Darlington, SC

WILLIAMSONPARK –A WoodlandPreserve


1.1 Continue municipal funding for Park staff, maintenance, and preservation.

1.2 Increase financial stability through grants and fundraising. Investigate trust/endowmentpossibilities.


2.1Continue invasive plant removal and introduction of native plants.

2.2Identify possibilities for expansion and improvements.

2.3Update plant and animal surveys.


3.1 Improve external and internal signage.

3.2 Expand website with links from multiple sites.

3.3 Improveaccess to the Park.


4.1 Maintain Park trail, bridge, and boardwalk access to balance aesthetics, access, and wildlife habitat function.

4.2 Hold events throughout the year that promote stewardship of natural resources.

4.3 Work with local school districts and higher education institutions to promote research and awareness.


1.1Continue municipal funding for Park staff, maintenance, and preservation.

1.1.1Establish liaison between City administration and Park Advisory Committee.

  • Meet annually with City to determine exact dollars designated for Park and current expenses.
  • Review with appropriate personnel how monies can be best allocated.

1.1.2 Cultivate relationships with councils (city and county) and others.

  • Document and report on the Park’s status with various tourism entities and Chambers of Commerce.
  • Cultivate relationships with nearby parks, colleges, and other schools.

1.1.3 Staff the Park.

  • Have a designated person to work in Park with knowledge of flora/fauna and trained for spraying as well as other duties.

1.2 Increase financial stability through grants and fundraising. Investigate trust/endowment possibilities.

1.2.1Continue event-based fundraising efforts.

  • Continue annual Park Run.
  • Make a Seasonal fundraiser.

1.2. 2 Seek ways to bring in further revenue.

1.2.3 Investigate possible grants.

1.2.4 Develop and distribute Park news on a regular basis.

1.2.5 Seek new ways to accept donations, trust and endowments.


2.1 Continue invasive plant removal and introduction of native plants.

2.1.1Develop annual work plan and agreement between City and Committee as to funding commitment.

  • Broaden geographic scope of coverage for invasive removal and planting of natives.

2.1.2 Continue stream flow maintenance.

2.1.3Analyze water quality.

2.2 Identify possibilities for expansion and improvements.

2.2.1Keep current boundaries and existing surveys updated.

  • Communicate with adjacent landowners about possible Park expansion and seek their assistance.

2.2.2 Communicate with adjacent landowners and Park visitors about their possible impacts on the Park.

  • Communicate about matters such as pet waste & fertilizers.

2.2.3 Communicate with City on Master Park plan and coordinate with Williamson Park Strategic Goals.

2.2.4 Improve drainage from and around Park Drive.

2.3 Update plant and animal surveys.

2.3.1 Update plant and animal surveys as needed.


3.1Improve external and internal signage.

3.1.1 Continue to update and improve kiosk and Park flyers.

3.1.2 Maintain external directional signage.

3.1.3 Install and update internal identification signs.

3.2 Improve Web Presence.

3.2.1 Expand website with links from multiple sites.

3.2.2 Manage, maintain and continually update/upgrade website to accurately reflect Park mission, vision, events, with other relevant information and links.

3.2.3 Investigate use or creation of relevant apps.

3.3 Improveaccess to the Park.

3.3.1Request City assists in planning as to placement and cost of additional Parking.

  • Investigate expansion of front entrance parking.
  • Add bike racks.

3.3.2 Maintain and upgrade waterside picnic area.

3.3.3 Improve safety of bridge/boardwalk treads to reduce potential for slipping.

3.3.4 Install a bridge to center of Park from both sides of Park.

3.3.7 Maintain and update self-guided walking tour to highlight specific stops along the trails.


4.1 Maintain Park trail, bridge, and boardwalk access to balance aesthetics, access, and wildlife habitat function.

4.1.1 Continue removal of storm debris, general maintenance and improved aesthetics of park.

4.1.2 Explore addition of nature based playground equipment.

4.2 Hold events/excursions throughout the year that promote stewardship of natural resources.

4.2.1Establish additional yearly events.

4.3Work with local schools and higher education institutions to promote research and awareness.

4.3.1Develop brochure and/or power point presentations about park.

4.3.2 Develop educational program/information on invasive plants in park.

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