English 9 Syllabus
Ms. Howe
(423)364-2556 ext. 2310
Course Description
English 9 is the foundation for high school English courses. This course teaches writing and reading as processes. It encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills to be used in the daily practice of writing and reading. Students will be responsible for applying daily grammar and vocabulary lessons in their writing. Students will read a variety of literature including, but not limited to, personal narratives, essays, short stories, poems, and novels. The literature will be read and discussed critically as well as act as a model for student writing. A variety of technology will be incorporated in order to maximize student interest and learning. The course will also attempt to enhance oral communication both formally and informally.
Classroom Supply List
English fee ($10.00)
Please bring in Clorox wipes, tissues, or paper towels if you can.
three-ring binder with paper, dividers, spiral or composition notebook, and highlighters (multicolored)
Summer Reading
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist(dialectical journal-due August 14)
Grading Policy
With hard work, determination, and commitment, every student will be able to earn a passing grade. It is important for students to understand that grades are not a reflection of how much teachers like them; grades are a reflection of the learning that has taken place in a given amount of time.
Grades will be comprised of the following items:
Daily Assignments and Homework-20%
Semester grades will be comprised of the following items:
Quarter Grade 1-37.5%
Quarter Grade 2-37.5%
Final Exam Score (EOC)-25%
Grading Scale
A 93-100
B 85-92
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated. If a student is caught cheating, the student will be given a zero on the specific assignment or test without the opportunity to regain those points. Failing the course will be the result of habitual cheating. Plagiarizing is considered cheating. If a student is caught plagiarizing, the student will earn a zero on the assignment without the opportunity to regain those points.
PLAGIARISM: to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own: use a created production without crediting the source: to commit literacy theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Late Work
Late work will also not be tolerated. Due dates will be posted, and assignments will not be collected late. If the assignment is not turned in within one school week, the assignment will receive a 0 without the opportunity to regain those points.
*In extenuating circumstance, a student may make prior arrangements for an extension.
Missing Class
When a student misses a class period, he or she is expected to contact the teacher about the missed materials. Students should talk with the teacher before or after class (NEVER DURING CLASS TIME) to discuss what needs to be made up. Class time will not be used to go over this material because it is unfair to the students that have attended class regularly.
*This policy is not only referring to illnesses but also early releases for athletes and field trips.
Discipline Policy
Discipline in the classroom is necessary in order to maximize every student’s ability to learn. It is the teacher’s expectation that each student will practice self-discipline. My program has one, all-encompassing rule. That rule is RESPECT.
*In the event that a student violates the RESPECT rule, he or she will be given one verbal warning. If the lack of respect continues after the verbal warning, the student will be expected to stay after school with me to serve detention. All detentions must be served within one week of being issued or they will double. Students that have after school responsibilities will need to arrange in advance how they will serve their detention time. Students who choose not to serve their time with me will be referred to the principal for more severe consequences. ALL DENTENTIONS ISSUED FROM ME WILL BE SERVED WITH ME IN MY CLASSROOM. When a student is serving a detention in my classroom, he or she should expect to be completing classroom tasks: whiteboard cleaning, scrubbing graffiti off of the desks and walls, and duties for area maintenance. No homework will be completed while fulfilling the detention time unless otherwise prearranged.
Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy
Only under the consent and the direct supervision of a classroom teacher, for the purposes of enhancing educational instruction, may a cell phone or other electronic device be used in an academic setting during instructional time. Any classroom use of an electronic device is at TEACHER DISCRETION.
Course Outline
Unit 1-short stories (various selections from Holt McDougal Literature Grade 9)
Unit 2-mythologyHomer: The Odyssey
Unit 3-poetry(various selections from Holt McDougal Literature Grade 9)
Unit 4-dramaWilliam Shakespeare: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Unit 5-novel(Selections will vary and are chosen by the instructor.)
Tutoring is held each week on Monday and Wednesday from 2:30-3:30. Students will be expected to arrive promptly at 2:30 and be dismissed at exactly 3:30. Students will sign in upon arrival and sign out before leaving. These records are kept to document attendance and can be referenced at a parent’s request.
*Students must arrange their own transportation.
*After school tutoring is not available to students who choose to sleep during class or refuse to complete assignments during regular class hours. Students must be in dress code and abide by school rules while attending tutoring. Any student who fails to do so will be asked to leave.
Please return this completed page for a homework grade. The syllabus should be placed in the front of your English 9 folder.
Student: I have read the English 9 syllabus. I agree to follow the policies and procedures defined therein and to work to the best of my ability.
Student Name (signed) ______Date: ______
(printed) ______
Parent/Guardian: I have read my child’s English 9 syllabus. I will work with my child to ensure that he or she fulfills the condition of this contract and will stay informed about my child’s progress by checking PowerSchool and responding to phone calls and other communications sent by the school/teacher.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______
Printed Name______