Wyan- Pine Grove Week 1

Skill: Number Properties and Operations

Math Kindergarten

This test section contains FOUR multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Please circle your answers for the multiple-choice questions

1. Teacher will sing to tune “Skip to My Lou”.

“Come straight down and that is all.”

“Come straight down and that is all.”

“Come straight down and that is all.”

“That’s how we write the number one.”

Which of the following blocks has the number 1?

A. O

B. O

C. O

2. Which pictures show 2 teddy bears?

A. O

B. O

C. O

3. Which bus is the smallest of the group?

A. O

B. O

C. O

4. How many girls are in the pictograph?

Girls / Girls
/ Girls
/ Girls
/ Girls

/ Boys
/ Boys

A. O 5

B. O 2

C. O 3

Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
RD-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems
There are many shapes all around us.

5. / A. Identify a shape that you see in your classroom.
B. Draw a picture of an object that has that same shape as the one in your
classroom. Explain your picture/illustration to your teacher.
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet


Student Name______

Scoring Guide

4 / All Parts Complete, Correct and Clear
3 / All Parts Complete and Correct
2 / 1 Part Complete and Correct
1 / Parts Of Correct Answer
0 / Student’s response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.

Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ

Academic Expectation: 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately.

Core Content: MA-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems.

Ceiling DOK Level: 1 Question DOK Level: 2

Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information

An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student’s understanding………. to identify shapes in real world situations, illustrate a similar shape

For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student can

Ø  A. Students will choose an object to draw a picture of that has a similar shape to the one they chose in the room. Display their illustration with their teacher and explain the results.

Essential Vocabulary: shapes, similar, picture, illustration


Instructional Games:



Lesson plans:


Work Sheets:/Games


Information and Resources taken from:


Harcourt textbook


Saxon math book

Question / First
A.E. / First CC / DOK Ceiling Level / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately. / RD-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems / 2 / 2 / B. / Number Recognition
2 / 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately. / RD-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems / 2 / 2 / A. / Counting Objects
3 / 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately. / RD-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems / 2 / 2 / B. / Sort objects by size
4 / 2.7 Students understand number concepts and use numbers appropriately and accurately. / RD-EP-1.3.1 Students will analyze real-world problems to identify the appropriate mathematical operations, and will apply operations to solve real-world problems / 2 / 2 / A. / Number Recognition

Multiple Choice Item Information: