West Kent Home and School Meeting
January 14, 2015
Welcome by Jill Cunniffe - Co-Chair
- Old Business
Parking Lot Issues/Concerns:
- Ron Kennedy from Charlottetown Police Services was present to discuss traffic issues on Viceroy Avenue and parking lots concerns/issues. The issues are related to a short window of time during student drop-offs in the morning and afternoon pick-ups. Police Services wants to work with the school, English Language School Board, other City of Charlottetown officials, and parents to ensure the safety of students.
- Police Services is open to suggestions but the immediate recommendation is to post increased signage, police patrols and enforcement of turning laws (no turns or no u-turns).
- The school and Police Services propose the distribution of traffic calming brochures for a week, and the suggestion to parents to help protect all children by obeying traffic laws, especially with regards to turning. The few extra seconds it takes to go around the block is worth it to protect our children. Also, if you are dropping off or picking up younger children on the opposite side of the street, to walk them safely across the street.
- There is a concern about the number of vehicles double parking.
- Long term recommendations need to be considered and examined, these include:
Change traffic flow, make Viceroy Avenue one-way No stopping or no parking.
Sidewalk on other side of the street with a crossing guard
- Principal’s Report – Michele LeClair
Below is the report Michele presented during the meeting:
West Kent has been a busy spot since we last met Nov. 19th. After our last meeting the school contacted City Police and the following day they were sitting outside the school…presence capacity only.
To start the month of December off, report cards went home on the 4th and teachers participated in a collaborative team day (PD) on the 5th. Grade 6’s had their second Gardisil vaccination.
December brought our Christmas Concerts, choir performances at Veterans Affairs and CBC Radio, and dance shows at a few other schools and for our own students and parents. We also had a school skate in December and went to Cinderella at Confederation Center.
Our Grade 5 and 6 students made and sold Christmas cards to raise money for our twinned school in Kenya. This year, many of our classes also made cards for seniors, an initiative of Murphy Pharmacies and HOT 105.5. Our Grade 6 classes visited the Prince Edward Home to bring Christmas wishes. We finished 2014 with Reindeer Games for students in grades 1-6.
Students are participating in Gymnastics for Phys. Ed. After School Sports continue with the grade 3’s moving to Tuesdays and Thursday to balance numbers, Chess Club continues and Knitting Club begins next week.
Eight of our students have been selected for Honors Choir and are preparing for a performance in March.
I met with City Police regarding student safety / traffic concerns on Viceroy Avenue and have been in discussions with the ELSB regarding French Immersion.
Students in Grades 4-6 will soon begin preparing for Science Fair. We will also be offering Heritage Fair to interested students in Grades 5 and 6.
- Treasurer’s Report - Bob Gollaher
- The bank balance is $12,471.29
- The Teacher Allotments for the 2015-16 school year is estimated to be approximately $2500, the funds will be allocated from the current funds on hand.
- The estimate for the annual fee for Hot Lunches(on-line lunch ordering system) is between $300-$350, but $400 will be allocated until the amount can be confirmed. The amount is due August 1, 2015 (covers from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2016) but will be paid in late Spring for nextyear
- Old Business
4.1French Immersion
- Jill spoke to Doug MacDougall (Director, Curriculum Delivery, English Language School Board) about offering mid-immersion at West Kent School. Other jurisdictions are abandoning mid-immersion and going back to early immersion programs. There are a number of other challenges including one of the largest challenges which is to plan for mid-immersion from year to year when there are a number of Charlottetown area schools that all feed into one mid-immersion program. Gulf Shore School invited Michele and West Kent Home &School Executive to visit the school to discuss mid-immersion. However continuing to pursue the option of introducing a mid-immersion program at West Kent at this time without strong support from key stakeholders would be very challenging.
- The next option is to consider introducing early immersion at West Kent. There are students zoned for West Kent enrolled in French immersion and therefore attending Spring Park School.
- The capacityof Spring Park School is around 460-470,but this year has 525 and counting, rather than pack one school, the better approach would be to have more then have one stream of French immersion.
- Currently West Kent has declining numbers, eventually we will have more combined classes, declining services outside core classroom and there will be fewer parents to be involved. The goal is to sustain the school student population proactively.
- There was a brief discussion around sending a survey to parents.
4.2 Active at School Grant
Canadian Tire Active at school grant form was completed and the school received $1,800 for sports equipment.The school will be receiving snowshoes and badminton equipment.A loaner program for snow shoes for West Kent families will be introduced for the snowshoe equipment to support and incorporate active lifestyle choices into community.
4.3Parent Leadership Grant
West Kent would like to apply for a Parent Leader Grant. There are a number of topics/interests a grant application could be submitted to support including:
- Indentifying 2-3 topics of interest to parents and organize sessions/speakers (provide babysitting, arts and crafts and nutrition break). One topic identified during the meeting was preparing students for junior high
- Mindfulness Workshop to help children to calm down and teach that the techniques/foundation to West Kent families (including our children)
4.4School Lunch Program update
During the November meeting there was some discussion about offering new options to the lunch program.
- Swiss Chalet can offer chicken soup, the roll (buttered and cut in half) for $3 per meal including tax and delivery charges.
- Peggy has been trying to contact Subway.
- New Business
5.1 Mentorship Book Funding Request
- Maureen Cassivi and Tanya Newson are co-chairs of the School Effectiveness Committee (responsible for organizing school PD days).
- The goal is writing in primary and elementary grades and createavid readers in the school.
- The committee is requesting funding in the amount of $500 for the purchase of additional Hackmatack Books. These rich text books will add to the library of books in the Literacy Lab. The school does supply some books but the teachers feel they can move the school forward with more books. It will assist teachers in classroom and learners in school.
- The parents present at the meeting approved the funding request for $750.
5.2Resolution for ELSB for Snowday policy
- West Kent Home and School exective would like to draft and propose a Storm Closure resolution to the PEI Home and School Federation to be presented at the AGM in April. The intent of the resolution is to clarify how to decisions are made to cancel and/or delay school.
5.3Succession Planning
- Peggy is completing her term as co-chair, and Bob completing his term as treasure. For the 2015-16 school year, we are looking for a co-chair, secretary and treasurer.
- Lilly Gillespie is retiring the end of January. Home and School will purchase a gift certificate for Lilly to recognize her work and contribution to the West Kent School.
- The date for Fall Fair should be chosen before the end of the school year, and give consideration to date of the Provincial Track and Field to ensure there are no schedule conflicts.
3.1Meeting Dates
The next meeting date is to be determined.
Meeting was adjourned.
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