Special Education Referral

Letter Template

A collaboration ofCenter for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc.

1-800-9-LAW-AID (1-800-952-9243) | arlegalservices.org | arlegalaid.org


ATTN: Principal [LAST NAME]



[CITY], Arkansas [ZIP]



RE: Special Education Referral

Dear Principal [LAST NAME],

I would like to refer [CHILD'S NAME] (born [CHILD'S DATE OF BIRTH]) for special education testing. I have some concerns that I would like to discuss with you at a referral conference. [HERE: You can list specific concerns. If your child has a medical diagnosis, you can also include that information here: "He has been diagnosed with . . . " or "I am worried that she . . . ."]

[HERE: If you are attaching any letters of support, evaluations, or medical records, you should include the following langauge: "I have attached . . . ."]

Please notify me within the next seven days as to when this conference can be scheduled. As you know, the conference must be held within 21 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, I can be reached at [PHONE].

Thank you. I look forward to your timely response.




CC: Special Education Coordinator for the School District, [NAME]




A collaboration ofCenter for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc.

1-800-9-LAW-AID (1-800-952-9243) | arlegalservices.org | arlegalaid.org

This fact sheet is a collaboration of the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc. These nonprofit organizations provide free legal assistance to eligible Arkansans who meet income, asset, and other guidelines. Legal assistance may also include advice and counsel, brief services, or full representation depending on the situation. For more information about civil legal aid in Arkansas, please visit arlegalservices.org. For information specific to Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc., visitarlegalaid.org. Apply for services online or by calling 1-800-9-LAW-AID (1-800-952-9243).

The information and statements of law in this fact sheet should not be considered legal advice. This fact sheet is provided as a broad guide to help you understand how certain legal matters are handled in general. Courts may interpret the law differently. Before you take action, talk to an attorney and follow his or her advice. Always do what the court tells you to do.

Content provided by:

Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc.

Updated February 2017

A collaboration ofCenter for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas, Inc.

1-800-9-LAW-AID (1-800-952-9243) | arlegalservices.org | arlegalaid.org