L2-CHE-PLA-002 / Version: 1 / Effective from: 31st January 2014
Testing and Commissioning Plan
<Insert Project Name> PROJECT
Signalling Stage <Insert Stage Number or Description>
DOCUMENT NUMBER / <Insert Document NumberISSUE No. / ISSUE DATE: <Insert Date>
TESTER IN CHARGE / <Insert Name of TIC
COMPANY / <Insert Name of Company
This work is the property of Metro Trains Melbourne and is protected by copyright. The work and information herein is confidential and may not be copied, used or disclosed except with the current written authority of and in a manner permitted by Metro Trains Melbourne.
Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM)
Approving Manager: Chief Engineer / Approval Date: 31/01/2014 / Next Review Date: 31/01/2016PRINTOUT MAY NOT BE UP-TO-DATE; REFER TO METRO INTRANET FOR THE LATEST VERSION / Page 1 of 31
L2-CHE-PLA-002 / Version: 1 / Effective from: 31st January 2014
0. Document Control 4
0.1 Approval 4
0.2 Amendment Records 4
0.3 Distribution and Control 5
0.4 Distribution List 5
0.5 Definitions / Glossary of Terms / Acronyms 5
0.6 Signalling Design 8
1. Introduction 8
2. Description of Work 8
2.1 Project Overview 8
2.2 Stage(s) to be Commissioned 8
3. Site Reporting Instructions 10
3.1 Site Induction 10
3.2 Shift and Shift Change Arrangements 10
3.3 Staff Briefings 10
3.4 Site Access and Map 10
3.5 Site Accommodation and Messing Facilities 11
3.6 Transport and Accommodation Information 11
4. Testing & Commissioning Management / Coordination Arrangements 11
5. Roles and Responsibilities 11
5.1 Tester in Charge (TIC) 11
5.2 Signalling Commissioning Manager 13
5.3 Testers 13
5.4 Assistant Testers 14
5.5 Lead Design Engineer 14
5.6 Design Cover - Design Engineer 15
5.7 Design Cover - Design Checking Engineer 15
5.8 Communications and Control Systems Engineer 15
5.9 Signalling Construction Manager / Supervisor 15
5.10 Principles Tester(s) 15
5.11 Signalling Maintenance Staff 16
5.12 Signalling Witness 16
6. Extent of Work 17
6.1 List of Affected Equipment 17
6.2 Interfaces 18
6.3 Stage Work Description / Identification 18
6.4 Details of Tests to be Undertaken 18
6.5 Test Standards / Specifications / Parameters 18
6.6 Existing Equipment 18
7. Testing Resources and Independence 19
7.1 Training Requirements / Specialist Skills 19
8. Testing Methodology 19
8.1 Validation Cross Reference Matrix (VCRM) 19
8.2 Recording Tests / Checkmarks 20
8.3 Controlled Changeover of Wiring and Subsequent Testing 20
8.4 Control Table and Principles Tests 21
8.5 Through Testing 21
8.6 Use of Test Trains 22
8.7 Protection of Existing Wiring and Other Equipment 22
8.8 Control of Test Logs / Design Modifications 22
9. Test Tools / Equipment and Wiring 23
9.1 Calibration 23
9.2 Test Straps / False Feeds / Test Wiring 23
9.3 Temporary Wiring / False Feeds 23
9.4 Other Simulation Equipment or Programs 23
10. Closure List 23
11. Works by Others 24
12. Occupation / Safe Working Details 24
12.1 Limits of Occupation / Safeworking and Road Traffic Management Details 24
12.2 Operational Requirements 24
12.3 Control Centre / Signal Boxes 24
12.4 Signalling Alterations, Disconnections and Disarrangements 24
12.5 OHLE / Power 24
13. Reporting Requirements 24
13.1 Certificate of Readiness 24
13.2 Progress Reporting 24
14. Arrangements for Handback of Service 25
14.1 Maintenance Copies 25
14.2 Signal Sighting 25
14.3 Spares 25
14.4 Asset Register 25
14.5 Contingency 26
15. Safety Considerations 26
16. Testing and Commissioning Specific Risk Assessment and Mitigation 26
16.1 Risk Assessments and Mitigation 26
17. General Information 27
17.1 Communications Systems and Emergency Numbers 27
18. Appendices 28
0. Document Control
0.1 Approval
FUNCTION / POSITION / NAME / SIGNATUREPrepared By TIC / <Position of Person preparing document> / <Name of Person preparing document> / <Signature of Person preparing document>
Independent Checked by TIC / <Position of Person checking document> / <Name of Person checking document> / < Signature of Person checking document>
Approved By / <Position of Person approving document> / <Name of Person approving document> / < Signature of Person approving document>
Endorsed By (ARO Appointed Representative) / <Position of Person endorsing document> / <Name of Person endorsing document> / < Signature of Person endorsing document>
The plan shall be prepared and checked by an MTM endorsed qualified competent Tester in Charge (TIC). The preparer and checker shall be independent of one another.
Should this plan be required to be endorsed by more than one ARO then additional ARO Endorser rows to be added.
0.2 Amendment Records
Changes made to this procedure since its last issue, which affect its scope or sense, are marked in the right margin by a vertical bar (|).
ISSUE / AMENDMENT DESCRIPTION / NAME / INTIALS1 / Initial release / <Name of Person undertaking the amendment> / <Initials of Person undertaking the amendment>
0.3 Distribution and Control
This document is controlled and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Standard AS/NZ 9001:2008 and <include any company specific standard associated with the company’s quality management system>.
State here who is responsible for distribution and under what procedures of the company’s quality management system>.
It is the responsibility of the recipient to replace superseded copies with any issued updates. Superseded copies should be marked ‘SUPERSEDED’ or should be ‘DESTROYED’ as appropriate.
The details of the issue of each copy should be recorded on the cover sheet of the particular copy being distributed and also in the project document register.
0.4 Distribution List
CONTROL COPY NO. / COMPANY / TITLE / NAME<copy number> / <name of recipients company> / <title of recipient> / <name of recipient>
Once a controlled copy number has been allocated to a company this document should not be issued to any other company or person under that same number. Any updated versions shall be distributed (as the same controlled copy number) to everyone on the project document register (registered as being a controlled copy recipient). Uncontrolled copies maybe issued (but must be marked as such and will not contain a controlled copy number) for information. Recipients of uncontrolled copies do not necessarily have to be reissued with any updated versions.
0.5 Definitions / Glossary of Terms / Acronyms
List below all definitions, acronyms and glossary of terms used throughout this document as it should be noted that not all readers will be conversant with the definitions, acronyms and terms contained herein.
Analysis / Analysis is the V&V method used to verify compliance with requirements by examining documentation (e.g. engineering drawings, software, SAP, specifications and other documentation (e.g. vendor documentation), or by performing calculations and analysing the results.Analysis is used when it can be shown that an item is similar to, or identical in, design to another item that has been previously certified to, or shown compliant with, equivalent or more stringent requirements.
APLT / After the Passage of the Last Train
BPFT / Before the Passage of the First Train
Demonstration / Demonstration is the V&V method used to verify requirements by operating the system, (or a part of the system) in which instrumentation or special test equipment is not required (beyond that is already part of the system being verified).
With demonstration, sufficient data should be collected by observing operation of the system (or part of the system) to confirm requirements are satisfied. (NOTE: When the demonstration generates data that is recorded by instrumentation, IM&TE or operational procedures, analysis must be performed on this data).
IAD&T / Inspection, Analysis, Demonstration and Testing. These are the methods available to verify and validate user specified requirements and a combination of these will be used throughout the T&C process.
IM&TE / Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment. IM&TE is used to provide objective evidence of conformity of a product to specified requirements as part of IAD&T. To ensure valid results, IM&TE will be calibrated and uniquely identifiable to allow traceability and assurance of calibration status.
Inspection / Inspection is the V&V method used to confirm characteristics by visually inspecting engineering documentation produced during development/modification (hardware and software documentation as applicable) or by inspection of the product itself to verify conformance with specified requirements.
Inspection is generally non-destructive and comprises visual inspections or simple measurements without the use of precision measurement equipment.
MTM / Metro Trains Melbourne
RIWC / Rail Industry Workers Card
SAP / Signalling Arrangement Plan
SRR / System Requirements Review
T&C / Testing and Commissioning
TRR / Test Readiness Review
Testing / Testing is the V&V method used to verify requirements by exercising or operating the system, or a part of the system, using instrumentation (hardware and/or software) or special test equipment that is not an integral part of the system being verified.
Testing generates results/data that are recorded by instrumentation, test equipment or procedures. Analysis/review is performed on the results/data from the testing. This analysis is an integral part of testing.
TIC / Tester In Charge – the person responsible for the overall control of testing of the signalling system as authorised in the MTM Competency Management System.
VCRM / Validation Cross Reference Matrix. VCRM defines the V&V method (IAD&T), or combination, that will be used to assess compliance with applicable requirements. (Refer to Section 8.1.)
Validation / Validation answers the question “Are we building the right product?”
Validation ensures that a product (incl. interfaces as specified) or product component(s) meets the user specified requirements and fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment.
NOTE: The VCRM lists the validation activity against user requirements and in the user environment.
Verification / Verification answers the question “Are we building the product right?”
Verification is the process of confirming, at each phase of the system lifecycle, that the system, including interfaces, is correct, complete, accurate and consistent.
V&V / Verification and Validation.
VRIOGS / Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards
0.6 Signalling Design
The production of this T&C Plan has been based on the design documentation listed in the closure list included in Appendix A. Other signalling documentation that has been referenced in the production of this T&C Plan is listed in the table below.
Document Title / Document Number / Revision1. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to ensure that all elements of the required testing and commissioning works are identified, correctly addressed and all the required certification activities are completed before occupation of the rail corridor is returned for train running.
The TC Plan must conform with the requirements of VRIOGS 012.5 ‘Testing and Commissioning of Safety Related Signalling Systems’ and defines all testing and certification activities associated with the required works. Any specific MTM requirements, additional to VRIOGS 012.5, and usually determined and agreed at SRR to be validated, shall also be incorporated into this Plan. Refer to Section 8.1, VCRM.
NOTE: Appendix G (“Applicability Matrix (Short/Long form)”) describes when the Signalling – Long Form T&C Plan or Signalling – Short Form T&C Plan shall be used and must be applied to determine which of these Signalling T&C Plans shall be used.
The description of signalling works is provided in section 2 below.
This document shall serve as a record of scope and tests carried out for the commissioning of signalling alterations.
This plan has been derived from the Works Commissioning Management Plan. Please refer to the Works Commissioning Management Plan for the hierarchy of the project documentation.
2. Description of Work
2.1 Project Overview
<Insert name of company> has been contracted by <insert name of company> to provide for the <design, construction, testing and commissioning> of the signalling infrastructure at <insert location> as part of the <insert project name> Project.
As part of the project, signalling works will be undertaken between <insert the location of the start and end of the works (i.e. Down end of Flinders Street Station (chainage) and the Up end of Southern Cross Station (chainage)> during the <insert dates of occupation> occupation.
2.2 Stage(s) to be Commissioned
<Insert a description of the works>
<Insert a diagram if one is available>
2.2.1 <insert stage number> - <Insert Stage Name>
<Insert starting date and time> to <insert finish date and time>
Occupation Details:
· Occupation will be granted for <insert details of the occupation limits and the time that the occupation is scheduled to commence>
· The area of work shall include the temporary booking out of the following signalling equipment.
o Signals <insert signal numbers>
o Points <insert point numbers>
o Tracks <insert track numbers>
o Level Crossings <insert level crossing names>
o Pedestrian Crossings <insert pedestrian crossing names>
o Interlocking (including all indication/control systems)
Train Operations:
· Movement of trains as normal on <insert name of lines>
· No movement of trains <insert name of lines or from what point to what point train movements will not be operating>
· The following equipment will be disconnected
o Signals <insert signal numbers>
o Trainstops <insert trainstop numbers>
o Points <insert point numbers>
o Track Circuits <insert track circuit numbers>
o Level Crossings <insert level crossing names>
o Pedestrian Crossings <insert pedestrian crossing names>
· Interlocking (including all indication/control systems) Circuit changeovers and the associated bell testing, strap and function testing, null and wire counts of the circuits will be undertaken in
o Relay Room(s) <insert names of relay rooms>
o Locations <insert names of locations>
· Through testing and correspondence to the final function and signalman’s panel at <insert name of signal box and/or control centre will be performed on the following equipment