PMA AG and BWEW 19.4/18.10

18th Meeting of the Advisory Group on Pollution, Monitoring and Assessment


October 9th, 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria

The 18th PMA AG Meeting took place back to back with the BS Conference on Climate Change. Invited guests were:

Mr. Yuri Ilin

Marine Branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (MB UHMI)

61, Soviet Street, 99011, Sevastopol, Ukraine


Mr Alexander Postnov

Deputy Director

State Oceanographic Institute

Moscow, Russian Federation

Tel: +7499 246 0167


Mrs Adriana Cociasu

NIMRD, Constanta



Abbreviations used: VV (Violeta Velikova); D (Decision); R - reminder

Chairman: Dr. Radu Mihnea.

The report includes tree Annexes: Annex I - Report on the Decision of the group during the 17th PMA AG meeting. Annex 2 is about the performance in relation to the BSC Work plan for 2007/8. Annex 3 – Methodology for calculation of Nutrients indicator in the Black Sea.

A1: Opening and welcome, introduction of participants, approval of the Agenda, minutes of the previous meeting.

The chairman Dr. Radu Mihnea welcomed all, participants presented themselves, the Agenda was approved and the minutes of the 17th PMA AG meeting were discussed, then approved. The Decisions of the previous PMA AG were overviewed (Annex 1 to this report).

A2: PMA Reporting – GAPs in data collection. Countries contributions to the Annual report of the AGs for the Commission[1].

BG – reported by Mr. Merkulov. Request: Provide Word Format for the Annual report.

GE – reported by Mrs. M. Arabidze. Request: Check the units, provide map of sampling stations, of possible.

RO – reported by Mr. R. Mihnea;

RU - reported by Mr. Korshenko;

TU – reported by Mr. E. Cavus; Request: Provide the presentation itself and Word Format for the Annual report.

UA – reported by Mr. V. Komorin.

Korshenko (RU): National Authorities have to care and financially support the monitoring. The Commissioners have to be regularly informed about the problems with the monitoring system in the region. It should be clearly stated who finances and how much pays for supporting of national monitoring.

The present governmental support to monitoring varies a lot from state to state. UA requests 150 000 USD (???) per cruise, but they are not yet given. TU provides 250 000 USD. Romania has stable financial support from the Ministry of environment – 300 000 Euro per year.

Recommended: In the SAP IR to include information on the performance of the Monitoring by the states.

Mr. Denga: The BSC PS to send official letter to all Ministries of environment in the region asking them to provide regular support to the agreed BS monitoring program. This was also one of the main messages of the BS scientific Conference (6-9th of October 2008) on Climate Change. Without regular monitoring, we can have no proper policy development and management in the Black Sea region, no prevention and mitigation as well.

D: The letter (requesting support for monitoring) will be sent by the BSC PS.

The problem with the Danube nutrient loads has been raised – the difference persistently observed between the estimates of loads based on measurements at Reni and Sulina. The data for 2005 shows especially significant discrepancy based on very high values of organic phosphorus reported for Reni. Mrs. O. Mihail assured the group that the issue will be brought to the attention of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and decision will be taken[2].

The Kerch accident was also discussed in view of investigations undertaken to follow the impact of the oil spilled on 11th of November 2007 as a consequence of the accident. Mr. Korshenko proposed: UA and RU jointly to collect all the available data and produce scientific report on the impact of the Kerch accident. This report to be presented during the next PMA AG meeting. The ESAS AG to be invited to join the effort. An Agreement to be officially drafted between three leading Institutions: Moscow GOIN, Odessa UkrNCEM and Sevastopol Branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute to produce the report and bring it to the attention of the BSC and public.

D: An Agreement will be officially drafted between three leading Institutions: Moscow GOIN, Odessa UkrNCEM and Sevastopol Branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute to produce a joint report on the impacts of the Kerch accident and bring it to the attention of the BSC and public.

Discussion around the revival of the PMA AC was initiated by Mr. Komorin. Four basic points of the existing PMA AC ToR were discussed:

RAC PMA tasks:

information and scientific-methodical support of the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission and Coordinating Council of the BSEP program on assessment, diagnosis and forecasting of the Black Sea environment;

scientific-methodical support of the activities of the Black Sea international monitoring system;

analyze the information obtained by Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission from the National Centers of Monitoring, preparation a review about the State of Environment of the Black Sea for AG PMA and the Permanent Secretariat;

organization of the interactive mapping service for customers via WWW standard through IMS processing.

The group expressed the following opinion: Obviously, the ToR is outdated and needs update as neither the BSEP project exists anymore, nor the BSC provides financial assistance for the monitoring in the Black Sea. The Chairman proposed all the four points to be excluded. However, the group discussed the possibility where the PMA data is given to the PMA AC and managed there in a way to facilitate the Annual Report drafted for the Commission and the 5-year SoE reports. BG, GE, TU and RU supported the idea. Mr. Korshenko proposed every half an year the PMA AC to report how the data are managed, an access to the data to be provided through the data base of the PMA AC on the Web page of UkrNCEM (as part of their data base on SQL server). The mapping services are also very much of interest to the BSC. The Chairman mentioned that if we were talking only about management of the PMA data, but not performing the monitoring and providing methodological support, then the issue could be discussed further. The BSC needs to nominate experts for analyses of the data for the 5-year SoE reports, this should not be responsibility of the PMA AC. Mrs O. Mihail supported the opinion of the Chairman.

D: The ToR of the PMA AC will be redrafted with a stress on the management of data and support to different reports. The PMA AC is expected to propose redrafted ToR for discussion. An official approval the PMA data to be given to the PMA Activity Center for management is needed. The approval should come not only from the AG but also from the Commission itself.

Mr Korshenko informed the group that jointly with Mr Denga they would try to complete the Pollution chapter of the SoE 2000-2006/7 for PCBs and PAHs. In one year full evaluation can be provided. Mr Denga mentioned about one of the basic problems – different methods and standards used in the region for measurement of TPH. The infrared method with very toxic solvent is not allowed by EU. The values of different states are not comparable. TU measures only PAHs. Needed to agree one parameter and to harmonize the procedure of measurement.

R: Mr Denga will formulate a proposal in relation to hydrocarbons and the BSC PS will distribute it among states for discussion and approval if possible.

A3 : Agreed List of Indicators

The discussion on agreed List of Indicators was postponed as none of the states provided in the 2007 report the first agreed indicator – nutrients in surface waters in spring. Mrs Velikova will distribute again the proposed methodology to calculate this indicator. End of January the Focal Points will provide the Figures described in the methodology. When the group finds out on the availability of regular data to provide the nutrient indicators from now on, then the group will move to discuss other possible indicators and the way to calculate them (methodology).

D: VV will distribute again the Nutrient indicator methodology. The Focal points will provide the figures based on their national data till the end of January.

A4. Reference/background values[3]

So far background values have been submitted only by UA (Mr Denga). BG and RO worked hard to outline their Reference values under the WFD implementation. These two states can easily provide the outcomes of their work. Hopefully, GE, TU and RO can also contribute. The task was outlined as follows: The purpose is to produce a high quality publication with description of materials and methods (for the data itself and what is the story of the sets used to work out background/reference values), what methods were used to outline the values as reference/background and what kind of classification system can be agreed on a regional level in the Black Sea.

D: The Focal points are expected to start providing the needed information on reference/background values and work toward harmonized classification system of BS ecosystem quality.

D: The information will be delivered to Mr Korsheno and M Denga. They will prepare (2 months dedicated work) the summary for all the states using also the BSIMAP data for verification. The reference values will be outlined for water and sediment. Reminder: The purpose is to produce a high quality publication with description of materials and methods (for the data itself and what is the story of the sets used to work out background/reference values), what methods were used to outline the values as reference/background and what kind of classification system can be agreed on a regional level in the Black Sea.

A5: Harmonization of pesticides methods, standards

What is the situation in the region with measuring pesticides was discussed.

BG – measures. Regional Labs under EEA.

GE- no, needed equipment to start.

RO – Monaco Guidelines used.

RU – the methodology of Orodovski. It was developed for a special equipment, which is obviously quite outdated already. However, 1 mln rubles needed to get new equipment and update of the method. Typhon measures.

TU – measures, Mr Halil Sur to be contacted for the Quasimeme results.

UA – measures, methodology reported.

The group expressed opinion that there was no need to agree on one and the same method to be used as the equipment in different states is different. If the Quasimeme exercise shows good results, this is the important point – it will mean that comparisons between the measurements of the different labs are possible and analyses based on them will be scientifically sound.

R: The BSC PS asked the Focal points to specifically report on the Quasimeme results for pesticides.


Mrs O. Mihail proposed the Marine Strategy Framework Directive to be distributed and taken into consideration where possible.

R: Mrs Mihail will distribute the Directive to the AG members.

VV informed that a National Plan is in process of drafting in Bulgaria to start implementing the Marine Strategy. TU expressed willingness for closer cooperation with BG and RO in their process of transposition of EU legislation and policies.

Mr. Merkulov raised the question about unification of assessments of coastal waters, having the same classification system as developed under the EU WFD. The group and the BSC PS finds the idea very good but for the moment Russia uses absolutely different classification system, the quality standards in the region are not harmonized, many of them are badly in need to be revised. The BSC PS and PMA AG should push stronger for the harmonization in all these aspects and finally arrive at a common classification system with visualization on the WEB page of the Commission (Fig. 1, re-drawn from the presentation of Mr Merkulov, as an example).

Decisions and reminders of the 18th PMA AG meeting, 9th of October 2008

D18.1: A letter requesting support for monitoring will be sent by the BSC PS to BS states Ministries of Environment.

D18.2: An Agreement will be officially drafted between three leading Institutions: Moscow GOIN, Odessa UkrNCEM and Sevastopol Branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute to produce a joint report on the impacts of the Kerch accident and bring it to the attention of the BSC and public. One year duration of the project.

D18.3: The ToR of the PMA AC will be redrafted with a stress on the management of data and support to different reports. The PMA AC is expected to propose redrafted ToR for discussion. Official approval the PMA data to be given to the Activity Center for management is needed. The approval should come not only from the AG but also from the Commission itself.

D18.4: VV will distribute again the Nutrient indicator methodology. The Focal points will provide the figures based on their national data till the end of January.

D18.5: The Focal points are expected to start providing the needed information on reference/background values till end of March (???) and work toward harmonized classification system of BS ecosystem quality.

D18.6: The information on reference values will be delivered to Mr Korsheno and M Denga. They will prepare (2 months dedicated work) the summary for all the states using also the BSIMAP data for verification. The reference values will be outlined for water and sediment. Reminder: The purpose is to produce a high quality publication with description of materials and methods (for the data itself and what is the story of the sets used to work out background/reference values), what methods were used to outline the values as reference/background and what kind of classification system can be agreed on a regional level in the Black Sea.


R18.1: Mr Denga will formulate a proposal in relation to hydrocarbons and the BSC PS will distribute it among states for discussion and approval if possible.

R18.2: The BSC PS asked the Focal points to specifically report on the Quasimeme results for pesticides.

R18.3: Mrs Mihail will distribute the Directive to the AG members.

R18.4: BG to provide its contribution to the Annual report of the group in Word Format.

R18.5: GE check the units in the report for 2006 and 2007, provide map of sampling stations, of possible.