% of CD development Date: Estimated NTP Date in FileMaker:

Please read the following instructions:

When complete email to your contract specialist:

Contract specialist: schedules Pre-Proposal, Site Visit and Bid opening meetings (MS Outlook) during the project bidding phase and will assist with scheduling dates using the Procurement and Compliance software FileMaker. Please contact your assigned contract specialist with scheduling needs when your project begins CD phase.

Project Frontend Checklist 7/26/13 page 7

Provide your contract specialist the project information for the Managers meeting list.

UT PMCS Specification Standards and SOP available at http://www.utexas.edu/pmcs/services/bid.html

Frontend Checklist shall be included if not previously submitted:

·  Three (3) weeks before estimated Notice to Bidders date: Submit by all final CD review routings, before 100% CD approval routing.

·  Early design document review routing; insert TBD (to be determined) to acknowledge that other information is pending or N/A (not applicable).

Include a revised/final checklist and the 100% CD TOC at or before 100% CD approval routing. Allow standard time for approval routing (3-5 days)

Project Manager shall provide Procurement and Compliance Manager:

·  final approved 100% CD routed with all required signatures (final WHT signature)

·  the original technical specifications – unbound, single sided, paginated for 2-sided printing

·  Sealed Original Drawings unbound

Must be received no later than 48 hours before the Notice to Proposers Solicitation date and posting of project (where it applies) in order to not delay the project NTP – any alternative submissions (example: PDF upload on SharePoint) must be accepted with pre-approval by the Procurement and Compliance department for scheduling process.

Project Frontend Checklist 7/26/13 page 7

1.  PSP or PM General Project Information

Project Name:

Capital Project -CP#:

Bldg. Abbreviated Initial: Building Name:

Project Professional Service Provider: yes no If yes, please complete the following:

Prime PSP Company

Prime Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Engineer Firm Registration No. (if applicable)

Sub #1 PSP Company

Prime Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Engineer Firm Registration No.

Sub #2 PSP Company

Prime Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Engineer Firm Registration No.

Sub #3 PSP Company

Prime Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Engineer Firm Registration No.

Provide name and email of all additional PSP team members for final design and bid phase correspondence:

Name email

Name email

Name email

Abbreviated Written Summary – SKIP if JOC


None or

Yes list below





Unit Prices

None or

Yes list below (denote Dollar$ type per; square foot, unit, each, linear foot, etc.)

1. Dollars $______per

2. Dollars $______per

3. Dollars $______per

4. Dollars $______per

Unit Price language

Technical Specification Table of Contents: list below or email MS Word document as attachment to this document.

List of Drawings: list below or email MS Word document as attachment

Size of Drawings

24x36 (Arch D, Océ D+)

30x42 (Arch E1, Océ 30”)

22x34 (A1, ANSI D, Océ D)

11x17 only (A3)


Provide/Confirm the Professional Service Providers (PSP) Standards and Guidelines website information has been disclosed to the PSP.

Yes No

2.  Project Manager Project Specific Information

Anticipated Solicitation Date (Notice to Proposers): (for CMR/DB, GMP package - skip and go to Delivery Method Additional Project Specific Information below)

Estimated Base Bid $

Project Manager: PM Initials: Phone #: email:

Project Construction Coordinator:

Project Type: (example: classroom renovation, lab, office, etc.):

Gross Project Related Square Footage:

Printing & Delivery Charges WO#

Contractor Warranty: Year(s) Additional Warranties (give details):

Days for Bonds & Insurance: 7 or 14 for projects out of Austin area

Work Progress Schedule

Number of Calendar Days: -OR- Start Date: End Date:

Available work times:

Special Work/Site Limitations:

Scheduled Second Site Visit:



meeting place:


Contact Availability during 21-day Bid Phase Project Schedule. Availability dates are required:

Alternative contact information must be provided if box is checked No: (Ex: John will be out of town and Tom will take his place.)

Project Manager Availability Dates

Yes No PM available on Notice to Proposers date.

Yes No PM available on Pre-Proposal Conference date.

Yes No PM available on Second Site Visit date (if applicable).

Yes No PM available for review on Addendum due date.

Yes No PM available on Public Bid Opening date.

Professional Service Provider

Yes No PSP available on NTP solicitation date.

Yes No PSP available on Pre-Proposal Conference date.

Yes No PSP available on Second Site Visit date (if applicable).

Yes No PSP available on Addendum due date.

Construction Coordinator

Yes No CC available on Pre-Proposal Conference Site Visit date.

Yes No CC available on Second Site Visit date (if applicable).

Construction Prime Bid Category (mark one):

General Contractor: or



Fire Alarm:

Fire Protection (Sprinklers):


Site Work:



Other (provide):

Project Delivery Method

Competitive Sealed Proposal:

Conventional Bid:

Sole Source: *


RFP for CMR *


Initial RFP Design Build: *

Design Build GMP: *

JOC –coefficient * JOC – IDIQ - UPG * JOC - IDQ * JOC-OOL *

* see additional delivery method specific project information section below

Liquidated Damages: $ per calendar day

Special Liquidated Damages:

Quality Control Allowance: $ Other Allowances:

Trenching: yes no

All Work Interior: yes no

Funding Source

Provost / Departmental Funded: yes no % of Project

R&R: yes no % of Project

Grants*: yes no % of Project

Federal Funding *: yes no % of Project

*Attach Federal Funding or Grant agreement requirements (Davis Bacon required, Specific required usage of funds, etc.)


Client Contacts:

Name Title Email Phone Campus Mail Code




Project Team members and/or In-House design staff: (will receive one set of specs and half size drawing)

Name Phone Email



Standard In-House distribution list (check if applicable) each will receive one set of specs and half size drawing unless otherwise requested

Project Frontend Checklist 7/26/13 page 7


Const. Coordinator

Bryan Sloane – CADD Coor. – notification only

Mindy Cool – Procurement and Compliance

Muriel Kruse – HUB Coordinator. – spec only

Francis Bohn – ADA

Lane Hicks (temporary) - EHS

Albert Schuman - Utilities

Leonard Friesenhahn – Utilities - Mechanical

Jim Crump/Dave Gupton - Maintenance

Zone # Manager Name:

Mark White– FS – BOS

Julian Gutierrez - ITS

Gary Killinger – Locks and Keys – not if H&F

David Madole – Fire Prevention

Joshua Lambert – Fire Prevention

Tammy Swaton – Fire Safety Systems Shop

Provide requested additional sets or other:

Name Organization Number of Additional Sets

3.  Delivery Method Additional Project Specific Information (Sole Source, CMR, Design Build, or JOC)

Sole Source Project Additional Information


Yes No (1) Sole Source approval from Director

Yes No (2) Sole Source Contractors’ preliminary proposal with dollar amount.

Provide Sole Source Project Contractor Contact Information:

Contractor Company

Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Sole Source PM Scheduling: Confirm project contact availability.

Pre-Proposal Conference: date.

Proposed available time:

Proposed location:




Yes No Confirm availability of the Contractor and the Construction Coordinator with the proposed Pre-Proposal date.

JOC Type Project Additional Information

Anticipated Solicitation Date:

JOC Background Summary:

JOC Project Written Summary:

General Info Meeting: yes no

Pre-Proposal Meeting Location: (if other than FC1)

Additional Pre-Proposal Meeting Information:

Section 7: Excel Spreadsheet (provided by JOC department) -AND / OR- Within Word Document

Section 5: Specifications & Drawings: Drawings bound separately:

Specs within frontend (word format) -OR- Separate Volume (Standard Details and Drawings)

Section 9: Sample Forms -OR- Sample Project

Maximum $ Less value: $

CMR or Design Build Project Additional Information

RFP additional information:

Project/building historical background:

Mission Statement:

Scope and Budget

Schedule and phasing:

GMP Package additional information:

CMR/DB Volume I Proposal title: (ex. RFP, RFQ, ITP)

Provide CMR or Design Build Contact Information: CMR or DB

Contractor Company Name:

Contact Name

Physical Street Address

City, State, Zip Code




Original CMR/DB title:

Additional GMP title: (ex. C-1 GMP-1)

PSP release date for final construction document review (schedule two weeks before NTP date)

Procurement and Compliance Department receipt of final approved w/ signatures routed

construction documents date

(FileMaker date - schedule one week before CMR/Design Build NTP date)

CMR / Design Build NTP date (date on all documents)

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