
Course Outline for Engineering 45, Page 1

Fall 2005

ChabotCollege Fall 2005

Replaced Fall 2010

Course Outline for Engineering 45


Catalog Description:

45 – Materials of Engineering 3 units

Application of principles of chemistry and physics to the properties of engineering materials. The relation of microstructure to mechanical, electrical, thermal and optical properties of metals. Solid material phase equilibria and transformations. The physical, chemical, mechanical and optical properties of ceramics, composites, and polymers. Operation and use of materials characterization instruments and methods. Prerequisites: Chemistry 1A, Engineering 25, and Physics 4A (all completed with a grade of C or higher). 2hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 35, laboratory 52.5]

Prerequisite Skills:

Before entering the course the student should be able to:

  1. solve problems involving the concepts listed under course content;
  2. write short explanations describing various chemical phenomena studied;
  3. write balanced chemical equations including net ionic equations;
  4. write balanced chemical equations for oxidation-reduction reactions;
  5. describe the different models of the atom;
  6. use standard nomenclature and notation;
  7. calculate enthalpies of reaction using calorimetry, Hess's law, heats of formation and bond energies;
  8. describe hybridization, geometry and polarity for simple molecules;
  9. draw Lewis dot structures for molecules and polyatomic ions;
  10. describe the bonding in compounds and ions;
  11. describe simple molecular orbitals of homonuclear systems;
  12. predict deviations from ideal behavior in real gases;
  13. explain chemical and physical changes in terms of thermodynamics;
  14. describe the nature of solids, liquids, gases and phase changes;
  15. describe metallic bonding and semiconductors;
  16. define all concentration units for solutions and solve solution stoichiometry problems;
  17. collect and analyze scientific data, using statistical and graphical methods;
  18. perform volumetric analyses;
  19. use a barometer;
  20. use a visible spectrophotometer;
  21. perform gravimetric analysis.
  22. analyze engineering/science word problems to formulate a mathematical model of the problem;
  23. express in MATLAB notation: scalars, vectors, matrices;
  24. perform, using MATLAB or EXCEL, mathematical operations on vectors, scalars, and matrices
  1. addition and subtraction
  2. multiplication and addition
  3. exponentiation;
  1. compute, using MATLAB or EXCEL, the numerical-value of standard mathematical functions
  1. trigonometric functions
  2. exponential functions
  3. square-roots and absolute values
  1. import data to MATLAB for subsequent analysis from data-sources
  1. data-acquisition-system data-files
  2. spreadsheet files;
  1. construct graphical plots for mathematical-functions in two or three dimensions;
  2. formulate a fit to given data in terms of a mathematical curve, or model, based on linear, polynomial, power, or exponential functions
  1. assess the goodness-of-fit for the mathematical model using regression analysis;
  1. apply MATLAB to find the numerical solution to systems of linear equations
  1. uniquely determined
  2. underdetermined
  3. overdetermined;
  1. perform using MATLAB or EXCEL statistical analysis of experimental data to determine the mean, median, standard deviation, and other measures that characterize the nature of the data ;
  2. computer, for empirical or functional data, numerical definite-integrals and discrete-point derivatives
  3. solve numerically, using MATLAB, linear, second order, constant-coefficient, nonhomogenous ordinary differential equations;
  4. assess, symbolically, using MATLAB
  1. the solution to transcendental equations
  2. derivatives, antiderivatives, and integrals
  3. solutions to ordinary differential equations;
  1. apply, using EXCEL, linear regression analysis to xy data-sets to determine for the best-fit line the: slope, intercept, and correlation-coefficient;
  2. draw using MATLAB or EXCEL two-dimensional Cartesian (xy) line-plots with multiple data-sets (multiple lines);
  3. draw using EXCEL qualitative-comparison charts such as Bar-Charts and Column-Charts in two or three dimensions;
  4. perform, using MATLAB and EXCEL, mathematical-logic operations
  5. compose EXCEL Visual-Basic MACRO programs/functions to automate repetitive spreadsheet tasks.
  6. analyze and solve a variety of problems often using calculus in topics such as:
  1. addition, subtraction, dot product and cross product of vectors;
  2. linear and rotational kinematics;
  3. dynamics;
  4. momentum;
  5. work, kinetic energy, and potential energy;
  6. rotational kinematics and dynamics;
  7. statics;
  8. gravitation;
  9. fluids;
  10. waves;
  1. operate standard laboratory equipment;
  2. analyze laboratory data;
  3. write comprehensive laboratory reports.

Expected Outcome for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. explain Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding
  2. compare and contrast crystal structure of solid materials
  3. explain solid imperfections, including both vacancy and self-interstitial crystalline defects
  4. apply the fundamental aspects of solid state diffusion as quantified by Fick's first and second laws in equation form
  5. evaluate the mechanical properties of metals using stress, strain, Poisson's ratio, elastic modulus, hardness, and ductility
  6. assess the effects of edge and screw dislocations to explain material-strengthening mechanisms
  7. Interpret the circumstances of material failure including: ductile/brittle fracture, fatigue cracking, and elevated temperature creep
  8. examine, appraise, draw/sketch, and explain phase diagrams
  9. Use phase diagrams to determine phase compositions and mass-fractions
  10. examine, appraise, draw/sketch, and explain phase transformations in metals
  11. describe the applications and processing of metal alloys including ferrous and nonferrous alloys
  12. compare and contrast the structures and properties of ceramics
  13. describe the applications and processing of ceramics
  14. compare and contrast polymer structures
  15. explain the major characteristics, applications, and processing of polymers
  16. compare and contrast the structures and properties of composite materials
  17. explain the major characteristics, applications, and processing of Composite Materials
  18. identify and assess the electrical and electronic properties of solid materials
  19. identify and assess thermal properties of solid materials
  20. identify and assess the magnetic properties of solid materials
  21. identify and assess the optical properties of solids
  22. operate materials characterization laboratory equipment, including:
  23. hardness (Rockwell and/or Brinell) hardness tester
  24. tensile strength tester
  25. metallurgical microscope
  26. scales, dividers, calipers, micrometers
  27. grinders/polishers
  28. digital multimeter (DMM)
  29. precision weight scales
  30. function with increased independence in laboratory: set-up and perform the experiments based on the instructions in the laboratory sheets, and to analyze laboratory data and present experimental using MATLAB, all without extensive input on the part of the instructor.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction of Materials Engineering
  2. classification of materials
  3. advanced materials such as carbon composites, liquid metals, superconductors
  4. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding
  5. atom models; electrons in atoms
  6. periodic table and electronic structure
  7. interatomic bonding: types, forces, energy
  8. molecule formation and structure
  9. Crystal structure
  10. crystal unit cells
  11. metal crystal structures
  12. density calculations
  13. crystal systems

1)coordination number

2)atomic packing factor

  1. crystallographic points, directions, planes, miller indices
  2. crystalline and noncrystalline materials

3)single crystal



  1. Solid imperfections
  2. point defects

1)vacancies and interstitials


  1. defect density as a function of temperature
  2. line-defects and dislocations
  3. bulk defects
  4. microscopic examination techniques/methods
  1. SolidState diffusion
  2. diffusion mechanisms and driving force
  3. diffusion coefficient as function of temperature
  4. fick’s first and second laws
  5. steady-state diffusion
  6. transient diffusion
  7. steady-state diffusion calculations
  8. factors that influence diffusion
  9. numerical analysis using MATLAB
  10. Mechanical properties of metals
  11. engineering/true stress and strain definitions and calculation
  12. elastic and shear modulus of elasticity
  13. poisson’s ratio
  14. elastic deformation

1)stress-strain behavior

2)elastic properties of materials

  1. plastic deformation

1)true stress-strain behavior

2)elastic recovery

3)compressive, shear, and torsional deformation

  1. hardness
  2. variability of materials properties; factor of safety
  3. numerical analysis using matlab
  1. Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms
  2. characteristics of dislocations and dislocation-movement
  3. slip systems
  4. resolved shear stress and critical resolved shear stress
  5. grain size strengthening
  6. solid-solution strengthening
  7. strain hardening and cold work
  8. recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth
  9. Mechanical failure
  10. ductile/brittle fracture
  11. linear elastic fracture mechanics, and crack growth/propagation
  12. impact testing
  13. mechanical fatigue

1)cyclic stresses

2)s-n curve

3)crack propagation

4)factors affecting fatigue performance

  1. elevated temperature creep

1)three phase creep

2)stress and temperature effects

3)creep resistant alloys

  1. Phase diagrams
  2. solubility limit
  3. phases
  4. microstructure
  5. phase equilibria
  6. equilibrium phase diagrams

1)phase proportions by the lever law

2)eutectic: systems, alloys, reactions

  1. iron-carbon phase diagram

1)fe-fec phase diagram

2)iron-carbon alloy microstructure development

3)alloying elements

  1. Solid phase transformations
  2. phase transformation kinetics: nucleation and growth
  3. multiphase transformation
  4. isothermal phase transformation diagrams
  5. continuous cooling transformation diagrams
  6. in the Fe-FeC system formation of: austenite, pearlite, martinsite, bainite, spherodite
  7. mechanical behavior of Fe-FeC alloys – strength vs. microstructure
  8. Applications and processing of metal alloys
  9. ferrous and nonferrous alloys
  10. cast-irons, steels, stainless steels
  11. forming and casting
  12. post process heat treatment
  13. precipitation hardening
  14. Ceramics
  15. crystal structures; anion-cation,
  16. electroneutrality and stoiciometry
  17. imperfections
  18. diffusion in ionic materials
  19. phase diagrams
  20. fracture mechanics
  21. stress-strain behavior
  22. Applications and processing of ceramics
  23. Glasses – composition and processing
  24. clay products
  25. refractories
  26. portland cements
  27. advanced ceramics
  28. temperature effects – glass transition temperature
  29. Polymer structures
  30. hydrocarbon molecules
  31. polymer molecules and chemistry
  32. molecular: weight, structure, shape, configuration
  33. thermoplasts and thermosets
  34. polymer crystals
  35. polymer defects
  36. Characteristics, applications and processing of polymerss
  37. Stress Strain behavior

1)strain-rate effects

2)relaxation modulus

  1. deformation mechanisms
  2. temperature effects

1)melting and glass transition temperatures strain-rate effects

2)leathery, rubbery, and viscous-flow regimes

  1. heat treatment
  2. vulcanization
  3. fabrication methods
  1. Solid composites
  2. primary constituents: matrix, dispersed-phase
  3. particle reinforced – large and small
  4. fiber reinforced - continuous and discontinuous
  5. structural
  6. Electrical/Electronic properties of materials
  7. ohm’s law
  8. electrical conduction
  9. energy band structure
  10. metallic conduction – affects of alloying
  11. intrinsic/extrinsic semiconductors
  12. doping and semiconduction – free charge density, and charge mobility, temperature effects
  13. semiconductor devices –

3)p/n junctions

4)Transistors: MOSFET, BJT

  1. dielectric behavior and capacitance
  1. Thermal properties of materials
  2. Specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity
  3. Thermal stress
  4. Thermal Shock
  5. Magnetic properties of materials
  6. solenoid physics
  7. flux density, magnetization, permeability, susceptibility
  8. diamagnetism and paramagnetism
  9. ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism
  10. curie temperature
  11. domains and hysteresis
  12. soft and hard magnetic materials
  13. Optical properties of materials
  14. electromagnetic radiation – spectrum and propagation
  15. photons and EM waves
  16. light interactions with solids
  17. refraction
  18. reflection, absorption, transmission
  19. material color
  20. luminescence
  21. photoconduction
  22. Laboratory exercises on materials characterization
  23. determination of pure-metal and alloy-metal electrical resistivity; comparison to published values
  24. microscale feature measurement using the metallurgical microscope
  25. Rockwell hardness testing for round and flat metal specimens; comparison to published values
  26. Brinell hardness testing for flat metal specimens; comparison to published values
  27. tensile testing to fracture for ferrous, nonferrous, and plastic materials

1)determine yield and ultimate strength; comparison to published values

2)determine modulus of elasticity; comparison to published values

  1. laminated, sandwich-composite beam deflection:


2)one-sided sandwich

3)two-sided sandwichoscilloscope

4)determine the effective modulus of elasticity for the composite structure

  1. use of standard engineering-lab tools

1)calipers and micrometers

2)digital multimeter

3)metallurical microscope

4)grinders & polishers

5)personal-protective safety equipment

Methods of Presentation:

  1. Formal lectures using PowerPoint and/or WhiteBoard presentations
  2. Laboratory demonstrations
  3. Computer demonstrations
  4. Class discussion of problems, solutions and student’s questions

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

  1. Typical Assignments
  2. Read chapter-3 in the text on the structure of crystalline structure of materials
  3. Exercises from the text book, or those created by the instructor

1)Derive planar density expressions for the BCC (100) and (110) planes in terms of the atomic radius, R.

2)Consider copper diffusion in nickel. At what temperature will the diffusion coefficient for have a value of 6.5x10-17 m2/s? Use the diffusion data in textbook table 5.2

3)Explain why FINE PEARLITE is harder and stronger than COARSE PEARLITE, which in turn is harder and stronger than SPHERODITE

4)The diagram at right contains the B-H curve for a steel alloy. Given this curve, determine the:

a)Saturation flux density

b)Saturation magnetization



  1. Hands-on Laboratory exercises

1)Conduct the Laboratory Exercise on the deflection of laminated-composite cantilever beams. Construct the test Beams, and then use the deflection fixture and instruments to measure the deflection vs. load. Use the experimental data to compute the effective Modulus of Elasticity, Eeff, for the pure, and composite materials.

  1. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
  2. Weekly Homework Assignments
  3. Weekly Hands-on Laboratory Exercises
  4. Examinations
  5. Final Examination

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction , 6th Edition, William D. Callister, Jr., John Wiley, 2003

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 6/E, James F. Shackelford, Prentice Hall, 2005

The Science and Engineering of Materials 4th Edition ,Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phulé , Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2003

Foundations Of Materials Science And Engineering, Third Edition, William F. Smith, McGraw-Hill, 2004

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, 2nd Edition, William D. Callister, Jr., John Wiley, 2004

Special Student Materials:

  1. MATLAB Software

Bruce Mayer, PE • Course_Outline_ENGR45_041001.doc

New ENGR25 PreReq, Updated content Nov04