Morning Psalms Evening Psalms
113:1-9* (p. 151)89:15-18 (p. 345)
36:5-10* (p. 44)Paraphrase 39 (Lk. 4: Hark the glad sound)
61:1-5 (p. 293)68:7-10,19-20* (p. 85)
130 (Emma Turl’s version)
* = Sing Psalms
Hearing Aid Users – please set your ear-piece to the “T” setting.
Accommodation: A PCA minister and family of 4 small children are looking for a place to rent near Dingwall for a 10-12 week period, ideally from late May to early August, while he studies at HTC. If you are aware of furnished accommodation that may be available, or can give any ideas, please contact the minister.
Psalm 130 (version by Emma Turl)
Tune: Here is Love, vast as the ocean
from my guilt and my despair,
LORD, I cry to you for mercy—
be attentive to my prayer.
All my joy is in your presence,
all my hope is in your word;
more than watchmen wait for morning
waits my soul for you, O LORD!
If our sins you still remembered,
how could anyone draw near?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so we come with reverent fear.
All my joy…
With the LORD is love unfailing—
let his people hope in him!
With our God is full redemption,
full atonement for our sin.
All my joy…
Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143
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free church
God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.
Sunday – 7th February 2010
There is no-one holy like the LORD;
there is no-one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God.(1 Samuel 2:2)
Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.
Welcome!We meet together for worship today in Dingwall at 11.00 am and 6 pm.Children go out to their Sunday School and Faith Finders groups after the second singing. A crèche is also available for younger children.
Tea and coffee are served in the foyer after morning service, and also this evening.
Tonight there will be a time of informal gathering songs of praise prior to the evening service, starting about 5.50 pm. We welcome back as a guest preacher this evening Michael Cook of Mission Africa. Michael will bring news from West Africa.
Minister’s Fyrish Challenge: The minister completed his 20 climbs of Cnoc Fyrish on 31st December. Angus would like to thank all who gave to support mission work in the Philippines for their kindness. To date over £2,000 has been contributed.
Rotas for church cleaning and for serving teas are being revised. If you would like to be involved please see the lists at the tea bar. A new rota for mini-bus drivers is available today.
Youth Camps brochures for 2010 are available. Early booking is recommended.
There is a Gaelic Service in Dingwall Community Centre today at 3 pm.
Presbytery will meet at Greyfriars Free Church on Monday 8th February at 6 pm to consider congregational records, and at 7 pm for normal Presbytery business.
Mini Marvels meets on Tuesday mornings at 10 am, for parents and toddlers.
Women For Mission: Women meet in the hall on Tuesday 9th February at 7.30 pm, with Michael Cook, of Mission Africa. There will be a sales table. Contact Wendy if you need a lift (01349 864440).
Girls Group: The girls are going bowling on Monday (6.20 pm). See Vickie for details.
United Prayer: Join us for a united prayer meeting with our friends from Castle Street Church in the hall this Wednesday at 7.30 pm, led by James Ross.
School Holiday: Showstoppers kids club is off this Friday, and Sunday School is off on Sunday 14th, due to the long-weekend school holiday.
Road to Recovery: A support group is available in the church hall for folk living with addiction. The group meet every Thursday from 7.30 pm. Those directly affected by addiction including carers and family members are all most welcome.
Moira Smith will visit the local OMF prayer group this Friday morning.
Deacons & Elders: The Deacons’ Court will meet in the church hall on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30 pm.
The Life of Jesus: From Sunday 21st February until Easter Sunday (4th April), our Evening Service will have a focus exploring “The Life of Jesus.” These will be short meetings designed to make us think. Often there will be an after church fellowship in the form of a discussion or Bible Study for those who wish to take part. Most evenings we hope to show a film looking in detail at the history of Jesus and offering compelling reasons to place our trust in him as our living Saviour. Please come along if you want to learn more about Jesus, and consider inviting a friend. Visit for a taster of The Life of Jesus course.
Home Groups: Our monthly home groups will meet on Wednesdays 24th February, 24th March and 21st April. Groups meet in Conon, Strathpeffer, and two groups in Dingwall.
The Women for Mission group at Maryburgh Free Church hold a Soup and Sandwich lunch for mission on Saturday 6th March, from 12 noon to 2 pm.
Roots-Shoots soccer event has been reorganised for Saturday 13th March.
Communion will next be celebrated on Sunday 14th March. Anyone wishing to discuss issues of faith, particularly baptism or communion, is invited to speak to the minister or any elder.
The Challenger 3 Bus will be visiting several local schools, presenting the Christian faith, from 22nd to 26th March. Accommodation for the team will be required.
Please pray for John de la Haye, who will preach for us next Sunday. Continue to remember John in his role as chaplain to the Fire and Rescue Service. The minister will be away from the 10th to the 14th February on a short holiday.
Millie MacDonald remains in Raigmore hospital (3A). Frances MacLeod has gone to the Ross Memorial hospital. Anne Craig’s mother is due to be discharged from hospital in Haddington. Continue to remember those who are unwell, including Margaret McEwen in Inverness and Mary MacKenzie in Strathpeffer.
Rev and Mrs D MacKeddie leave for a three-week visit to the Free Church in Southern Africa on 15th February. Pray for them in travel and among God’s people.
Pray for the new Friday night Show Stoppers youth club children and the team.
Pray the work of the full and part-time Road to Recovery workers in the Highlands.
There are plans to set up a Christian residential service for recovering addicts in the Highlands. Pray for God to guide all concerned.
Pray for the outreach to Cambuslang by Glasgow City Free Church (St. Vincent St.)
Please remember our missionary partners in prayer. Remember Mairi Nakahashi, travelling to Scotland this week. Rachel rae is busy training a group in the livelihood work. Pray for the Wilson and Ross families in South Africa; the Nakahashis in Kinomoto, Japan; Neil & Rachel Rae, and children Ben and Lucie, inCalapan, the Philippines. Their new address is: Rae, c/o OMF Bonbon, 5200 Calapan, Oriental Mindoro, PHILIPPINES. (Email: ). We also remember Robert and Karen MacNaughton and Caitriana Nicolson, and Clive and Ruth Bailey.
Remember the boys and the former residents of the Daniel Centre, in Cluj, Romania, praying that God would bring healing to the hearts and minds of traumatised young people.
OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).
OMF Diaspora Ministry: Remember Sandra MacDonald’s work, particularly the Thai cell group and local contacts. One group member, Mrs Jo, has liver cancer. Pray that her family may obtain visas and be able to visit her from Thailand.
Blythswood always welcomes donations for the Highland Food Bank. These may be left on the table in the church porch. There are also donation ‘bins’ at all the local primary and secondary schools for recyclables and non-perishable goods.
Welcome Team:Malcolm Fraser, Finlay MacKenzie, Sandra MacDonald & Julia Reid.
Crèche:7th Feb. - Christine MacAskill & Joan Tripp. 14th - Kathleen Sutherland & Jessie MacIntosh.
Bus Drivers: The driver today is Murdo MacArthur (01349 861250). Next week, Anna Stirling starts as a new driver (01349 865342).
Nursing Homes: Wyvis House, today at 4 pm, Murdo Mackay. Fodderty House at 1.45 pm, 14th, Finlay MacKenzie; 28th, Angus Mackay.
To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. 01349 862183. (Email: ).
CD / Tape Orders: Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297)
Youth Work Contacts: James & Vickie Ross: 01349 866546. 13 Tulloch Square, Dingwall. ().
Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church.
Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at