what you truly value in your heart.

My prayer for our church is that we don’t just know about Jesus, but we truly know who He is, and in truly knowing Him, we are transformed in our hearts, and so being rich in our giving, rich in our good deeds, rich in our relationships and being rich in generosity just naturally flow out of this intimate and real relationship with Jesus.

This is how we can show what we truly value in our hearts to others, so that we can not just know Jesus, but go and make Him known in our community and in our city so that others may also be able to take hold of the life that is truly life. (1 Timothy 6:19)

Join me in “Being Rich in What Matters Most”.


Worship This Week

Bethany / 9am / Service with Holy Communion
No Children’s Ministry
Grace / 10am / Service with Holy Communion
Hymns 609 TIS, 385 TIS, 378 TIS, 551 TIS
No Children’s Ministry
St Johns / 8am / Service with Holy Communion – LHS page 6
Readings Proverbs 11:23-31, Psalm 1,1Timothy 6:17-19 Luke 12:16-21
Hymns 642 LH, 437 LH, 563 LH, 161 LH
9.30am / Contemporary Service without Holy Communion
No Children’s Ministry
St Marks / 8.30am / Service with Holy Communion
9.30am / Sunday School

Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar

This Week

Mon 18/5 / 6.45pm / Bethany School Council Meeting
7.00pm / Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed)
Tue 19/5 / 7.00pm / Bethany Worship Team Meeting
Wed 20/5 / 9.30am / Midweek Holy Communion Service (Bethany)
6.40pm / St John’s Teams Meeting Night
6.45pm / Bethany Ministry Team & Church Council Meeting
Thu 21/5 / 9.00am / St John’s Friendship Club (St John’s Hall)
Sat 23/5 / 9am – 3.30pm / Pentecost Revival Day (Bethany)
Sun 24/5 / 9.00am / Churchwide Pentecost Worship Experience (Bethany)

Coming Up

Mon 25/5 / 7.00pm / Faith Chest Ministry (Bethany Shed)
Wed 27/5 / 6.30pm / Bethany School Parent Information Night (Worship Centre)

Happenings in our Parish


We welcome and thank Pastor Aub Podlich for leading worship at Bethany this morning. We also thank Rob Suthers for leading worship at St John’s 9.30am service this morning.

Cancellation of Open Arms Playgroup

Due to low attendance, Open Arms Playgroup will not be running on Wednesday mornings at St John’s House. If you have any enquiries, please contact Margaret Toft on 0417 564 990.

Stamps for Missions

An excerpt from a letter received from Peter Nitschke this week.

“Thank you very much for the stamps I received from you recently. They are much appreciated. The projects for 2015 are five different mission areas in South East Asia, and for a Bible translator working in Papua New Guinea. We have already raised $6400 towards our target for this. Please pass on thanks to all who contributed to the recent consignment.”

With Christian Greetings,

Peter Nitschke

Pentecost Sunday

Don’t forget that this coming Saturday and Sunday we have the awesome opportunity to gather together as ONE church to celebrate what God’s Holy Spirit is doing among us and how we can join in with God’s Mission into our community, our city and the world. Don’t forget to register for our Saturday session with Rev. Dr. Noel Due from 9am – 3:30pm.

Also join us for worship at Raceview (Bethany) 9am on Sunday as Rev. Dr. Noel shares God’s Word with us as we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and how we too are called to go into the world speaking God’s Word as God’s Spirit enables us.

As we are planning to join as One Church at Raceview, please note that there is no worship service at our other locations on this day.

Volunteering Opportunities

Have you felt God leading you towards visiting and even giving Holy Communion to those people across our Parish who are unable to attend church? We are in need of people to either visit regularly (once a month or

bi-monthly) or to just visit intermittently throughout the year. We are also in urgent need of people to be available to visit regularly and give Holy Communion. Please keep this important ministry in your prayers. If you are able to help please Contact Vicki Park: Parish House on

3202 403 or email

Call for LEADERS for RAGE, Ignition & St. John’s Sunday School

The need for Leaders across our Child & Youth Ministries is becoming more apparent as we get into 2015. St. John’s Sunday School, Rage High School Youth and Ignition Primary School Youth are all in need of volunteers to either go on regular rosters or just intermittently throughout each Term. God will equip you if you feel he is directing you to answer this call! Contact Leah Bricknell @ Parish House on 3202 4035 or email

St Johns Volunteering Opportunity

We have a need for Ushers and Sound Desk Operators for our 9.30am services. You would be rostered approximately once per month. Please contact Wayne Kreis.

Upcoming Events

Parish Children & Youth Ministries

Term 2

Friday 22nd May

H2H - 6.3pm St John’s House

Ten Commandments No Stealing

RAGE – 6.30pm St John’s Hall

Pentecost – bring a “fire” theme snack

Ladies Night Out – Wednesday 27th May

Our next get-together will be held at the Nu Orleans Restaurant (formerly Lime5Nine), 59 Limestone Street, on Wednesday 27 May at 6.30 pm. Everyone welcome. Please RSVP to Adrienne by Tuesday 26 May on 0409 097 092 or .

Men’s Shed – Thursday 28th May (see flyer for details)

Donations for Natural Disasters



The worst earthquake in Nepal in 80 years has left more than 2500 people dead. Many more are injured, missing or homeless. You can give emergency help straightaway through ALWS. Your help will be directed through our Lutheran (World Federation) team based in Kathmandu. High priorities are likely to include food, clean water, clothes, blankets, shelter, medical supplies and psychosocial support. ALWS has already committed $50,000 for emergency aid.

How to donate – www.alws.org.au click on ‘DONATE NOW’

LYQ Camps

CLW Camps – Registrations Open

Christian Life Week camps are here again! Pick up your ‘How to Register’ card at the back of the church today.

v  Week 1 – 29th June to 3rd July 2015

v  Week 2 – 6th July to 10th July 2015

v  Week 3 – 21st Sept to 25th Sept 2015

Register today www.lyq.org.au/clw

Contact Parish Office for subsidy code

Upcoming Workshops

Financial Matters

Financial Support for the Mission and Vision of the Church

Overdue Notices!

Do not hold back the offerings from your fields or your vineyards – you must give the Lord this measure of all your household. (Exodus 22:29)

The Israelites were to be prompt in giving God their offerings. The first of the harvest was to be dedicated immediately to him.

Since God doesn’t send payment overdue notices, it’s often easy to take care of other financial responsibilities while letting our gifts to him slide.

Giving to God FIRST out of what he has allowed you to have demonstrates that He has first priority in your life.

How is our giving going?

Keep an eye on the graph below.

God provides for the ministry of Ipswich Lutheran Church through your tithes and offerings, so please consider how you can give to continue to help people to know Christ and make Christ known.

For more info and ways to give, go to www.ilp.org.au/give

Available from your local Church foyer

·  Current Bethany School Newsletter

·  Current LCAQD Newsletter

·  Pentecost Church Revival Day Brochure


Prayer Corner

Church Prayer Time

A time of prayer is held at Bethany every Sunday at 8.30am. Any and all are welcome to join in with these prayer times.

Prayer Points

·  for the ministry of word and sacrament

·  for all involved in Bible translation

·  for literacy workers, enabling people to read the word

·  for Christian publishing, television and radio

·  for those who are doubting, fearful, weak-willed, or guilt-ridden

·  for those who care for the very old and the very young

Care Slip & General Parish Prayer Requests

·  Thank you God for giving us patience and trust in you, no matter what.

·  for peace in the world.

·  for Rain for the west.

·  for Ladies Retreat next weekend.

·  for all Mum's and their families

·  Lord bless all mothers to love as you love us. Thank you Jesus.

General Prayers

·  Please continue praying for

o  the pastors, office staff and leaders of the Parish and congregations.

o  the upcoming meetings of the parish and congregations (refer to the ‘Coming Up’ section at the back of this bulletin).

o  the church services beforehand and as they take place

o  specific events as they arise i.e. funerals, weddings, baptisms, synod, studies undertaken across the parish

Next Week

Rosters / Bethany
Date / Sun 24-May-15
Title / Pentecost
Bible Readings / Acts 2: 1-21
Psalm 104: 24-34, 35b
Rom 8: 22-27
John 15: 26,27; 16: 4b-15
Altar Colour / Red
Service Time & Details / Parish Pentecost Service
Service Order
Bible Readings Reader / Steve
Support Lay Leader / Alissa
Ushers / Des / Renae
Welcomers / Jenny / Ann
HC Assist. / Pastor / Gary / DENIS / John D
Prayer Leader / Eunice S
Prayers / Pastor / Val / Steve / Caitlin
Organist / Musicians / Michael Band
Children’s Ministry /
Children's Activity / ALYCE / Amanda / Eunice D
PP Operator / Ben M
Sound Desk / David
Video Operator
Children’s Talk/ Offering Counters / WARREN / Amy
PP Designer / Kurt
Morning Tea / Gayle / Cheryl
Cleaning / Dulcie / Cheryl
Flowers / Doreen
Mowing / Yvonne / Gary
St John’s Monthly Roster / Altar linen: G Steinhardt / Brass clean: Gehrke, Sippel, Smith /
Care slips/pencils: E Kreis / Activity bags: E Meier / Cards: M Toft /
Funeral clean: S Piotrowski / Ushers: C Hoffmann, (emerg - M Oldfield) /
Organist: D Gowell / Caterers: G Borchert, L Riggs, M Smith, G Steinhardt /
Wedding usher: C Hoffmann

Any changes or corrections with the rosters please contact the congregation’s roster coordinator – Bethany – Doreen Gowell/Gayle Green, Grace – Errol Freiberg, St John’s - 8am Claire Barnett, 9.30am Wayne Kreis

Want to know more about Jesus? Head to ‘Next Steps’ on our website: nextsteps.ilp.org.au Or alternatively, speak to one of our pastors. We would love to hear from you and help you if you want to continue in your faith walk, learning more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Guests – we trust that you have drawn closer to God in worship today. Our church is blessed by your presence today. Please stay and enjoy a ‘cuppa’ with us after worship and make yourself known to us. We’d love to answer any queries you may have.

Help Us To Care - if you know of someone who has fallen ill or who is suffering in any way, please let the Pastoral Care Coordinator or one of the Pastors know by contacting the parish office so that appropriate care and follow up can occur.

Thinking Of Joining This Church? – We would love for you to make that commitment with us, as you make a conscious decision to be part of something bigger than simply yourself. If you have been worshipping here regularly and are not yet a member, the pastors would be happy to talk to you about ‘making our Church home - your Church home.

Ipswich Lutheran Parish Contact Details:

Parish Office 32 Roderick Street, Ipswich, QLD, 4305
Open│Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm,
Phone│07 3202 4035
Fax│07 3281 9762

Parish Staff Lead Pastor│Milton Fritsch
Associate Pastor│Ben Hentschke
Crisis Care Co-ordinator│Betty Taylor Children & Youth Co-ordinator | Leah Bricknell
Ministry Support│Karen Cotter & Michelle Yarrow
Pastoral Care Support│Vicki Park
Professional Standards│Michelle Yarrow

Parish Worship Centres & Sunday Worship Times

Bethany Grace St Johns
86 Raceview Street 19 Ipswich Street 32 Roderick Street
Raceview Riverview Ipswich
9am 10am 8am│9:30am

Bulletin notices and inserts deadline: Thursdays 2pm