Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 15th February 2012 at 7 p.m. at Upavon Village Hall
Present: Paul Cowan, Chairman, (PC), Robert Bruce, Vice Chairman, (RB), Ralph Hilliard (RHil), Peter Williams (PW), Eric Hagon (EH), Julie Swansborough (JS), Jon Mulroy (JM), Claire Himbury, (CH), Russ Appleton (RA), John Cabra (JC), Pat Eyre, Clerk, (PE), Robert Hall, Wiltshire Council, (RH),
Apologies: Alistair Gammie (AG), Noel Maskell (NM), Paula Brown (Chairman, UCG), (PB),Members of the Public -
(WC = Wiltshire Council, UCG = Upavon Community Group)
2. Adjournment - Robert Hall reported that the Area Board had approved a grant of £250 for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations in Upavon.Aster/Sarsen's planning application for 5 houses in Avon Square was discussed. Paul Cowan had contacted Wiltshire County's Planning Department outlining the Parish Council's objections on behalf of the residents in the village and had pointed out that the points raised at the meeting in Upavon had not been addressed. It was felt that the plans needed to be withdrawn and re-submitted after amendments had been made. It was also pointed out that residents in Watson Close had not been consulted. The application would be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning Committee. Three members of the public/members of the Parish Council would be able to speak for a limited time. Robert Hall advised that he could meet with those attending prior to the meeting to discuss the points they wished to raise and would then ensure that these were brought to the Committee's notice. It was also pointed out that another local Council had managed to obtain an agreement with a developer (under the 106 clause) that any social housing would only be occupied by parishioners or ex-parishioners.
Police Report - Richard Barratt was not present but had sent a report. A parked and unattended vehicle had had an explicit word scratched onto it by an unknown suspect. Anyone with any information was asked to contact Richard. The number of rural thefts and non-dwelling burglaries had now reduced. A great deal of time had been spent in patrolling all the villages. Residents were reminded to lock outhouses and sheds and to report any suspicious vehicles, with registration details. Priorities for the next 3 months would be - non-dwelling burglaries, antisocial behaviour around Pewsey football club and anti-social behaviour in the Shawgrove area of Great Bedwyn. A new Community Beat Officer, Teresa Herbert, will be starting work at the end of February. Coralie Nash has been replaced by PC Joe Sadd which means that Pewsey will be fully staffed.
CFS Centenary - It was reported that Wyvern Gliding Club were issuing invitations to Councillors to attend an Open Day. Paul Cowan offered to contact them with a suggestion that this be extended to teenagers in the village as part of the Jubilee celebrations. He will report back to the next Council meeting.
21 Avon Square - It was reported that action had been taken regarding the 'abandoned' vehicles. Paul Cowan was thanked for all his work on behalf of the Council in this matter. / PC
3. The Minutes of the meeting 18.1.12 were agreed and signed.
4. Matters Arising - dealt with under other items.
5. Planning/Development Control - E/2011/0973/FUL - 28
Fairfield - conservatory - no objections
- E/2011/1018/TCA - Wessex House - tree work - no objections
- E/2011/1378/TCA - 6 & 10 Chapel Lane - tree work - no
- E/2011/1386/TCA - Gisbourne House - tree works - no
- E/2012/0040/FUL - 2 Devizes Road - amendments to
E/09/1606/FUL & E/10/1487 - no objections
- E/2012/0051/FUL - Trenchard Lines - building 110 - alterations
and extension - no objections
- E/2011/1714/FUL - 5 dwellings at Avon Square - objections -
discussed during Adjournment - see above.
6. Parish Plan - Restoration of red telephone boxes - Julie Swansborough, Peter Williams, Eric Hagon and Claire Himbury had met to discuss possible uses for the boxes. Several suggestions were made regarding the box in the centre of the village and it was decided to investigate the possibility of displaying tourist and visitor information and information about Upavon generally, possibly including old photographs of the village, maps, etc. There was also a suggestion that it might be used for 'free cycling'. Another suggestion was for a defibrillator to be placed in the box but it was felt that this might be better in a separate location.
A345 footpath from Riverside - Phase 2 - Paul Cowan agreed to contact the owner of Grey Flags again to arrange a meeting. Peter Williams had completed an initial application to the Big Lottery Fund but it could not be submitted until all permissions and estimates had been obtained. Any further funding had also to be held over pending permissions and estimates. Paul Cowan agreed to contact Noel Maskell to discuss. The matter of providing hard-standing at the bus stop would all be part of the same project.
Footpaths and bridleways - Russ Appleton reported there were no major problems, though there were some overhanging branches which might need attention in the future. Nigel Wookey had reported that he was concerned that dog walkers were allowing their dogs to run free in Priory Meadow, resulting in fouling in the whole area and lack of privacy for residents. Walkers were also using the 'plank' bridge across the river which was felt to be a potential danger. It was suggested that signs be erected advising users of this and also requesting that they clean up after their dogs..
Upavon Community Group - Paula Brown was not present but
Peter Williams had completed the QE2 Field nomination forms to register both Playing Fields under the Diamond Jubilee Challenge scheme. Once this is completed the Parish Council can apply for funding for equipment, etc. Peter will be meeting with John Price (WC) and Paula regarding the equipment. Russ Appleton was asked to investigate 3 quotations for the supply and installation of whatever was decided upon.
Peter had also offered to help with the group's accounts.
Claire Himbury had also offered to be the link between the Parish council and the group and will be helping with the Jubilee Funday at the Upper Playing Field on Monday 4th June.
Village Fun Day - Robert Bruce reported that this would be on Saturday 14th July in Priory Meadow and the Lower Playing Field from 12 noon to 4.30 p.m. It will follow the usual pattern of events. St. Mary's PCC had been consulted and given its support. Nigel Wookey had agreed that Priory Meadow could be used. Marquees have been booked. A project team would be set up to organise the event.
Diamond Jubilee Weekend - Robert had prepared a notice for inclusion in the next issue of Together magazine. This would stress that the Council is encouraging residents to organise their own celebrations, perhaps in the form of street parties, over the weekend. Grants of £50 would be available to groups. Application forms would be available from Pat Eyre.
The Council would arrange to decorate the centre of the village with bunting etc. and will commemorate the Jubilee by presenting an inscribed mug to every child in the village who is aged 11 or under (as at 5th June 2012). Parents can apply for these by completing forms which will be available in the Corner Shop from 5th March - 9th April.
Structure - Robert Bruce discussed the amendments to the structure of sub-committees. / JS/PW/EH/CH
7. Upper and Lower Playing Fields (also see above under item 6 - Community Group) - A plan of action is being prepared to refurbish the play equipment and to install a small BMX track in the field behind the school. The 'Shak' will also be repaired as soon as time and weather permit.
Tree work had been undertaken in the Lower Playing Field and the mole catcher contacted. There had been a lot of dog waste in the field which it is suspected is due to one particular owner not cleaning up after their dog. This has also been a problem in the Upper Field.
A considerable amount of litter had been removed from the corner of the Upper Field where the fence had been broken. This is also providing easy access to the old school playing field.
The new contract for grounds maintenance had been received. Russ Appleton agreed to check this and advise Pat Eyre before it is signed on behalf of the Council.
Peter Williams was looking into the possibility for funding from the Landfill Community Fund. / RA/PW/PB/PC
8. Village maintenance - Julie Swansborough reported that work on the seat in the centre of the village would be completed when the weather improved. / JS
9. Litter picking - Julie Swansborough reported that the next organised 'pick' would be in March, though both she and Russ Appleton continued to 'pick' on a regular basis. / JS/RA
10. Web site - John Cabra had updated the site and agreed to meet with Ian Leonard who had offered to help with further updating. / JC
11. Other items - A345 - Jon Mulroy reported that he had joined the PCAP Transport and Road Safety Group and would be attending their meetings. The group were addressing the issues arising from the increased volume of traffic, particularly HGVs, on the A342 and A345 and the effect this is having on Upavon, Enford and other villages along these routes. A paper relating to road signage across the County is to be produced. The digital, flashing speed warning sign had been replaced on Andover Road.
Core Strategy - this is a Joint Strategy document and is in preparation by Pewsey Community Area Partnership who will submit plans to Wiltshire Council.
Children crossing the A342 at Down View - this was still a matter of great concern. Paul Cowan had contacted the bus companies who were looking into reasons why children were not being dropped off and picked up in Avon Square. The Parish Council needs to complete a form asking for speed strips to monitor speeds on the village side of Down View. Any non-working signs were to be reported to 'Clarence' on 0800-232323 or 01225 777234 from a mobile phone. It was suggested that the Public Safety group monitor this. Jon Mulroy agreed to complete the form on behalf of Council.
Pewsey Area Campus - Jon Mulroy had prepared a summary of what the Campus would be and how it would be set up which was circulated to members. An interim report had been presented to Pewsey Area Board. The intention was to develop a Leisure Centre and to provide Youth and Community Services, including Satellite Services to outlying districts. Jon would continue to be the link on behalf of the Parish Council.
Street Lighting - Eric Hagon had gathered information and an application form with a view to some of the lighting along Andover Road to be switched off between midnight and 5.30 a.m. He will complete the form and draft a covering letter to be forwarded via Pat Eyre.
Emergency Plan - no further progress. Paul Cowan to obtain copies of other villages plans. Jon Mulroy and the PSaf group to prepare a draft copy.
Speed Watch - Jon Mulroy was in touch with Stan Bagwell (Enford PC) with a view to introducing a joint scheme.
Best Kept Village Competition - Russ Appleton agreed to look into this. / PC
12. Finance - Cheques for payment were -
(302) P. M. Eyre - Clerk’s Salary and expenses £233.60
(303) F. Needham (February, 4 weeks) 80.00 (304) J. Cabra (web site) 64.66
(305) Wilts. C. (grounds maintenance) 880.39
Bank balance after payment of above and allowing for unpaid
cheques = £12031.34. This includes £234.05 paid in from the closure of the Village Design Statement account. (It should be remembered that balances shown include £5000 grant held for UCG towards hire of the school).
Russ Appleton to be a signatory to the Treasurer's account as a replacement for Charles Leigh-Bennett. / RA/PE
13. Clerk’s notes and correspondence - dealt with under other items.
14. Items for the Magazine/web site - Robert Bruce had prepared an article for inclusion in Together magazine which outlined how Council had spent villager's money (the Precept, obtained through Council tax funding). / RB
5. AOB - Paul Cowan reported that Nigel Wookey had requested that arrangements for the Permissive Footpaths he has allowed on his land be clarified for members of the public. This matter to be discussed at the next meeting.
It was requested that the results of the Open Spaces survey be provided at the next meeting. / PC
The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.