Dear head teacher/chair of governors

As many as 1 in 12 pupils could be young carers, a vulnerable pupil group specifically mentioned in Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework, 2015.

Young carers frequently care without the knowledge of their school or other support services. Unsupported they can experience difficulties in their education and have significantly lower attainment than their peers.

I want to ensure your school knows about:

•Young Carers in Schools – an exciting opportunity for your school to gain a national Award and increase educational outcomes for this vulnerable pupil group

•Young carers’ rights to assessment through the Care Act 2014 and Children and Families Act 2014.

“I have witnessed young carers grow from strength to strength once they are identified and support is in place.” A Young Carers School Operational Lead

Young Carers in Schools

Young Carers in Schools is a free England-wide initiative that makes it as easy as possible for schools to support young carers and awards good practice.

Led by Carers Trust and The Children’s Society's Young Carers in Focus partnership, Young Carers in Schools has been developed with teachers and school staff, who understand the pressures that schools face to deliver the very wide range of demands placed upon them.

Why take part?

Young Carers in Schools enables your school to:

•Gain national recognition for raising outcomes for young carers through the Young Carers in Schools Award

•Demonstrate to Ofsted that your school is meeting the needs of young carers, specifically mentioned in the Common Inspection Framework, 2015

•Identify manageable steps to improve educational outcomes for this vulnerable pupil group - the programme breaks down the actions schools can take so that your school can prioritise what to do next

•Access additional support including tools, templates and good practice examples, webinars and professional development events

Role of [Insert name of local young carers service]

As a national programme, Young Carers in Schools promotes effective partnerships between schools and local young carers services, who can greatly enhance school support for young carers and can often facilitate the identification of young carers.

The local young carers’ service to your school is [insert name of young carers’ service] [if enclosing a leaflet about the young carers’ service, insert (leaflet enclosed)].

We know that many schools are already achieving excellent outcomes for young carers with the support of [insert name of young carers service]]. The Young Carers in Schools enables your school to gain recognition for this good practice through the Young Carers in Schools Award].

Young Carers Rights to an Assessment

From 1 April 2015, the Children and Families Act 2014, and the Care Act 2014 into force, giving new rights to care and support for young carers and their families.

These changes mean that:

•Young carers have the right to a young carers needs assessment from the local authority, no matter who they care for, what type of care they provide, or how often they provide it.

•The assessment looks at appropriate levels of caring the young carer may be doing, the young carer’s needs for support, their other needs and wishes and also looks at a whole family approach.

•Young carers aged between 14 and 19 are entitled to a young carers transition assessment that will consider how to prepare for adulthood and how to raise and fulfil their aspirations.

Next steps

To find out more about the Young Carers in Schools programme, and how it can support your school to raise educational outcomes for young carers, visit

To make a referral on behalf of a young carer for a young carers assessment, please contact [insert details].

Yours faithfully,

Carers Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (1145181) and in Scotland (SC042870). Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 7697170. Registered office: 32–36 Loman Street, London SE1 0EH.

© Carers Trust 2015

The Children’s Society is a registered charity number 221124. Registered Office: Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London, WC1X 0J

Supporting Young Carers in Schools