MINUTES from School Council Meeting
John W. Hubert Middle School
October 12, 2010
The Hubert Middle School Council met in its first regular 2010-2011 session on Tuesday, October, 2010 at 8:05 a.m. The meeting was held in the Executive Conference room.
P = Parents T= Teacher BP = Business Partner
Members Present:
Dr. Gequetta Jenkins—Principal Jacqueline Reed—Parent-Chair-person Marian Walker—P
James A. Platts—T
Willie Haynes—T
Mrs. Adrian Parrish—Parent Facilitator
1. The meeting was opened with introductions of the new council members at 8:05 a.m. Mrs. Parrish introduced herself and discussed her role in a parent advocacy group. Dr. Jenkins made a motion to adopt the meeting agenda which was seconded by Mr. Haynes. The minutes from the last council meeting held on January 26, 2010 were read. Dr. Jenkins made a motion to receive and adopt the minutes with all necessary corrections if any. The motion was seconded by Mr. Haynes.
2. OLD BUSINESS— Dr. Jenkins discussed the school’s new population. She explained how the student population grew from 300 students to approximately 580. She discussed how the Attendance Mapping changed students enrollment areas and how we are receiving students from Shuman, Myers, and Coastal Middle Schools. She added that the school has a New Look. “Along with growing also come the pains,’ she offered, ‘as there are minimal transition issues, ie: fights, mediation, and impulsiveness from the new students integrating the school.’ The 6th grade was originally thought to be the largest grade level, but actually the 7th and 8th grade have more students.
3. On October 1, 2010, Dr. Jenkins continued, teachers were moved from 6th to 7th, and from 6th to 8th to accommodate the needs for over-crowding in those classes. There are 13 8th graders taking advance 9th grade curricular. Dr. Jenkins added that 60% of the staff at Hubert is new this year. We have four academic coaches: Mrs. Creech, Mrs. Wallace-Lewis, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Rondeau. Mrs. Worrill, returning from last year, was the Instructional Contact Person for Massie.
4. Mr. Haynes, Career Technical Department Head, gave the council an update on the Career Technical Academy. He stated he has 60 students enrolled with 27 new computers in the Business lab with Ms. Fuller. He is also waiting on new equipment for the Culinary Arts room. He talked about setting up career profiles for all the students to determine what they really want to study. The students will be exposed to more rigorous instruction as they move forward in the program. He said that he will continue the criteria that state that students must maintain at least a B average in Reading and Math to remain in the program for next year. When asked by Dr. Jenkins how will the data be tracked? Mr. Haynes stated while working with the teachers, he will design a tracking form by the end of the nine weeks.
5. Mr. Platts, Risers Academy Lead Teacher, gave an update of the academy in its third year. He talked about how the academy started with 24 6th graders two years ago and how it has grown to 75. He talked about how the teacher composition of the academy has change to five teachers. Ms. Woolford, former Notre Dame instructor, will join the Risers Academy as the new 8th grade teacher on October 18th 2010 replacing Mrs. Smith. Mr. Platts praised his 15 8th graders as they prepare to move towards high school. He said he would love for all of the boys to go to Early College for tracking purposes. He wants a 9th grade counselor to come speak to the young men about Carnegie Units and credits so they will be familiar with the terminology.
6. Dr. Jenkins talked about Parent Access, a new communication tool for parents to monitor their child’s attendance and academic successful by computer. She added all of the methods we use to keep parents informed: PTA and Middle Grades Newsletter. Dr. Jenkins welcomed the members of the council to view of new webpage at www.HubertMiddleSchool.com. She said that every teacher in the school will one day have their own page. She finished with all communication method will appear on the webpage.
7. Dr. Jenkins talked about how the school made AYP last year and the strategies put in place this year in the Student Achievement Plan (SAP)to ensure that we make it again. She said that the 8th Grade Writing Test goal is to move from 44% to 70%, raise the SWD subgroup scores higher, the 8th grade Social Studies from 28% to 48%, reduce the number of drugs and weapons from 6% to 4%, and in Science: 6th grade from 37% to 42%; 7th grade 64% to 74%, and 8th grade 16% to 25%.
8. Dr. Jenkins also talked about the Title 1 Plan. She informed the council that this additional money is used to support school function and she detailed how the money is used in school. Four teachers are paid from this fund, new equipment like the Computers on Wheels, COWS; Study Island software licensure; additional printers, and books for our faculty book-study, “This We Believe.” Dr. Jenkins added that some of the Title 1 money goes to Mrs. Parrish, Parent Facilitator, to provide literature, books, and PTA communications to every parent. She also told the council about the R Fund, stimulus money, used to get schools stimulated. Three teachers are paid from this fund. This money will also pay for new cafeteria staff, pay for CRCT Camp payroll, and Saturday School which starts on October 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. This program is for student make-up work, remediation, and detention from administrators.
The dates for the next council meetings are January 11th, and March 8th, 2011. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 a.m.