I am Malala: Leadership as a Catalyst for Change Case Study

As you work on this leadership analysis, these are the essential skills that you will be practicing and applying for college success:

  • Essential Skill #1: Analyzing a prompt/academic task to produce a coherent, organized essay with a strong thesis/claim supported by evidence.
  • Essential Skills #2: Selective and purpose-driven critical reading of a variety of complex texts as part of the research process.
  • Essential Skills: #3: Focused note-taking and evaluation of research sources.
  • Essential Skills #4: Integrating sources into texts, using paraphrase, summary, and synthesis.

Writing Tasks: Organized into three major sections, your essay will offer insightful responses to following prompts with MLA Works Citedpage to document the research process.

Section I: Leader’s Contexts and Actions:

Prompt: What are the home, educational, social, political, cultural, and religious contexts in which Malala lives? Which of these contexts most influenced her goals, actions, and/or contributions?

Historical events that affected the leader’s life, organized chronologically / Specific leader actions in response to these historical events / Influences upon the leader’s life: family, historical events, cultural influences

Section II: Others’ Perspective

Prompt: What have others said about Malala’s goals, actions, and/or contributions? In essence, how do others evaluate her work?

Source: / Commentaries

Section III: Leader as a Catalyst for Change

Prompt: Considering the historical period in which Malala lives, as well as her goals and personal characteristics, argue how Malala can be considered a catalyst for change. Using specific evidence, explain the changes or impact she has made.

Leaderships Characteristics / Examples/Citations / Significance/Relevance: How that demonstrates the leader as a catalyst for change

Research Process:

You will need to read:

  • The representative major work by Malala: I am Malala
  • Three sources (online or print) that specifically discuss the historical, social, political, cultural, and scientific issues of the period in which Malala lives, thereby placing her in a historical context.
  • Three sources (articles, essays, interviews, speeches, sermons, commentaries, etc.) by the Malala.
  • Three sources about Malala (written by other authors).

Use the library academic databases at for your research and keep a detailed research log and annotated working bibliography to document the process. Include the research log and annotated working bibliography in the appendix of your research essay.

Thinking Notes:

  • Vocabulary Concept Mapping terms: Catalyst, Leadership
  • Quickwrite: How can great leaders be a catalyst for change in society?
  • Quickwrite: What are some important characteristics of a leader.
  • Team Brainstorming: List examples of leaders and their characteristics; claim—what is the most important characteristic of a leader? How does that characteristic help a leader become a catalyst for change?
  • Article analysis: Great Leaders Grow Deep Roots: integrity, vision, concern, creativity, results-oriented, courage, cultivating the soil.