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1. The study organization involved in this case is:

1.____ the CAC agency

2.____ Comparison Site

2. What is the case identification number?


3. What was the date of the initial investigation/assessment of this case by the study organization?

___/___/___ (MM/DD/YR)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected by agency


4. What is the child’s date of birth?


98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

5. What was the child’s age in years at the time of the first occurrence of the alleged abuse?

1.______(AGE IN YRS)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

6. What is the child’s sex?

1.____ male

2.____ female

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

7. What is the child’s race?

1.____ American Indian or Alaska Native

2.____ Asian

3.____ Black or African American

4.____ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

5.____ White

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

8. What is the child’s ethnic identity?

1.____ Hispanic or Latino

2.____ Not Hispanic or Latino

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

9. What is the child’s family overall annual household income?

1. ____ AFDC/TANF

2. ____ $10,000 or less

3. ____ $10,001-25,000

4. ____ $25,001-50,000

5. ____ 50,0001 or more

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

10. What is the child’s placement in school?

1.____ not in school yet

2.____ placement is on grade

3.____ placement is below grade

4. ____ special placement, academic

5.____ special placement, behavior

6.____ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

11. What is the educational level achieved by the child’s male adult caregiver?

1.____ elementary school

2.____ some high school

3.____ high school diploma

4.____ GED

5. ____some undergraduate college

6.____ undergraduate college degree

7.____ graduate education

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

12. What is the child’s adult male caregiver’s job or occupation?


98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

13. What is the educational level achieved by the child’s adult female caregiver?

1.____ elementary school

2.____ some high school

3.____ high school diploma

4.____ GED

5. ____some undergraduate college

6.____ undergraduate college degree

7.____ graduate education

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

14. What is the child’s adult female caregiver’s job or occupation?


98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

15. Does the child have a disability?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

16. What disability does the child have? ( CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1. ____ cognitive/intellectual impairment(s)

2. ____ learning disability

3. ____ developmental

4. ____ ADD, ADHD

5. ____ emotional

6. ____ orthopedic

7. ____ speech

8. ____auditory

9. ____ visual

10.___ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

17. Is English the child’s primary language?

1.____ yes


98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

18. What is the child’s current living situation?

1.____ in parents’ or primary caregiver’s home

2____ in foster/adoptive home

3.____ residing with other relatives

4.____ in residential/institutional treatment

5.____ in group home

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

19. What was the child’s living situation at the time of the alleged abuse?

1.____ in parents’ or primary caregiver’s home

2.____ in foster/adoptive home

3.____ residing with other relatives

4.____ in residential/institutional treatment

5.____ in group home

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

20. What was the child’s living situation at the conclusion of the investigation?

1.____ did not relocate (GO TO SECTION III)

2.____ was relocated to known relative

3.____ was relocated to unknown relative

4.____ was placed in foster care

5.____ was placed in residential/institutional care

6.____ in group home

7.____ other (SPECIFY______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

21. If the child was relocated, what was the mandating mechanism?

1.____ voluntary

2.____ CPS, ex parte

3.____ Law Enforcement

4.____ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected


22. What type of abuse was the child alleged to have been exposed to? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1.____ neglect

2.____ physical abuse

3.____ emotional abuse

4.____ sexual abuse

5.____ threat of harm

6.____ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

23. After investigation, what type of abuse was the child believed to have been exposed to? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1.____ none (GO TO SECTION VI)

2.____ physical neglect

3.____ physical abuse

4.____ emotional abuse

5.____ sexual abuse

6.____ threat of harm

7.____ medical neglect

8.____ educational neglect

9.____ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case ( GO TO SECTION IV)

99.___ information not being collected ( “ “ “ IV)

24. Whatever the type of abuse exposed to, was the child in any way physically hurt or injured while being abused?

1.____ no

2.____ yes, mildly so

3.____ yes, moderately so

4.____ yes, severely so

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

25. Was physical force used in making the child submit to the abuse?

1.____ no

2.____ yes, mildly so

3.____ yes, moderately so

4.____ yes, severely so

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

26. Was any other form of coercion used to make the child submit to the abuse?

1.____ yes

2.____ no (GO TO QUESTION 28)

98.___ information missing for this case ( GO TO QUESTION 28)

99.___ information not being collected ( GO TO QUESTION 28)

27. What form of coercion was actually used? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1.____ persuasion ( e.g., seduction, promise of gifts, backrubs)

2.____ verbal threats (e.g., withholding gifts, privileges)

3.____ threatened use of physical, bodily force

4.____ threatened use of fire arm or other weapon

5.____ actual brandishing of a weapon (firearm, knife, etc.)

6.____ other threatening behavior(s) (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

28. Were any other manipulative or exploitative behaviors used to make the child submit?

1.____ yes

2.____ no (GO TO QUESTION 30)

98.___ information missing for this case ( “ “ “ 30)

99.___ information not being collected ( “ “ “ 30)

29. If so, what kind of behaviors were these?

1.____ justification of the abusive act ( e.g., expression of love, trust, etc.)

2.____ injunction against telling others ( e.g., threat, secrecy, etc.)

3.____ grooming

4.____ other manipulative behaviors (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

30. What was the duration of the abuse the child was exposed to?

1.____ one single incident

2.____ one week or less

3.____ more than one week, but not exceeding a month

4.____ multiple months (INDICATE NUMBER OF MONTHS:______)

5.____ one full year

6.____ multiple years (INDICATE NUMBER OF YEARS:______)

7.____ unable to determine

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

31. How often was the child abused in the current episode under investigation?


2.____ unable to determine

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

32. What was the non-offending caregiver’s knowledge of the abuse when it occurred?

1.____ had no knowledge of the incident(s) while it ( they) occurred (GO TO QUESTION 34)

2.____ had knowledge of incident

3.____ was suspicious, but not certain

98.___ information missing for this case (GO TO QUESTION 34)

99.___ information not being collected ( “ “ “ 34)

33. What action(s) did this non-offending caregiver take? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):


2.____contacted law enforcement

3.____ contacted CPS

4.____ contacted LCC ( =CAC agency)

5.____ contacted medical authority

6.____ contacted other(s) (SPECIFY:______)

7.____ relocated child

8.____ relocated with child

9.____ restricted contact child – alleged offender

10.____ removed alleged offender

11.___ took other protective action(s) (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

34. If the child was sexually abused, what kind of sexual behavior(s) was the child exposed to? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1. ____ sexually suggestive talk, hugs, kissing

2. ____ visual exposing of genitals (abuser or child),

3.____ pornography ( magazines, video, internet, nude picture taking etc. )

4. ____ fondling over child’s clothes

5. ____ fondling under child’s clothes

6. ____ simulated intercourse over clothes

7. ____ child masturbating abuser or involved in abuser’s masturbation

8. ____ simulated intercourse under clothes (penis between child’s legs, no penetration)

9. ____ oral contact (abuser to child’s genitals)

10. ____ oral contact (child to abuser’s genitals)

11..___ digital or object penetration

12. ___ vaginal or anal intercourse(including unsuccessful attempts)

13.___ ejaculation

14. ___ exposition (prostitution)

15. ___ ritual and satanic abuse or sexualized torture

16. ___ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

35. If the child was physically abused, what kind of physically abusive behaviors was the child exposed to? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1. ____ pushing or shaking

2. ____ excessive disciplinary spanking (limited to buttocks, no injury or bruising)

3. ____ pinching, biting, etc., causing limited surface injury

4. ____ hitting and other minor assaults e.g., hit, punched, kicked, or hit with object

5. ____ using an amount of force that could reasonably be expected to cause serious injury

(e.g., minor bruises in a limited area, a small scratch, etc)

6.____ inflicting burns to a limited extent including minor impulsive burns

(e.g. a single impulsive cigarette burn)

7. ____ threatening with a weapon (e.g. gun or knife)

8. ____ battery, beatings, and other major assaults – hit, punched, kicked, or hit with an object

using a degree of force that could reasonably be expected to cause serious injury

(e.g., severe or numerous bruises, swelling, bleeding, lost teeth, scars, broken bones)

9. ____ attack with weapon (e.g. gun or knife) causing injury

10. ___ being burned extensively (e.g. more than a single burn or any burn with more than a

small surface area)

11.___ kept in restraints, locked up, held in seclusion, other mobility constraints

12.___ sadistic injury or torture

13.___ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected


36. In this particular case of abuse, has an alleged offender been identified?

1.____ yes

2.____ no (GO TO SECTION V)

98.___ information missing for this case ( “ “ “ V)

99.___ information not being collected ( “ “ “ V)

37. If individuals made the identification of the alleged offender, who were they? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1.____ the child

2.____ parent(s), step-parent(s), other adult caregiver(s)

3.____ other family members

4.____ extra-familial adult observer, witness, child confidant

5.____ extra-familial child/adolescent observer, witness, child confidant

6.____ other individual(s) (SPECIFY:______)

7.____ other evidence (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

38. If the investigation led to the identification of an alleged offender, which were the major sources of identification?(CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1.____ law enforcement investigation

2.____ CPS investigation

3.____ medical evidence

4.____ forensic interview ( CHECK AGENCY(-IES):____LE;____CAC;____CPS;____Other )

5.____ other evidence( SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

39. What was the relationship of the alleged offender to the child exposed to the abuse?

1. ____ biological parent

2. ____ step parent

3. ____ foster parent

4. ____ other relative primary caregiver

5. ____ other relative non-caregiver

6. ____ mother’s paramour

7. ____ father’s paramour

8. ____ sibling, stepsibling

9.____ non-relative caregiver (e.g., daycare staff, teacher, etc.)

10.___ non-relative adult in position of authority to the child

11.___ adult known to the child

12.___ adult unknown to the child

13.___ another child (e.g., neighborhood or school friend, playmate)

14.___ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

40. What is the alleged offender’s sex?

1.____ male

2.____ female

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

41. What is the alleged offender’s race?

1.____ American Indian or Alaska Native

2.____ Asian

3.____ Black or African American

4.____ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

5. ___ White

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected)

42. What is the alleged offender’s ethnic identity?

1.____ Hispanic or Latino

2.____ Not Hispanic or Latino

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

43. What is the alleged offender’s age in years?

1._____(AGE IN YEARS)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

44. If alleged offender’s age is unknown, was he/she ?

1.____ a child

2.____ an adolescent

3.____ an adult

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

45. Was the alleged offender living with the child at the time of the abuse?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

46. Was the alleged offender reported to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the alleged abuse?

1.____ no

2.____ yes, alcohol

3.____ yes, other drugs (SPECIFY:______)

4.____ yes, alcohol and other drugs

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

47. Was the alleged offender reported to have given alcohol or drugs to the child as part of the abusive act?

1.____ no

2.____ yes, alcohol

3.____ yes, other drugs (SPECIFY:______)

4.____ yes, alcohol and other drugs

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

48. At the time of the very first investigative interview, had an alleged offender been identified?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

49. If yes, had the alleged offender been arrested or otherwise detained?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

50. At the time of the very first investigative interview, had any court issued a restraining order to protect the child from the alleged offender?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

51. What was the alleged offender’s initial response to the allegation of abuse?

1.____ denies all wrongdoing

2.____ neither denies nor admits

3.____ admits abusive act, but takes no responsibility

4.____ admits and takes full responsibility for the abusive act

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

52. What was the alleged offender’s final response to the allegationof abuse?

1.____ denies all wrongdoing

2.____ neither denies nor admits

3.____ admits abusive act, but takes no responsibility

4.____ admits and takes full responsibility for the abusive act

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

53. Was there more than one alleged offender involved in the abuse?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

54. If more than one alleged offender was reported, how many others were identified?


98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected


55. What was the first indicator that the child might have been abused? (CHECK ONE):

1.____ child disclosure

2.____ child behavior

3.____ psychopathological symptoms ( e.g., anxiety, depression)

4.____ overt physical signs (e.g., bruises)

5.____ medical evidence

6.____ witness

7.____ contact with suspected or known offender

8.____ other (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

56. Did the child involved in the abuse, make a disclosure of that experience?

1.____ yes

2.____ no (GO TO QUESTION 61)

98.___ information missing for this case ( “ “ “ 61)

99.___ information not being collected ( “ “ “ 61)

57. Who was the first person the abused child spoke to about the incident?

1. ____ biological mother

2. ____ biological father

3. ____ stepparent

4. ____ sibling/step-sibling

5. ____ foster parent

6. ____ grandparent

7. ____ other relative

8. ____ friend

9. ____ teacher

10. ___ social worker

11. ___ mental health provider

12. ___ health care provider

13. ___ rape crisis center/victim services

14. ___ law enforcement professional

15. ___ legal representative

16. ___ other adult (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

58. Did the child ever recant the initial disclosure of the abuse experienced?

1.____ yes

2.____ no

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

59. How much time elapsed between the abusive incident experienced and the child’s disclosure or reportof that incident?

1.____ hours (INDICATE NUMBER OF HOURS:______)

2.____ days (INDICATE NUMBER OF DAYS:______)

3.____ months (INDICATE NUMBER OF MONTHS:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

60. Who was (were) the primary caregiver(s) of the abused child at the time the abuse took place?

1. ___ biological parent

2. ____ biological parents

3. ____ step parent(s)

4 .____ foster parent(s)

5. ____ other adult relative(s)

6. ____ non-related adult(s)

7.____ residential/institutional care

8. ____ no one

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

61. In the case of there being one primary caregiver only, what is the caregiver’s sex?

1.____ male

2.____ female

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

62. What was the marital status of the child’s primary caregiver(s) at the time the abuse took place?

1 ____ married, two parent household (including step/foster parents)

2.____ divorced or separated, single parent household

3.____ widowed, single parent household

4.____ never married, single parent household

5.____ single parent and paramour

6.____ foster or adoptive parent(s)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

63. Was the primary caregiver supportive of child following the disclosure or discoveryof the abuse experienced?

1. ____ yes

2. ____ ambivalent

3. ____ no

4. ____ the child did not disclose

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

64. Was the primary caregiver supportive of the child when informed about the outcome of the forensic interview with the child?

1. ____ yes

2. ____ ambivalent

3. ____ no

4. ____ the child was not interviewed

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

65. Was the primary caregiver supportive of the child during the course of the legal proceedings about the abuse?

1. ____ yes

2. ____ ambivalent

3. ____ no

4. ____ there were no legal proceedings

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected


A. General

66. Which agencies were involved in any investigation or assessment of this particular case? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):

1_____ CPS

2.____ law enforcement

3.___ _ Office Prosecutor

4.____ CAC agency

5.____ medical examiner(s) (hospital, clinic, individual physician)

6.____ mental health agency

7.____ social service agency ( non-governmental)

8.____ school

9.____ GAL, CASA

10.___ victim advocacy

11.___ other service entity (SPECIFY:______)

98.___ information missing for this case

99.___ information not being collected

67. If a single-agency case,which agency (among the following three) assumed responsibility for it?

1.____ Law Enforcement (=LE)